368 research outputs found

    Learning models for intelligent photo editing

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    Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction Regularized by VAEs with Structured Image Covariance

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    Objective: This paper investigates how generative models, trained on ground-truth images, can be used \changes{as} priors for inverse problems, penalizing reconstructions far from images the generator can produce. The aim is that learned regularization will provide complex data-driven priors to inverse problems while still retaining the control and insight of a variational regularization method. Moreover, unsupervised learning, without paired training data, allows the learned regularizer to remain flexible to changes in the forward problem such as noise level, sampling pattern or coil sensitivities in MRI. Approach: We utilize variational autoencoders (VAEs) that generate not only an image but also a covariance uncertainty matrix for each image. The covariance can model changing uncertainty dependencies caused by structure in the image, such as edges or objects, and provides a new distance metric from the manifold of learned images. Main results: We evaluate these novel generative regularizers on retrospectively sub-sampled real-valued MRI measurements from the fastMRI dataset. We compare our proposed learned regularization against other unlearned regularization approaches and unsupervised and supervised deep learning methods. Significance: Our results show that the proposed method is competitive with other state-of-the-art methods and behaves consistently with changing sampling patterns and noise levels

    Deep Generative Variational Autoencoding for Replay Spoof Detection in Automatic Speaker Verification

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    Automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems are highly vulnerable to presentation attacks, also called spoofing attacks. Replay is among the simplest attacks to mount - yet difficult to detect reliably. The generalization failure of spoofing countermeasures (CMs) has driven the community to study various alternative deep learning CMs. The majority of them are supervised approaches that learn a human-spoof discriminator. In this paper, we advocate a different, deep generative approach that leverages from powerful unsupervised manifold learning in classification. The potential benefits include the possibility to sample new data, and to obtain insights to the latent features of genuine and spoofed speech. To this end, we propose to use variational autoencoders (VAEs) as an alternative backend for replay attack detection, via three alternative models that differ in their class-conditioning. The first one, similar to the use of Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) in spoof detection, is to train independently two VAEs - one for each class. The second one is to train a single conditional model (C-VAE) by injecting a one-hot class label vector to the encoder and decoder networks. Our final proposal integrates an auxiliary classifier to guide the learning of the latent space. Our experimental results using constant-Q cepstral coefficient (CQCC) features on the ASVspoof 2017 and 2019 physical access subtask datasets indicate that the C-VAE offers substantial improvement in comparison to training two separate VAEs for each class. On the 2019 dataset, the C-VAE outperforms the VAE and the baseline GMM by an absolute 9-10% in both equal error rate (EER) and tandem detection cost function (t-DCF) metrics. Finally, we propose VAE residuals --- the absolute difference of the original input and the reconstruction as features for spoofing detection. The proposed frontend approach augmented with a convolutional neural network classifier demonstrated substantial improvement over the VAE backend use case

    Modeling neural dynamics during speech production using a state space variational autoencoder

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    Characterizing the neural encoding of behavior remains a challenging task in many research areas due in part to complex and noisy spatiotemporal dynamics of evoked brain activity. An important aspect of modeling these neural encodings involves separation of robust, behaviorally relevant signals from background activity, which often contains signals from irrelevant brain processes and decaying information from previous behavioral events. To achieve this separation, we develop a two-branch State Space Variational AutoEncoder (SSVAE) model to individually describe the instantaneous evoked foreground signals and the context-dependent background signals. We modeled the spontaneous speech-evoked brain dynamics using smoothed Gaussian mixture models. By applying the proposed SSVAE model to track ECoG dynamics in one participant over multiple hours, we find that the model can predict speech-related dynamics more accurately than other latent factor inference algorithms. Our results demonstrate that separately modeling the instantaneous speech-evoked and slow context-dependent brain dynamics can enhance tracking performance, which has important implications for the development of advanced neural encoding and decoding models in various neuroscience sub-disciplines.Comment: 5 page

    Generative Models for Inverse Imaging Problems

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