1,059 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Domain Adaptation using Graph Transduction Games

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    Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) amounts to assigning class labels to the unlabeled instances of a dataset from a target domain, using labeled instances of a dataset from a related source domain. In this paper, we propose to cast this problem in a game-theoretic setting as a non-cooperative game and introduce a fully automatized iterative algorithm for UDA based on graph transduction games (GTG). The main advantages of this approach are its principled foundation, guaranteed termination of the iterative algorithms to a Nash equilibrium (which corresponds to a consistent labeling condition) and soft labels quantifying the uncertainty of the label assignment process. We also investigate the beneficial effect of using pseudo-labels from linear classifiers to initialize the iterative process. The performance of the resulting methods is assessed on publicly available object recognition benchmark datasets involving both shallow and deep features. Results of experiments demonstrate the suitability of the proposed game-theoretic approach for solving UDA tasks.Comment: Oral IJCNN 201

    Knowledge Transfer from Weakly Labeled Audio using Convolutional Neural Network for Sound Events and Scenes

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    In this work we propose approaches to effectively transfer knowledge from weakly labeled web audio data. We first describe a convolutional neural network (CNN) based framework for sound event detection and classification using weakly labeled audio data. Our model trains efficiently from audios of variable lengths; hence, it is well suited for transfer learning. We then propose methods to learn representations using this model which can be effectively used for solving the target task. We study both transductive and inductive transfer learning tasks, showing the effectiveness of our methods for both domain and task adaptation. We show that the learned representations using the proposed CNN model generalizes well enough to reach human level accuracy on ESC-50 sound events dataset and set state of art results on this dataset. We further use them for acoustic scene classification task and once again show that our proposed approaches suit well for this task as well. We also show that our methods are helpful in capturing semantic meanings and relations as well. Moreover, in this process we also set state-of-art results on Audioset dataset, relying on balanced training set.Comment: ICASSP 201

    Recent Advances in Transfer Learning for Cross-Dataset Visual Recognition: A Problem-Oriented Perspective

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    This paper takes a problem-oriented perspective and presents a comprehensive review of transfer learning methods, both shallow and deep, for cross-dataset visual recognition. Specifically, it categorises the cross-dataset recognition into seventeen problems based on a set of carefully chosen data and label attributes. Such a problem-oriented taxonomy has allowed us to examine how different transfer learning approaches tackle each problem and how well each problem has been researched to date. The comprehensive problem-oriented review of the advances in transfer learning with respect to the problem has not only revealed the challenges in transfer learning for visual recognition, but also the problems (e.g. eight of the seventeen problems) that have been scarcely studied. This survey not only presents an up-to-date technical review for researchers, but also a systematic approach and a reference for a machine learning practitioner to categorise a real problem and to look up for a possible solution accordingly

    Optimizing E-Commerce Product Classification Using Transfer Learning

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    The global e-commerce market is snowballing at a rate of 23% per year. In 2017, retail e-commerce users were 1.66 billion and sales worldwide amounted to 2.3 trillion US dollars, and e-retail revenues are projected to grow to 4.88 trillion USD in 2021. With the immense popularity that e-commerce has gained over past few years comes the responsibility to deliver relevant results to provide rich user experience. In order to do this, it is essential that the products on the ecommerce website be organized correctly into their respective categories. Misclassification of products leads to irrelevant results for users which not just reflects badly on the website, it could also lead to lost customers. With ecommerce sites nowadays providing their portal as a platform for third party merchants to sell their products as well, maintaining a consistency in product categorization becomes difficult. Therefore, automating this process could be of great utilization. This task of automation done on the basis of text could lead to discrepancies since the website itself, its various merchants, and users, all could use different terminologies for a product and its category. Thus, using images becomes a plausible solution for this problem. Dealing with images can best be done using deep learning in the form of convolutional neural networks. This is a computationally expensive task, and in order to keep the accuracy of a traditional convolutional neural network while reducing the hours it takes for the model to train, this project aims at using a technique called transfer learning. Transfer learning refers to sharing the knowledge gained from one task for another where new model does not need to be trained from scratch in order to reduce the time it takes for training. This project aims at using various product images belonging to five categories from an ecommerce platform and developing an algorithm that can accurately classify products in their respective categories while taking as less time as possible. The goal is to first test the performance of transfer learning against traditional convolutional networks. Then the next step is to apply transfer learning to the downloaded dataset and assess its performance on the accuracy and time taken to classify test data that the model has never seen before

    Condition Monitoring using Domain-Adversarial Networks with Convolutional Kernel Features

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    The data-based condition monitoring and diagnosis of a mechatronic system can be a challenge due to the amount of labeled data traditional methods require. Moreover, transferring a trained classification model from its source domain to another mechatronic system is a difficult task due to even minor differences between sensors, dimensions, or environmental conditions. Additionally, labeled data may not be available or difficult to obtain in this new target domain. In this paper, a novel approach to time series based domain adaptation is proposed by modifying a Domain-Adversarial Neural Network. Therefore, a MiniRocket transform is combined with an artificial neural network as a composed feature extractor. This model aims to extract domain invariant features from multivariate time series data that can be used for cross-domain condition monitoring of mechatronic systems. The model is tested for belt tension monitoring using data from two belt drives considering two types of excitation. Experimental results for wideband excitation show that the proposed model estimates the tension of the belt with high accuracy in the target domain (unsupervised). For the jerk-limited excitation, accuracy is improved for the target domain in a semi-supervised setting
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