79 research outputs found

    Transferring Obligations Through Synchronizations

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    One common approach for verifying safety properties of multithreaded programs is assigning appropriate permissions, such as ownership of a heap location, and obligations, such as an obligation to send a message on a channel, to each thread and making sure that each thread only performs the actions for which it has permissions and it also fulfills all of its obligations before it terminates. Although permissions can be transferred through synchronizations from a sender thread, where for example a message is sent or a condition variable is notified, to a receiver thread, where that message or that notification is received, in existing approaches obligations can only be transferred when a thread is forked. In this paper we introduce two mechanisms, one for channels and the other for condition variables, that allow obligations, along with permissions, to be transferred from the sender to the receiver, while ensuring that there is no state where the transferred obligations are lost, i.e. where they are discharged from the sender thread but not loaded onto the receiver thread yet. We show how these mechanisms can be used to modularly verify deadlock-freedom of a number of interesting programs, such as some variations of client-server programs, fair readers-writers locks, and dining philosophers, which cannot be modularly verified without such transfer. We also encoded the proposed separation logic-based proof rules in the VeriFast program verifier and succeeded in verifying the mentioned programs

    Mechanizing a Process Algebra for Network Protocols

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    This paper presents the mechanization of a process algebra for Mobile Ad hoc Networks and Wireless Mesh Networks, and the development of a compositional framework for proving invariant properties. Mechanizing the core process algebra in Isabelle/HOL is relatively standard, but its layered structure necessitates special treatment. The control states of reactive processes, such as nodes in a network, are modelled by terms of the process algebra. We propose a technique based on these terms to streamline proofs of inductive invariance. This is not sufficient, however, to state and prove invariants that relate states across multiple processes (entire networks). To this end, we propose a novel compositional technique for lifting global invariants stated at the level of individual nodes to networks of nodes.Comment: This paper is an extended version of arXiv:1407.3519. The Isabelle/HOL source files, and a full proof document, are available in the Archive of Formal Proofs, at http://afp.sourceforge.net/entries/AWN.shtm

    An Architectural Approach to Autonomics and Self-management of Automotive Embedded Electronic Systems

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    International audienceEmbedded electronic systems in vehicles are of rapidly increasing commercial importance for the automotive industry. While current vehicular embedded systems are extremely limited and static, a more dynamic configurable system would greatly simplify the integration work and increase quality of vehicular systems. This brings in features like separation of concerns, customised software configuration for individual vehicles, seamless connectivity, and plug-and-play capability. Furthermore, such a system can also contribute to increased dependability and resource optimization due to its inherent ability to adjust itself dynamically to changes in software, hardware resources, and environment condition. This paper describes the architectural approach to achieving the goals of dynamically self-configuring automotive embedded electronic systems by the EU research project DySCAS. The architecture solution outlined in this paper captures the application and operational contexts, expected features, middleware services, functions and behaviours, as well as the basic mechanisms and technologies. The paper also covers the architecture conceptualization by presenting the rationale, concerning the architecture structuring, control principles, and deployment concept. In this paper, we also present the adopted architecture V&V strategy and discuss some open issues in regards to the industrial acceptance

    Model-checking temporal properties of real-time HTL programs

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    This paper describes a tool-supported method for the formal verification of timed properties of HTL programs, supported by the automated translation tool HTL2XTA, which extracts from a HTL program (i) an Uppaal model and (ii) a set of properties that state the compliance of the model with certain automatically inferred temporal constraints. These can be manually extended with other temporal properties provided by the user. The paper introduces the details of the proposed mechanisms as well as the results of our experimental validation.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Projets Rescue (PTDC/EIA/65862/2006), FAVAS (PTDC/EIA-CCO/105034/2008), LIACC-UP Programa de Financiamento Plurianua

    The Rhetoric and Reality of Water Quality Protection in China

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    With the majority of its freshwater sources polluted, and the pursuant incurrence of significant economic losses, and substantial health risks, China has reached a critical stage in its water resource management. Past efforts to legislate for water quality protection, although promising in content, have been less than effective. Four modes of enforcement—administrative controls, economic incentives, legal responsibility, and campaigns—have achieved only moderate success. This Comment examines the statutory and regulatory framework for water pollution control in China and suggests that if China\u27s water pollution controls are ever to be more than mere rhetoric, China must focus on eliminating conflicts of interest amongst regulators; take an absolutist rather than economic incentive based approach to pollution control; and provide sufficient funding for remedial actions while limiting future costs through increased conservation and public participation in water resource protection

    Tinzenite: Encrypted Peer to Peer File Synchronization via the Tox Protocol

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    We proposed and implemented an open source, peer to peer, file synchronization software based on the Tox communication protocol. Targeted features include full secure communication between peers, an encrypted server peer, and a focus on ease of use while retaining data security. The software suite was implemented based on the Tox protocol, with Golang as the programming language, and the server client built to offer free choice of storage mechanisms, for which we implemented support for the Hadoop distributed file system. The proof of concept implementation was shown to work and further possible work discussed

    Actris: session-type based reasoning in separation logic

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    Message passing is a useful abstraction to implement concurrent programs. For real-world systems, however, it is often combined with other programming and concurrency paradigms, such as higher-order functions, mutable state, shared-memory concurrency, and locks. We present Actris: a logic for proving functional correctness of programs that use a combination of the aforementioned features. Actris combines the power of modern concurrent separation logics with a first-class protocol mechanism - based on session types - for reasoning about message passing in the presence of other concurrency paradigms. We show that Actris provides a suitable level of abstraction by proving functional correctness of a variety of examples, including a distributed merge sort, a distributed load-balancing mapper, and a variant of the map-reduce model, using relatively simple specifications. Soundness of Actris is proved using a model of its protocol mechanism in the Iris framework. We mechanised the theory of Actris, together with tactics for symbolic execution of programs, as well as all examples in the paper, in the Coq proof assistant.Programming Language

    Actris 2.0: Asynchronous Session-Type Based Reasoning in Separation Logic

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    Message passing is a useful abstraction for implementing concurrent programs. For real-world systems, however, it is often combined with other programming and concurrency paradigms, such as higher-order functions, mutable state, shared-memory concurrency, and locks. We present Actris: a logic for proving functional correctness of programs that use a combination of the aforementioned features. Actris combines the power of modern concurrent separation logics with a first-class protocol mechanism -- based on session types -- for reasoning about message passing in the presence of other concurrency paradigms. We show that Actris provides a suitable level of abstraction by proving functional correctness of a variety of examples, including a channel-based merge sort, a channel-based load-balancing mapper, and a variant of the map-reduce model, using concise specifications. While Actris was already presented in a conference paper (POPL'20), this paper expands the prior presentation significantly. Moreover, it extends Actris to Actris 2.0 with a notion of subprotocols -- based on session-type subtyping -- that permits additional flexibility when composing channel endpoints, and that takes full advantage of the asynchronous semantics of message passing in Actris. Soundness of Actris 2.0 is proven using a model of its protocol mechanism in the Iris framework. We have mechanised the theory of Actris, together with custom tactics, as well as all examples in the paper, in the Coq proof assistant.Comment: 60 pages, 24 figure
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