4 research outputs found

    Zeitreihen der Landoberflächentemperatur abgeleitet aus METEOSAT-7 Satellitendaten

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    Comparison of Stochastic Global Optimization Methods: Estimating Neural Network Weights

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    Agricultural Economic

    On Training Neural Nets through Stochastic Minimization

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    The revival of multilayer neural networks in the mid 80's originated from the discovery of the backpropagation technique as a feasible training procedure. In spite of its shortcomings, it is probably the most widespread technique for training feedforward nets. In recent years, several deterministic methods more efficient than back-propagation have been proposed. In this paper a stochastic minimization algorithm, Iterated Adaptive Memory Stochastic Search, is described which does not use gradient information and is found to perform better than back-propagation on the encoder and parity problems 1 . Keywords: stochastic optimization, learning algorithms, back-propagation 1. Introduction Learning from examples, the problem which neural networks were created to solve, is one of the most important research topics in the AI community. A possible way to formalize learning from examples is to hypothesize the existence of a function that captures the underlying mapping, thereby enabling gen..