3 research outputs found

    Transitive-closure-based model checking (TCMC) in Alloy

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Software and Systems Modeling. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10270-019-00763-8We present transitive-closure-based model checking (TCMC): a symbolic representation of the semantics of computational tree logic with fairness constraints (CTLFC) for finite models in first-order logic with transitive closure (FOLTC). TCMC is an expression of the complete model checking problem for CTLFC as a set of constraints in FOLTC without induction, iteration, or invariants. We implement TCMC in the Alloy Analyzer, showing how a transition system can be expressed declaratively and concisely in the Alloy language. Since the total state space is rarely representable due to the state-space explosion problem, we present scoped TCMC where the property is checked for state spaces of a size smaller than the total state space. We address the problem of spurious instances and carefully describe the meaning of results from scoped TCMC with respect to the complete model checking problem. Using case studies, we demonstrate scoped TCMC and compare it with bounded model checking, highlighting how TCMC can check infinite paths

    Improvements to Transitive-Closure-based Model Checking in Alloy

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    Model checking, which refers to the verification of temporal properties of a transition system, is a common formal method for verifying models. Transitive-closure-based model checking (TCMC), developed by Vakili et al., is a symbolic representation of the semantics of computational tree logic with fairness constraints (CTLFC) for finite models in first-order logic with transitive closure (FOLTC). TCMC is an expression of the complete (i.e., unbounded) model checking problem for CTLFC as a set of constraints in FOLTC without induction, iteration, or invariants. TCMC has been implemented in the Alloy Analyzer. This thesis focuses on improving practical aspects of using TCMC in Alloy. We provide style guidelines for writing concise declarative models of transition systems for behavioural analysis in Alloy without any extensions to the Alloy language. We address the issue of spurious instances produced when generating instances at small scopes using the Alloy Analyzer by introducing significance axioms, which ensure the instance contains interesting behaviour. We define scoped TCMC for a state scope of n, where n is less than the size of the reachable state space, as the model checking of all transition system instances of state size n that satisfy the transition relation. By considering infinite and finite paths of a transition system separately, we can make useful deductions about the complete model checking problem from the results of scoped TCMC for certain categories of properties. The significant scope, derived from the significance axioms, provides a measure independent of computing resource limitations that a significant part of the state space has been verified, providing higher confidence in the deductions from scoped TCMC. We present case studies that demonstrate the claims and results of this work. We also compare TCMC in Alloy to NuSMV and bounded model checking in terms of modelling practices, expressibility of temporal properties, model checking results, and performance

    A Comprehensive Study of Declarative Modelling Languages

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    Declarative behavioural modelling is a powerful modelling paradigm that enables users to model system functionality abstractly and formally. An abstract model is a concise and compact representation of key characteristics of a system, and enables the stakeholders to reason about the correctness of the system in the early stages of development. There are many different declarative languages and they have greatly varying constructs for representing a transition system, and they sometimes differ in rather subtle ways. In this thesis, we compare seven formal declarative modelling languages B, Event-B, Alloy, Dash, TLA+, PlusCal, and AsmetaL on several criteria. We classify these criteria under three main categories: structuring transition systems (control modelling), data descriptions in transition systems (data modelling), and modularity aspects of modelling. We developed this comparison by completing a set of case studies across the data- vs. control-oriented spectrum in all of the above languages. Structurally, a transition system is comprised of a snapshot declaration and snapshot space, initialization, and a transition relation, which is potentially composed of individual transitions. We meticulously outline the differences between the languages with respect to how the modeller would express each of the above components of a transition system in each language, and include discussions regarding stuttering and inconsistencies in the transition relation. Data-related aspects of a formal model include use of basic and composite datatypes, well-formedness and typechecking, and separation of name spaces with respect to global and local variables. Modularity criteria includes subtransition systems and data decomposition. We employ a series of small and concise exemplars we have devised to highlight these differences in each language. To help modellers answer the important question of which declarative modelling language may be most suited for modelling their system, we present recommendations based on our observations about the differentiating characteristics of each of these languages