166,781 research outputs found

    Leveraging Prior Knowledge in Reinforcement Learning via Double-Sided Bounds on the Value Function

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    An agent's ability to leverage past experience is critical for efficiently solving new tasks. Approximate solutions for new tasks can be obtained from previously derived value functions, as demonstrated by research on transfer learning, curriculum learning, and compositionality. However, prior work has primarily focused on using value functions to obtain zero-shot approximations for solutions to a new task. In this work, we show how an arbitrary approximation for the value function can be used to derive double-sided bounds on the optimal value function of interest. We further extend the framework with error analysis for continuous state and action spaces. The derived results lead to new approaches for clipping during training which we validate numerically in simple domains

    Reinforcement learning algorithms that assimilate and accommodate skills with multiple tasks

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    Children are capable of acquiring a large repertoire of motor skills and of efficiently adapting them to novel conditions. In a previous work we proposed a hierarchical modular reinforcement learning model (RANK) that can learn multiple motor skills in continuous action and state spaces. The model is based on a development of the mixture-of-expert model that has been suitably developed to work with reinforcement learning. In particular, the model uses a high-level gating network for assigning responsibilities for acting and for learning to a set of low-level expert networks. The model was also developed with the goal of exploiting the Piagetian mechanisms of assimilation and accommodation to support learning of multiple tasks. This paper proposes a new model (TERL - Transfer Expert Reinforcement Learning) that substantially improves RANK. The key difference with respect to the previous model is the decoupling of the mechanisms that generate the responsibility signals of experts for learning and for control. This made possible to satisfy different constraints for functioning and for learning. We test both the TERL and the RANK models with a two-DOFs dynamic arm engaged in solving multiple reaching tasks, and compare the two with a simple, flat reinforcement learning model. The results show that both models are capable of exploiting assimilation and accommodation processes in order to transfer knowledge between similar tasks, and at the same time to avoid catastrophic interference. Furthermore, the TERL model is shown to significantly outperform the RANK model thanks to its faster and more stable specialization of experts

    Transfer from Multiple MDPs

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    Transfer reinforcement learning (RL) methods leverage on the experience collected on a set of source tasks to speed-up RL algorithms. A simple and effective approach is to transfer samples from source tasks and include them into the training set used to solve a given target task. In this paper, we investigate the theoretical properties of this transfer method and we introduce novel algorithms adapting the transfer process on the basis of the similarity between source and target tasks. Finally, we report illustrative experimental results in a continuous chain problem.Comment: 201