4 research outputs found

    Machine transliteration of proper names between English and Persian

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    Machine transliteration is the process of automatically transforming a word from a source language to a target language while preserving pronunciation. The transliterated words in the target language are called out-of-dictionary, or sometimes out-of-vocabulary, meaning that they have been borrowed from other languages with a change of script. When a whole text is being translated, for example, then proper nouns and technical terms are subject to transliteration. Machine translation, and other applications which make use of this technology, such as cross-lingual information retrieval and cross-language question answering, deal with the problem of transliteration. Since proper nouns and technical terms - which need phonetical translation - are part of most text documents, transliteration is an important problem to study. We explore the problem of English to Persian and Persian to English transliteration using methods that work based on the grapheme of the source word. One major problem in handling Persian text is its lack of written short vowels. When transliterating Persian words to English, we need to develop a method of inserting vowels to make them pronounceable. Many different approaches using n-grams are explored and compared in this thesis, and we propose language-specific transliteration methods that improved transliteration accuracy. Our novel approaches use consonant-vowel sequences, and show significant improvements over baseline systems. We also develop a new alignment algorithm, and examine novel techniques to combine systems; approaches which improve the effectiveness of the systems. We also investigate the properties of bilingual corpora that affect transliteration accuracy. Our experiments suggest that the origin of the source words has a strong effect on the performance of transliteration systems. From the careful analysis of the corpus construction process, we conclude that at least five human transliterators are needed to construct a representative bilingual corpus that is used for the training and testing of transliteration systems

    Effective retrieval techniques for Arabic text

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    Arabic is a major international language, spoken in more than 23 countries, and the lingua franca of the Islamic world. The number of Arabic-speaking Internet users has grown over nine-fold in the Middle East between the year 2000 and 2007, yet research in Arabic Information Retrieval (AIR) has not advanced as in other languages such as English. In this thesis, we explore techniques that improve the performance of AIR systems. Stemming is considered one of the most important factors to improve retrieval effectiveness of AIR systems. Most current stemmers remove affixes without checking whether the removed letters are actually affixes. We propose lexicon-based improvements to light stemming that distinguish core letters from proper Arabic affixes. We devise rules to stem most affixes and show their effects on retrieval effectiveness. Using the TREC 2001 test collection, we show that applying relevance feedback with our rules produces significantly better results than light stemming. Techniques for Arabic information retrieval have been studied in depth on clean collections of newswire dispatches. However, the effectiveness of such techniques is not known on other noisy collections in which text is generated using automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems and queries are generated using machine translations (MT). Using noisy collections, we show that normalisation, stopping and light stemming improve results as in normal text collections but that n-grams and root stemming decrease performance. Most recent AIR research has been undertaken using collections that are far smaller than the collections used for English text retrieval; consequently, the significance of some published results is debatable. Using the LDC Arabic GigaWord collection that contains more than 1 500 000 documents, we create a test collection of~90 topics with their relevance judgements. Using this test collection, we show empirically that for a large collection, root stemming is not competitive. Of the approaches we have studied, lexicon-based stemming approaches perform better than light stemming approaches alone. Arabic text commonly includes foreign words transliterated into Arabic characters. Several transliterated forms may be in common use for a single foreign word, but users rarely use more than one variant during search tasks. We test the effectiveness of lexicons, Arabic patterns, and n-grams in distinguishing foreign words from native Arabic words. We introduce rules that help filter foreign words and improve the n-gram approach used in language identification. Our combined n-grams and lexicon approach successfully identifies 80% of all foreign words with a precision of 93%. To find variants of a specific foreign word, we apply phonetic and string similarity techniques and introduce novel algorithms to normalise them in Arabic text. We modify phonetic techniques used for English to suit the Arabic language, and compare several techniques to determine their effectiveness in finding foreign word variants. We show that our algorithms significantly improve recall. We also show that expanding queries using variants identified by our Soutex4 phonetic algorithm results in a significant improvement in precision and recall. Together, the approaches described in this thesis represent an important step towards realising highly effective retrieval of Arabic text

    2003. Transliteration of proper names in cross-language applications

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    Translation of proper names is generally recognized as a significant problem in many multi-lingual text and speech processing applications. Even when large bilingual lexicons used for machine translation (MT) and cross-lingual information retrieval (CLIR) provide significant coverage of the words encountered in the text, a significant portion of the tokens not covered by such lexicons are proper names (cf e.g. [3]). For CLIR applications in particular, proper names and technical terms are particularly important, as they carry some of the more distinctive information in a query. In IR systems where users provide very short queries (e.g. 2-3 words), their importance grows even further. Proper names are amenable to a speech-inspired translation approach. When writing a foreign name in ones native language, one tries to preserve the way it sounds. i.e. one uses an orthographic representation which, when “read aloud ” by a native speaker of th