172 research outputs found

    Science & Technology Review December 2005

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    Lessons in Building Professional Networks During Times of Crisis and their Impact on Nuclear Security Culture: The Case of the Black Sea Women in Nuclear Network

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    This paper describes the establishment of a new professional network for women in nuclear that represents the interests of professionals in the Black Sea region. The paper examines the benefits of creating and sustaining professional networks for women, and it underlines the role of such networks in strengthening regional security culture during times of crisis using the Black Sea Women in Nuclear Network (BSWN) as a case study. In general, the network provides an interdisciplinary platform for professionals to promote gender equity and increase women’s leadership roles, as well as professional exchanges, mentoring, and training opportunities. More specifically, since its inception, the network has spearheaded several unique programs and initiatives. Many BSWN members currently work in challenging environments, which means they are especially adept at rapidly transforming problems into solutions. The network has provided concrete support to its community during the war in Ukraine and the earthquake in Türkiye and facilitated information-sharing on available resources and reliable news. With its own programs, the network provides a particular regional platform that complements other organizations’ efforts

    Advanced Simulation and Computing FY12-13 Implementation Plan, Volume 2, Revision 0.5

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    Managing at the Speed of Light: Improving Mission-Support Performance

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    The House and Senate Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittees requested this study to help DOE's three major mission-support organizations improve their operations to better meet the current and future needs of the department. The passage of the Recovery Act only increased the importance of having DOE's mission-support offices working in the most effective, efficient, and timely manner as possible. While following rules and regulations is essential, the foremost task of the mission-support offices is to support the department's mission, i.e., the programs that DOE is implementing, whether in Washington D.C. or in the field. As a result, the Panel offered specific recommendations to strengthen the mission-focus and improve the management of each of the following support functions based on five "management mandates":- Strategic Vision- Leadership- Mission and Customer Service Orientation- Tactical Implementation- Agility/AdaptabilityKey FindingsThe Panel made several recommendations in each of the functional areas examined and some overarching recommendations for the corporate management of the mission-support offices that they believed would result in significant improvements to DOE's mission-support operations. The Panel believed that adopting these recommendations will not only make DOE a better functioning organization, but that most of them are essential if DOE is to put its very large allocation of Recovery Act funding to its intended uses as quickly as possible

    Energy and Water Development: FY2011 Appropriations

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    The Energy and Water Development appropriations bill provides funding for civil works projects of the Army Corps of Engineers (Corps), the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation, the Department of Energy (DOE), and a number of independent agencies. Funding for FY2010 Energy and Water Development programs is contained in H.R. 3183, which the House passed July 17, 2009. The Senate passed its version of H.R. 3183 July 29. The Conference Committee issued its report (H.Rept. 111-278) September 30, and the House passed the conference bill October 1, and the Senate October 15. The President signed the bill October 28 (P.L. 111-85). President Obama’s proposed FY2011 budget for Energy and Water Development programs was released in February 2010. On July 15, 2010, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development approved a bill to fund these programs. In the Senate, the Energy and Water Development subcommittee approved a bill on July 20, and the full Appropriations Committee reported out S. 3635 (S.Rept. 111-228) on July 22. On September 30, the Senate and the House passed H.R. 3081, a continuing resolution that funds government programs at the FY2010 level through December 3
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