487 research outputs found

    SystemC Model Generation for Realistic Simulation of Networked Embedded Systems

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    Verification and design-space exploration of today's embedded systems require the simulation of heterogeneous aspects of the system, i.e., software, hardware, communications. This work shows the use of SystemC to simulate a model-driven specification of the behavior of a networked embedded system together with a complete network scenario consisting of the radio channel, the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol for wireless personal area networks and concurrent traffic sharing the medium. The paper describes the main issues addressed to generate SystemC modules from Matlab/Stateflow descriptions and to integrate them in a complete network scenario. Simulation results on a healthcare wireless sensor network show the validity of the approach

    From stateflow simulation to verified implementation: A verification approach and a real-time train controller design

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    Simulink is widely used for model driven development (MDD) of industrial software systems. Typically, the Simulink based development is initiated from Stateflow modeling, followed by simulation, validation and code generation mapped to physical execution platforms. However, recent industrial trends have raised the demands of rigorous verification on safety-critical applications, which is unfortunately challenging for Simulink. In this paper, we present an approach to bridge the Stateflow based model driven development and a well- defined rigorous verification. First, we develop a self- contained toolkit to translate Stateflow model into timed automata, where major advanced modeling features in Stateflow are supported. Taking advantage of the strong verification capability of Uppaal, we can not only find bugs in Stateflow models which are missed by Simulink Design Verifier, but also check more important temporal properties. Next, we customize a runtime verifier for the generated nonintrusive VHDL and C code of Stateflow model for monitoring. The major strength of the customization is the flexibility to collect and analyze runtime properties with a pure software monitor, which opens more opportunities for engineers to achieve high reliability of the target system compared with the traditional act that only relies on Simulink Polyspace. We incorporate these two parts into original Stateflow based MDD seamlessly. In this way, safety-critical properties are both verified at the model level, and at the consistent system implementation level with physical execution environment in consideration. We apply our approach on a train controller design, and the verified implementation is tested and deployed on a real hardware platform

    A model-based approach to automated test generation and error localization for Simulink/Stateflow

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    Simulink/Stateflow is a popular commercial model-based development tool for many industrial domains. For safety and security concerns, verification and testing must be performed on the Simulink/Stateflow designs and the generated code. We present an automatic test generation approach for Simulink/Stateflow based on its translation to a formal model, called Input/Output Extended Finite Automata (I/O-EFA), that is amenable to formal analysis such as test generation. The approach automatically identifies a set of input-output sequences to activate all executable computations in the Simulink/Stateflow diagram by applying three different techniques, model checking, constraint solving and reachability reduction & resolution. These tests (input-output sequences) are then used for validation purposes, and the failed versus passed tests are used to localize the fault to plausible Simulink/Stateflow blocks. The translation and test generation approaches are automated and implemented in a toolbox that can be executed in Matlab that interfaces with NuSMV

    From Verified Models to Verified Code for Safe Medical Devices

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    Medical devices play an essential role in the care of patients around the world, and can have a life-saving effect. An emerging category of autonomous medical devices like implantable pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) diagnose conditions of the patient and autonomously deliver therapies. Without trained professionals in the loop, the software component of autonomous medical devices is responsible for making critical therapeutic decisions, which pose a new set of challenges to guarantee patient safety. As regulation effort to guarantee patient safety, device manufacturers are required to submit evidence for the safety and efficacy of the medical devices before they can be released to the market. Due to the closed-loop interaction between the device and the patient, the safety and efficacy of autonomous medical devices must ultimately be evaluated within their physiological context. Currently the primary closed-loop validation of medical devices is in form of clinical trials, in which the devices are evaluated on real patients. Clinical trials are expensive and expose the patients to risks associated with untested devices. Clinical trials are also conducted after device development, therefore issues found during clinical trials are expensive to fix. There is urgent need for closed-loop validation of autonomous medical devices before the devices are used in clinical trials. In this thesis, I used implantable cardiac devices to demonstrate the applications of model-based approaches during and after device development to provide confidence towards the safety and efficacy of the devices. A heart model structure is developed to mimic the electrical behaviors of the heart in various heart conditions. The heart models created with the model structure are capable of interacting with implantable cardiac devices in closed-loop and can provide physiological interpretations for a large variety of heart conditions. With the heart models, I demonstrated that closed-loop model checking is capable of identifying known and unknown safety violations within the pacemaker design. More importantly, I developed a framework to choose the most appropriate heart models to cover physiological conditions that the pacemaker may encounter, and provide physiological context to counter-examples returned by the model checker. A model translation tool UPP2SF is then developed to translate the pacemaker design in UPPAAL to Stateflow, and automatically generated to C code. The automated and rigorous translation ensures that the properties verified during model checking still hold in the implementation, which justifies the model checking effort. Finally, the devices are evaluated with a virtual patient cohort consists of a large number of heart models before evaluated in clinical trials. These in-silico pre-clinical trials provide useful insights which can be used to increase the success rate of a clinical trial. The work in this dissertation demonstrated the importance and challenges to represent physiological behaviors during closed-loop validation of autonomous medical devices, and demonstrated the capability of model-based approaches to provide safety and efficacy evidence during and after device development