9 research outputs found

    Traceable Secret Sharing Based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem

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    Traceable threshold secret sharing schemes, introduced by Goyal, Song and Srinivasan (CRYPTO\u2721), allow to provably trace leaked shares to the parties that leaked them. The authors give the first definition and construction of traceable secret sharing schemes. However, the size of the shares in their construction are quadratic in the size of the secret. Boneh, Partap and Rotem (CRYPTO\u2724) recently proposed a new definition of traceable secret sharing and the first practical constructions. In their definition, one considers a reconstruction box RR that contains ff leaked shares and, on input t−ft-f additional shares, outputs the secret ss. A scheme is traceable if one can find out the leaked shares inside the box RR by only getting black-box access to RR. Boneh, Partap and Rotem give constructions from Shamir\u27s secret sharing and Blakely\u27s secret sharing. The constructions are efficient as the size of the secret shares is only twice the size of the secret. In this work we present the first traceable secret sharing scheme based on the Chinese remainder theorem. This was stated as an open problem by Boneh, Partap and Rotem, as it gives rise to traceable secret sharing with weighted threshold access structures. The scheme is based on Mignotte\u27s secret sharing and increases the size of the shares of the standard Mignotte secret sharing scheme by a factor of 22

    Ad Hoc (Decentralized) Broadcast, Trace, and Revoke

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    Traitor tracing schemes [Chor–Fiat–Naor, Crypto ’94] help content distributors fight against piracy and are defined with the content distributor as a trusted authority having access to the secret keys of all users. While the traditional model caters well to its original motivation, its centralized nature makes it unsuitable for many scenarios. For usage among mutually untrusted parties, a notion of *ad hoc* traitor tracing (naturally with the capability of broadcast and revocation) is proposed and studied in this work. Such a scheme allows users in the system to generate their own public/secret key pairs, without trusting any other entity. To encrypt, a list of public keys is used to identify the set of recipients, and decryption is possible with a secret key for any of the public keys in the list. In addition, there is a tracing algorithm that given a list of recipients’ public keys and a pirate decoder capable of decrypting ciphertexts encrypted to them, identifies at least one recipient whose secret key must have been used to construct the said decoder. Two constructions are presented. The first is based on obfuscation and has constant-size ciphertext, yet its decryption time is linear in the number of recipients. The second is a generic transformation that reduces decryption time at the cost of increased ciphertext size. A lower bound on the trade-off between ciphertext size and decryption time is shown, indicating that the two constructions achieve all possible optimal trade-offs, i.e., they fully demonstrate the Pareto front of efficiency. The lower bound also applies to broadcast encryption and is of independent interest

    Traceable PRFs: Full Collusion Resistance and Active Security

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    The main goal of traceable cryptography is to protect against unauthorized redistribution of cryptographic functionalities. Such schemes provide a way to embed identities (i.e., a mark ) within cryptographic objects (e.g., decryption keys in an encryption scheme, signing keys in a signature scheme). In turn, the tracing guarantee ensures that any pirate device that successfully replicates the underlying functionality can be successfully traced to the set of identities used to build the device. In this work, we study traceable pseudorandom functions (PRFs). As PRFs are the workhorses of symmetric cryptography, traceable PRFs are useful for augmenting symmetric cryptographic primitives with strong traceable security guarantees. However, existing constructions of traceable PRFs either rely on strong notions like indistinguishability obfuscation or satisfy weak security guarantees like single-key security (i.e., tracing only works against adversaries that possess a single marked key). In this work, we show how to use fingerprinting codes to upgrade a single-key traceable PRF into a fully collusion resistant traceable PRF, where security holds regardless of how many keys the adversary possesses. We additionally introduce a stronger notion of security where tracing security holds even against active adversaries that have oracle access to the tracing algorithm. In conjunction with known constructions of single-key traceable PRFs, we obtain the first fully collusion resistant traceable PRF from standard lattice assumptions. Our traceable PRFs directly imply new lattice-based secret-key traitor tracing schemes that are CCA-secure and where tracing security holds against active adversaries that have access to the tracing oracle

    Optimal Bounded-Collusion Secure Functional Encryption

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    We construct private-key and public-key functional encryption schemes secure against adversaries that corrupt an a-priori bounded number of users and obtain their functional keys, from minimal assumptions. For a collusion bound of Q=Q(λ)Q=Q(\lambda) (where λ\lambda is the security parameter), our public-key (resp. private-key) functional encryption scheme (a) supports the class of all polynomial-size circuits; (b) can be built solely from a vanilla public-key (resp. private-key) encryption scheme; and (c) has ciphertexts that grow linearly with the collusion bound QQ. Previous constructions were sub-optimal with respect to one or more of the above properties. The first two of these properties are the best possible and any improvement in the third property, namely the ciphertext size dependence on the collusion bound QQ, can be used to realize an indistinguishability obfuscation scheme. In addition, our schemes are adaptively secure and make black-box use of the underlying cryptographic primitives

    On Perfect Correctness in (Lockable) Obfuscation

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    In a lockable obfuscation scheme a party takes as input a program PP, a lock value α\alpha, a message mm and produces an obfuscated program P~\tilde{P}. The obfuscated program can be evaluated on an input xx to learn the message mm if P(x)=αP(x)= \alpha. The security of such schemes states that if α\alpha is randomly chosen (independent of PP and mm), then one cannot distinguish an obfuscation of PP from a ``dummy\u27\u27 obfuscation. Existing constructions of lockable obfuscation achieve provable security under the Learning with Errors assumption. One limitation of these constructions is that they achieve only statistical correctness and allow for a possible one sided error where the obfuscated program could output the mm on some value xx where P(x)≠αP(x) \neq \alpha. In this work we motivate the problem of studying perfect correctness in lockable obfuscation for the case where the party performing the obfuscation might wish to inject a backdoor or hole in correctness. We begin by studying the existing constructions and identify two components that are susceptible to imperfect correctness. The first is in the LWE-based pseudo random generators (PRGs) that are non-injective, while the second is in the last level testing procedure of the core constructions. We address each in turn. First, we build upon previous work to design injective PRGs that are provably secure from the LWE assumption. Next, we design an alternative last level testing procedure that has additional structure to prevent correctness errors. We then provide a surgical proof of security (to avoid redundancy) that connects our construction to the construction by Goyal, Koppula, and Waters (GKW). Specifically, we show how for a random value α\alpha an obfuscation under our new construction is indistinguishable from an obfuscation under the existing GKW construction

    Collusion Resistant Watermarking Schemes for Cryptographic Functionalities

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    A cryptographic watermarking scheme embeds a message into a program while preserving its functionality. Recently, a number of watermarking schemes have been proposed, which are proven secure in the sense that given one marked program, any attempt to remove the embedded message will substantially change its functionality. In this paper, we formally initiate the study of collusion attacks for watermarking schemes, where the attacker’s goal is to remove the embedded messages given multiple copies of the same program, each with a different embedded message. This is motivated by practical scenarios, where a program may be marked multiple times with different messages. The results of this work are twofold. First, we examine existing cryptographic watermarking schemes and observe that all of them are vulnerable to collusion attacks. Second, we construct collusion resistant watermarking schemes for various cryptographic functionalities (e.g., pseudorandom function evaluation, decryption, etc.). To achieve our second result, we present a new primitive called puncturable functional encryption scheme, which may be of independent interest

    Beyond Software Watermarking: Traitor-Tracing for Pseudorandom Functions

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    Software watermarking schemes allow a user to embed an identifier into a piece of code such that the resulting program is nearly functionally-equivalent to the original program, and yet, it is difficult to remove the identifier without destroying the functionality of the program. Such schemes are often considered for proving software ownership or for digital rights management. Existing constructions of watermarking have focused primarily on watermarking pseudorandom functions (PRFs). In this work, we revisit the definitional foundations of watermarking, and begin by highlighting a major flaw in existing security notions. Existing security notions for watermarking only require that the identifier be successfully extracted from programs that preserve the exact input/output behavior of the original program. In the context of PRFs, this means that an adversary that constructs a program which computes a quarter of the output bits of the PRF or that is able to distinguish the outputs of the PRF from random are considered to be outside the threat model. However, in any application (e.g., watermarking a decryption device or an authentication token) that relies on PRF security, an adversary that manages to predict a quarter of the bits or distinguishes the PRF outputs from random would be considered to have defeated the scheme. Thus, existing watermarking schemes provide very little security guarantee against realistic adversaries. None of the existing constructions of watermarkable PRFs would be able to extract the identifier from a program that only outputs a quarter of the bits of the PRF or one that perfectly distinguishes. To address the shortcomings in existing watermarkable PRF definitions, we introduce a new primitive called a traceable PRF. Our definitions are inspired by similar definitions from public-key traitor tracing, and aim to capture a very robust set of adversaries: namely, any adversary that produces a useful distinguisher (i.e., a program that can break PRF security), can be traced to a specific identifier. We provide a general framework for constructing traceable PRFs via an intermediate primitive called private linear constrained PRFs. Finally, we show how to construct traceable PRFs from a similar set of assumptions previously used to realize software watermarking. Namely, we obtain a single-key traceable PRF from standard lattice assumptions and a fully collusion-resistant traceable PRF from indistinguishability obfuscation (together with injective one-way functions)

    New Approaches to Traitor Tracing with Embedded Identities

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    In a traitor tracing (TT) system for nn users, every user has his/her own secret key. Content providers can encrypt messages using a public key, and each user can decrypt the ciphertext using his/her secret key. Suppose some of the nn users collude to construct a pirate decoding box. Then the tracing scheme has a special algorithm, called TraceTrace, which can identify at least one of the secret keys used to construct the pirate decoding box. Traditionally, the trace algorithm output only the `index\u27 associated with the traitors. As a result, to use such systems, either a central master authority must map the indices to actual identities, or there should be a public mapping of indices to identities. Both these options are problematic, especially if we need public tracing with anonymity of users. Nishimaki, Wichs, and Zhandry (NWZ) [Eurocrypt 2016] addressed this problem by constructing a traitor tracing scheme where the identities of users are embedded in the secret keys, and the trace algorithm, given a decoding box DD, can recover the entire identities of the traitors. We call such schemes `Embedded Identity Traitor Tracing\u27 schemes. NWZ constructed such schemes based on adaptively secure functional encryption (FE). Currently, the only known constructions of FE schemes are based on nonstandard assumptions such as multilinear maps and iO. In this work, we study the problem of embedded identities TT based on standard assumptions. We provide a range of constructions based on different assumptions such as public key encryption (PKE), bilinear maps and the Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption. The different constructions have different efficiency trade offs. In our PKE based construction, the ciphertext size grows linearly with the number of users; the bilinear maps based construction has sub-linear (n\sqrt{n}) sized ciphertexts. Both these schemes have public tracing. The LWE based scheme is a private tracing scheme with optimal ciphertexts (i.e., log⁥(n)\log(n)). Finally, we also present other notions of traitor tracing, and discuss how they can be build in a generic manner from our base embedded identity TT scheme