4 research outputs found

    ECG Sensor Measurements with Arduino in Biomedicine Education

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    This study was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, and these results are parts of Grant No. 451-03-68/2022-14/200132 with the University of Kragujevac - Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak and Grant No. 451-03- 68/2022-14.This paper presents the system for electrocardiogram measurements (ECG) using an Arduino microcontroller and AD8232 ECG sensor. The paper gives the basics of human heart anatomy and electrical activity which is enough for understanding the basic principles of ECG measurements. The hardware and software components are presented, as well as the given results. This system can be effectively used as an ECG measurement device and in biomedicine students’ education.Publishe

    Monitor Cardíaco Portátil con Interfaz Bluetooth “CARDIO UEES” / Portable Heart Monitor with a Bluetooth Interface “CARDIO UEES”

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    En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo e implementación de un monitor cardiaco capaz de cumplir con características de portabilidad, facilidad de uso y tiempo prolongado de operación. El diseño se divide en dos fases. En la primera, cada etapa del monitor cardiaco se implementa priorizando su consumo individual de energía. En la segunda fase, se integran las etapas para conformar el monitor cardiaco, constituido por una fuente de alimentación, una interfaz con el paciente, un micro controlador, una interfaz inalámbrica y una aplicación que se ejecuta en un teléfono inteligente. Para cumplir con las dos fases de diseño se exponen inicialmente los fundamentos teóricos y el desarrollo actual de la monitorización cardiaca. Posteriormente, para cada etapa se describen los requerimientos funcionales y las variables relevantes para su diseño. También se detallan los procesos de implementación y los procedimientos de prueba y sus resultados. Con esta investigación se pretende contribuir con una alternativa de diseño de un monitor cardiaco, que puede utilizarse por un periodo no menor a 30 días. Los resultados demostraron que el equipo desarrollado permite la monitorización cardiaca remota, facilita la movilidad de pacientes y además elimina la necesidad además elimina la necesidad de continuas recargas de energía.  ABSTRACTThis paper describes the development and implementation of a heart monitor capable of meeting portability features, easy to use and a prolonged time of operation. The design is divided into two phases. In the first, each stage of the cardiac monitor is implemented prioritizing their individual energy consumption. In the second phase, the stages are integrated to form the cardiac monitor, consisting of a power supply, an interface with the patient, a micro controller, a wireless interface and an application running on a smartphone. To fulfill the two design phases are initially exposed the theoretical foundations and the current development of cardiac monitoring. Subsequently, for each stage, the functional requirements are described and the relevant variables for the design. Also, implementation processes and test procedures and results are detailed. This research is intended to contribute to an alternative design of a heart monitor, which can be used for not less than 30 days period. The results showed that the equipment developed allows remote cardiac monitoring, facilitates the mobility of patients and also eliminates the need for continuous energy refills

    Pulse Signal System: Sensing, Data Acquisition and Body Area Network

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    Heart rate variability (HRV) is an important physiological signal of the human body, which can serve as a useful biomarker for the cardiovascular health status of an individual. There are many methods to measure the HRV using electrical devices, such as ECG and PPG etc. This work presents a novel HRV detection method which is based on pressure detection on the human wrist. This method has been compared with existing HRV detection methods. In this work, the proposed system for HRV detection is based on polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) sensor, which can measure tiny pressure on its surface. Three PVDF sensors are mounted on the wrist, and a three-channel conditioning circuit is used to amplify signals generated by the sensors. An analog-to-digital converter and Arduino microcontroller are used to sample and process the signal. Based on the obtained signals, the HRV can be processed and detected by the proposed PVDF-sensor-based system. Another contribution of this work is in designing a wireless body area network (WBAN) to transmit data acquired on the human body. This WBAN combines two different wireless network protocols, for both efficient power consumption and data rate. Bluetooth Low Energy protocol is used for transmitting data from the microcontroller to a personal device, and Wi-Fi is used to send data to other terminals. This provides the potential for remote HRV signal monitoring. A dataset consisting of two subjects was used to experimentally validate the proposed system design and signal processing method. ECG signals are acquired from subjects with wrist pulse signals for comparison as standard signal. The waveforms of ECG signals and wrist pulse signals are compared and HRV values are calculated from these two signals separately. The result shows that HRV calculated by wrist pulse has low error rate. A test of movement effect shows the sensor can resist mild motions of wrist. Some future improvements of system design and further signal processing methods are also discussed in the last chapter

    Diseño e implementación de un sistema de monitorización de temperatura capaz de comunicar de manera inalámbrica con un dispositivo móvil

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    En este trabajo se desarrolla un sistema de monitorización de temperatura capaz de comunicar de manera inalámbrica con un dispositivo móvil. El sistema está compuesto por un microcontrolador, un sensor de temperatura y un módulo Bluetooth. Las comunicaciones entre los componentes del sistema son llevadas a cabo a través de los buses de comunicación en serie SPI e I²C, mientras que las comunicaciones entre el sistema y el dispositivo móvil se realizan a través del protocolo de comunicación inalámbrica Bluetooth de bajo consumo, también conocido como BLE. En cuanto al dispositivo móvil, todas las comunicaciones con el sistema son gestionadas mediante una aplicación Android. Esta aplicación muestra las mediciones del sistema en tiempo real permitiendo a su vez configurar varios tipos de notificaciones y alarmas.This work develops a temperature monitoring system able to communicate in a wireless manner to a mobile device. The system consists of a microcontroller, a temperature sensor and a Bluetooth module. The communications between the components of the system are done through the serial buses SPI and I²C, whereas the communications between the system and mobile device are done through Bluetooth low energy, also known as BLE. On the mobile device side, all the communications with the system are handled through an Android application. This application shows real-time temperature measurements while permits to configure a wide variety of notifications and alarms.Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automátic