4 research outputs found

    An Energy Efficient Data Collection Using Multiple UAVs in Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey Study

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       اليوم، مع التقدم العلمي والتكنولوجي في الروبوتات، والذكاء الاصطناعي، والسيطرة والحواسيب، المركبات البرية والجوية والبحرية قد تم الاهتمام بها. كما تم تحسين الطائرات بدون طيار (UAVs) بشكل كبير وهي مفيدة جدا للعديد من التطبيقات الهامة في الأعمال التجارية والبيئة الحضرية والعسكرية. أحد أهم استخدامات الطائرات بدون طيار في شبكات الاستشعار اللاسلكية (WSNs)  التي لديها طاقة منخفضة وقد لا تكون قادرة على الاتصال في مناطق واسعة. في هذه الحالة ، يمكن أن توفر الطائرة بدون طيار وسيلة لجمع بيانات WSN من جهاز واحد ونقلها إلى المستلم المقصود تركز هذه المقالة على مجال البحث في التطبيقات العملية للطائرات بدون طيار كجامع متنقل لشبكات الاستشعار اللاسلكية. أولا التحقيقات حول الطائرات بدون طيار المقترحة تم دراستها ومقارنة نقاط ضعفها مع بعضها البعض. وكذلك التحديات التقنية لتطبيقات الطائرات بدون طيار في شبكة الاستشعار اللاسلكية تم استكشافها.Today, with scientific and technological advances in robotics, artificial intelligence, control and computers, land, air, and sea vehicles, they have been considered. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have also significantly improved and are very useful for many important applications in the business, urban and military environment. One of the important uses of UAVs in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is that devices with low energy and may not be able to communicate in large areas. Nevertheless, a UAV can provide a tool for collecting the data of WSN from one device and transmitting it to another device. This article focuses on the field of research on practical applications of UAVs as mobile collectors for wireless sensor networks. First, the investigations of the proposed UAV were studied and compared their weaknesses with each other. Then, the technical challenges of the applications of UAVs in the wireless sensor network were explored

    Efficiency Maximization for UAV-Enabled Mobile Relaying Systems with Laser Charging

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    This work studies the joint problem of power and trajectory optimization in an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-enabled mobile relaying system. In the considered system, in order to provide convenient and sustainable energy supply to the UAV relay, we consider the deployment of a power beacon (PB) which can wirelessly charge the UAV and it is realized by a properly designed laser charging system. To this end, we propose an efficiency (the weighted sum of the energy efficiency during information transmission and wireless power transmission efficiency) maximization problem by optimizing the source/UAV/PB transmit powers along with the UAV's trajectory. This optimization problem is also subject to practical mobility constraints, as well as the information-causality constraint and energy-causality constraint at the UAV. Different from the commonly used alternating optimization (AO) algorithm, two joint design algorithms, namely: the concave-convex procedure (CCCP) and penalty dual decomposition (PDD)-based algorithms, are presented to address the resulting non-convex problem, which features complex objective function with multiple-ratio terms and coupling constraints. These two very different algorithms are both able to achieve a stationary solution of the original efficiency maximization problem. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication