7 research outputs found

    Multiuser Millimeter Wave Beamforming Strategies with Quantized and Statistical CSIT

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    To alleviate the high cost of hardware in mmWave systems, hybrid analog/digital precoding is typically employed. In the conventional two-stage feedback scheme, the analog beamformer is determined by beam search and feedback to maximize the desired signal power of each user. The digital precoder is designed based on quantization and feedback of effective channel to mitigate multiuser interference. Alternatively, we propose a one-stage feedback scheme which effectively reduces the complexity of the signalling and feedback procedure. Specifically, the second-order channel statistics are leveraged to design digital precoder for interference mitigation while all feedback overhead is reserved for precise analog beamforming. Under a fixed total feedback constraint, we investigate the conditions under which the one-stage feedback scheme outperforms the conventional two-stage counterpart. Moreover, a rate splitting (RS) transmission strategy is introduced to further tackle the multiuser interference and enhance the rate performance. Consider (1) RS precoded by the one-stage feedback scheme and (2) conventional transmission strategy precoded by the two-stage scheme with the same first-stage feedback as (1) and also certain amount of extra second-stage feedback. We show that (1) can achieve a sum rate comparable to that of (2). Hence, RS enables remarkable saving in the second-stage training and feedback overhead.Comment: submitted to TW

    Enforcing Statistical Orthogonality in Massive MIMO Systems via Covariance Shaping

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    This paper tackles the problem of downlink transmission in massive multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO) systems where the equipments (UEs) exhibit high spatial correlation and the channel estimation is limited by strong pilot contamination. Signal subspace separation among the UEs is, in fact, rarely realized in practice and is generally beyond the control of the network designer (as it is dictated by the physical scattering environment). In this context, we propose a novel statistical beamforming technique, referred to asMIMO covariance shaping, that exploits multiple antennas at the UEs and leverages the realistic non-Kronecker structure of massive MIMO channels to target a suitable shaping of the channel statistics performed at the UE-side. To optimize the covariance shaping strategies, we propose a low-complexity block coordinate descent algorithm that is proved to converge to a limit point of the original nonconvex problem. For the two-UE case, this is shown to converge to a stationary point of the original problem. Numerical results illustrate the sum-rate performance gains of the proposed method with respect to reference scenarios employing the multiple antennas at the UE for spatial multiplexing.Comment: Submitted for journal publicatio

    Achievable Sum DoF of the K-User MIMO Interference Channel with Delayed CSIT

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    This paper considers a KK-user multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) interference channel (IC) where 1) the channel state information obtained by the transmitters (CSIT) is completely outdated, and 2) the number of transmit antennas at each transmitter, i.e., MM, is greater than the number of receive antennas at each user, i.e., NN. The usefulness of the delayed CSIT was firstly identified in a KK-phase Retrospective Interference Alignment (RIA) scheme proposed by Maddah-Ali et al for the Multiple-Input-Single-Output Broadcast Channel, but the extension to the MIMO IC is a non-trivial step as each transmitter only has the message intended for the corresponding user. Recently, Abdoli et al focused on a Single-Input-Single-Output IC and solved such bottleneck by inventing a KK-phase RIA with distributed overheard interference retransmission. In this paper, we propose two KK-phase RIA schemes suitable for the MIMO IC by generalizing and integrating some key features of both Abdoli's and Maddah-Ali's works. The two schemes jointly yield the best known sum Degrees-of-Freedom (DoF) performance so far. For the case MN≥K\frac{M}{N}{\geq}K, the achieved sum DoF is asymptotically given by 6415N\frac{64}{15}N when K→∞K{\to}\infty

    Space-Time Encoded MISO Broadcast Channel with Outdated CSIT: An Error Rate and Diversity Performance Analysis

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    Studies of the MISO Broadcast Channel (BC) with delayed Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT) have so far focused on the sum-rate and Degrees-of-Freedom (DoF) region analysis. In this paper, we investigate for the first time the error rate performance at finite SNR and the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) at infinite SNR of a space-time encoded transmission over a two-user MISO BC with delayed CSIT. We consider the so-called MAT protocol obtained by Maddah-Ali and Tse, which was shown to provide 33% DoF enhancement over TDMA. While the asymptotic DMT analysis shows that MAT is always preferable to TDMA, the Pairwise Error Probability analysis at finite SNR shows that MAT is in fact not always a better alternative to TDMA. Benefits can be obtained over TDMA only at very high rate or once concatenated with a full-rate full-diversity space-time code. The analysis is also extended to spatially correlated channels and the influence of transmit correlation matrices and user pairing strategies on the performance are discussed. Relying on statistical CSIT, signal constellations are further optimized to improve the error rate performance of MAT and make it insensitive to user orthogonality. Finally, other transmission strategies relying on delayed CSIT are discussed

    Achievable sum DoF of the K-user MIMO interference channel with delayed CSIT

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    This paper considers a K-user multiple-inputmultiple-output (MIMO) interference channel (IC) where 1) the channel state information obtained by the transmitters (CSIT) is completely outdated, and 2) the number of transmit antennas at each transmitter, i.e., M, is greater than the number of receive antennas at each user, i.e., N. The usefulness of the delayed CSIT was firstly identified in a K-phase Retrospective Interference Alignment (RIA) scheme proposed by Maddah-Ali et al for the Multiple-Input-Single-Output Broadcast Channel, but the extension to the MIMO IC is a non-trivial step as each transmitter only has the message intended for the corresponding user. Recently, Abdoli et al focused on a Single-Input-SingleOutput IC and solved such bottleneck by inventing a K-phase RIA with distributed overheard interference retransmission. In this paper, we propose two K-phase RIA schemes suitable for the MIMO IC by generalizing and integrating some key features of both Abdoli’s and Maddah-Ali’s works. The two schemes jointly yield the best known sum Degrees-of-Freedom (DoF) performance so far. For the case M N ≥K, the achieved sum DoF is asymptotically given by 64 15N when K→∞