293 research outputs found

    Training for Faster Adversarial Robustness Verification via Inducing ReLU Stability

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    We explore the concept of co-design in the context of neural network verification. Specifically, we aim to train deep neural networks that not only are robust to adversarial perturbations but also whose robustness can be verified more easily. To this end, we identify two properties of network models - weight sparsity and so-called ReLU stability - that turn out to significantly impact the complexity of the corresponding verification task. We demonstrate that improving weight sparsity alone already enables us to turn computationally intractable verification problems into tractable ones. Then, improving ReLU stability leads to an additional 4-13x speedup in verification times. An important feature of our methodology is its "universality," in the sense that it can be used with a broad range of training procedures and verification approaches

    Rethinking Softmax Cross-Entropy Loss for Adversarial Robustness

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    Previous work shows that adversarially robust generalization requires larger sample complexity, and the same dataset, e.g., CIFAR-10, which enables good standard accuracy may not suffice to train robust models. Since collecting new training data could be costly, we focus on better utilizing the given data by inducing the regions with high sample density in the feature space, which could lead to locally sufficient samples for robust learning. We first formally show that the softmax cross-entropy (SCE) loss and its variants convey inappropriate supervisory signals, which encourage the learned feature points to spread over the space sparsely in training. This inspires us to propose the Max-Mahalanobis center (MMC) loss to explicitly induce dense feature regions in order to benefit robustness. Namely, the MMC loss encourages the model to concentrate on learning ordered and compact representations, which gather around the preset optimal centers for different classes. We empirically demonstrate that applying the MMC loss can significantly improve robustness even under strong adaptive attacks, while keeping state-of-the-art accuracy on clean inputs with little extra computation compared to the SCE loss.Comment: ICLR 202

    Scaleable input gradient regularization for adversarial robustness

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    In this work we revisit gradient regularization for adversarial robustness with some new ingredients. First, we derive new per-image theoretical robustness bounds based on local gradient information. These bounds strongly motivate input gradient regularization. Second, we implement a scaleable version of input gradient regularization which avoids double backpropagation: adversarially robust ImageNet models are trained in 33 hours on four consumer grade GPUs. Finally, we show experimentally and through theoretical certification that input gradient regularization is competitive with adversarial training. Moreover we demonstrate that gradient regularization does not lead to gradient obfuscation or gradient masking

    Wasserstein Adversarial Examples via Projected Sinkhorn Iterations

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    A rapidly growing area of work has studied the existence of adversarial examples, datapoints which have been perturbed to fool a classifier, but the vast majority of these works have focused primarily on threat models defined by â„“p\ell_p norm-bounded perturbations. In this paper, we propose a new threat model for adversarial attacks based on the Wasserstein distance. In the image classification setting, such distances measure the cost of moving pixel mass, which naturally cover "standard" image manipulations such as scaling, rotation, translation, and distortion (and can potentially be applied to other settings as well). To generate Wasserstein adversarial examples, we develop a procedure for projecting onto the Wasserstein ball, based upon a modified version of the Sinkhorn iteration. The resulting algorithm can successfully attack image classification models, bringing traditional CIFAR10 models down to 3% accuracy within a Wasserstein ball with radius 0.1 (i.e., moving 10% of the image mass 1 pixel), and we demonstrate that PGD-based adversarial training can improve this adversarial accuracy to 76%. In total, this work opens up a new direction of study in adversarial robustness, more formally considering convex metrics that accurately capture the invariances that we typically believe should exist in classifiers. Code for all experiments in the paper is available at https://github.com/locuslab/projected_sinkhorn

    Certifying Strategyproof Auction Networks

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    Optimal auctions maximize a seller's expected revenue subject to individual rationality and strategyproofness for the buyers. Myerson's seminal work in 1981 settled the case of auctioning a single item; however, subsequent decades of work have yielded little progress moving beyond a single item, leaving the design of revenue-maximizing auctions as a central open problem in the field of mechanism design. A recent thread of work in "differentiable economics" has used tools from modern deep learning to instead learn good mechanisms. We focus on the RegretNet architecture, which can represent auctions with arbitrary numbers of items and participants; it is trained to be empirically strategyproof, but the property is never exactly verified leaving potential loopholes for market participants to exploit. We propose ways to explicitly verify strategyproofness under a particular valuation profile using techniques from the neural network verification literature. Doing so requires making several modifications to the RegretNet architecture in order to represent it exactly in an integer program. We train our network and produce certificates in several settings, including settings for which the optimal strategyproof mechanism is not known

    Variational Inference with Latent Space Quantization for Adversarial Resilience

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    Despite their tremendous success in modelling high-dimensional data manifolds, deep neural networks suffer from the threat of adversarial attacks - Existence of perceptually valid input-like samples obtained through careful perturbation that lead to degradation in the performance of the underlying model. Major concerns with existing defense mechanisms include non-generalizability across different attacks, models and large inference time. In this paper, we propose a generalized defense mechanism capitalizing on the expressive power of regularized latent space based generative models. We design an adversarial filter, devoid of access to classifier and adversaries, which makes it usable in tandem with any classifier. The basic idea is to learn a Lipschitz constrained mapping from the data manifold, incorporating adversarial perturbations, to a quantized latent space and re-map it to the true data manifold. Specifically, we simultaneously auto-encode the data manifold and its perturbations implicitly through the perturbations of the regularized and quantized generative latent space, realized using variational inference. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed formulation in providing resilience against multiple attack types (black and white box) and methods, while being almost real-time. Our experiments show that the proposed method surpasses the state-of-the-art techniques in several cases

    Efficient Exact Verification of Binarized Neural Networks

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    We present a new system, EEV, for verifying binarized neural networks (BNNs). We formulate BNN verification as a Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) with reified cardinality constraints of the form y=(x1+⋯+xn≤b)y = (x_1 + \cdots + x_n \le b), where xix_i and yy are Boolean variables possibly with negation and bb is an integer constant. We also identify two properties, specifically balanced weight sparsity and lower cardinality bounds, that reduce the verification complexity of BNNs. EEV contains both a SAT solver enhanced to handle reified cardinality constraints natively and novel training strategies designed to reduce verification complexity by delivering networks with improved sparsity properties and cardinality bounds. We demonstrate the effectiveness of EEV by presenting the first exact verification results for ℓ∞\ell_{\infty}-bounded adversarial robustness of nontrivial convolutional BNNs on the MNIST and CIFAR10 datasets. Our results also show that, depending on the dataset and network architecture, our techniques verify BNNs between a factor of ten to ten thousand times faster than the best previous exact verification techniques for either binarized or real-valued networks

    What Do Adversarially Robust Models Look At?

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    In this paper, we address the open question: "What do adversarially robust models look at?" Recently, it has been reported in many works that there exists the trade-off between standard accuracy and adversarial robustness. According to prior works, this trade-off is rooted in the fact that adversarially robust and standard accurate models might depend on very different sets of features. However, it has not been well studied what kind of difference actually exists. In this paper, we analyze this difference through various experiments visually and quantitatively. Experimental results show that adversarially robust models look at things at a larger scale than standard models and pay less attention to fine textures. Furthermore, although it has been claimed that adversarially robust features are not compatible with standard accuracy, there is even a positive effect by using them as pre-trained models particularly in low resolution datasets

    Improving the Certified Robustness of Neural Networks via Consistency Regularization

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    A range of defense methods have been proposed to improve the robustness of neural networks on adversarial examples, among which provable defense methods have been demonstrated to be effective to train neural networks that are certifiably robust to the attacker. However, most of these provable defense methods treat all examples equally during training process, which ignore the inconsistent constraint of certified robustness between correctly classified (natural) and misclassified examples. In this paper, we explore this inconsistency caused by misclassified examples and add a novel consistency regularization term to make better use of the misclassified examples. Specifically, we identified that the certified robustness of network can be significantly improved if the constraint of certified robustness on misclassified examples and correctly classified examples is consistent. Motivated by this discovery, we design a new defense regularization term called Misclassification Aware Adversarial Regularization (MAAR), which constrains the output probability distributions of all examples in the certified region of the misclassified example. Experimental results show that our proposed MAAR achieves the best certified robustness and comparable accuracy on CIFAR-10 and MNIST datasets in comparison with several state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 4 pages, appeare in AAAI21-RSEM

    Towards Stable and Efficient Training of Verifiably Robust Neural Networks

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    Training neural networks with verifiable robustness guarantees is challenging. Several existing approaches utilize linear relaxation based neural network output bounds under perturbation, but they can slow down training by a factor of hundreds depending on the underlying network architectures. Meanwhile, interval bound propagation (IBP) based training is efficient and significantly outperforms linear relaxation based methods on many tasks, yet it may suffer from stability issues since the bounds are much looser especially at the beginning of training. In this paper, we propose a new certified adversarial training method, CROWN-IBP, by combining the fast IBP bounds in a forward bounding pass and a tight linear relaxation based bound, CROWN, in a backward bounding pass. CROWN-IBP is computationally efficient and consistently outperforms IBP baselines on training verifiably robust neural networks. We conduct large scale experiments on MNIST and CIFAR datasets, and outperform all previous linear relaxation and bound propagation based certified defenses in ℓ∞\ell_\infty robustness. Notably, we achieve 7.02% verified test error on MNIST at ϵ=0.3\epsilon=0.3, and 66.94% on CIFAR-10 with ϵ=8/255\epsilon=8/255. Code is available at https://github.com/deepmind/interval-bound-propagation (TensorFlow) and https://github.com/huanzhang12/CROWN-IBP (PyTorch)
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