39,342 research outputs found

    Trajectory probability hypothesis density filter

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    This paper presents the probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter for sets of trajectories: the trajectory probability density (TPHD) filter. The TPHD filter is capable of estimating trajectories in a principled way without requiring to evaluate all measurement-to-target association hypotheses. The TPHD filter is based on recursively obtaining the best Poisson approximation to the multitrajectory filtering density in the sense of minimising the Kullback-Leibler divergence. We also propose a Gaussian mixture implementation of the TPHD recursion. Finally, we include simulation results to show the performance of the proposed algorithm

    Implementation of the Gamma Gaussian Inverse Wishart Trajectory Probability Hypothesis Density Filter

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    This report contains equations used in the Gamma Gaussian Inverse Wishart Trajectory Probability Hypothesis Density (GGIWTPHD) filter

    The Trajectory PHD Filter for Coexisting Point and Extended Target Tracking

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    This paper develops a general trajectory probability hypothesis density (TPHD) filter, which uses a general density for target-generated measurements and is able to estimate trajectories of coexisting point and extended targets. First, we provide a derivation of this general TPHD filter based on finding the best Poisson posterior approximation by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence, without using probability generating functionals. Second, we adopt an efficient implementation of this filter, where Gaussian densities correspond to point targets and Gamma Gaussian Inverse Wishart densities for extended targets. The L-scan approximation is also proposed as a simplified version to mitigate the huge computational cost. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed filter is able to classify targets correctly and obtain accurate trajectory estimation

    Trajectory PHD and CPHD Filters

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    This paper presents the probability hypothesis density filter (PHD) and the cardinality PHD (CPHD) filter for sets of trajectories, which are referred to as the trajectory PHD (TPHD) and trajectory CPHD (TCPHD) filters. Contrary to the PHD/CPHD filters, the TPHD/TCPHD filters are able to produce trajectory estimates from first principles. The TPHD filter is derived by recursively obtaining the best Poisson multitrajectory density approximation to the posterior density over the alive trajectories by minimising the Kullback-Leibler divergence. The TCPHD is derived in the same way but propagating an independent identically distributed (IID) cluster multitrajectory density approximation. We also propose the Gaussian mixture implementations of the TPHD and TCPHD recursions, the Gaussian mixture TPHD (GMTPHD) and the Gaussian mixture TCPHD (GMTCPHD), and the L-scan computationally efficient implementations, which only update the density of the trajectory states of the last L time steps

    Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture trackers: continuity through random finite sets of trajectories

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    The Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture (PMBM) is an unlabelled multi-target distribution for which the prediction and update are closed. It has a Poisson birth process, and new Bernoulli components are generated on each new measurement as a part of the Bayesian measurement update. The PMBM filter is similar to the multiple hypothesis tracker (MHT), but seemingly does not provide explicit continuity between time steps. This paper considers a recently developed formulation of the multi-target tracking problem as a random finite set (RFS) of trajectories, and derives two trajectory RFS filters, called PMBM trackers. The PMBM trackers efficiently estimate the set of trajectories, and share hypothesis structure with the PMBM filter. By showing that the prediction and update in the PMBM filter can be viewed as an efficient method for calculating the time marginals of the RFS of trajectories, continuity in the same sense as MHT is established for the PMBM filter