7,332 research outputs found

    Equilibrium Propagation: Bridging the Gap Between Energy-Based Models and Backpropagation

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    We introduce Equilibrium Propagation, a learning framework for energy-based models. It involves only one kind of neural computation, performed in both the first phase (when the prediction is made) and the second phase of training (after the target or prediction error is revealed). Although this algorithm computes the gradient of an objective function just like Backpropagation, it does not need a special computation or circuit for the second phase, where errors are implicitly propagated. Equilibrium Propagation shares similarities with Contrastive Hebbian Learning and Contrastive Divergence while solving the theoretical issues of both algorithms: our algorithm computes the gradient of a well defined objective function. Because the objective function is defined in terms of local perturbations, the second phase of Equilibrium Propagation corresponds to only nudging the prediction (fixed point, or stationary distribution) towards a configuration that reduces prediction error. In the case of a recurrent multi-layer supervised network, the output units are slightly nudged towards their target in the second phase, and the perturbation introduced at the output layer propagates backward in the hidden layers. We show that the signal 'back-propagated' during this second phase corresponds to the propagation of error derivatives and encodes the gradient of the objective function, when the synaptic update corresponds to a standard form of spike-timing dependent plasticity. This work makes it more plausible that a mechanism similar to Backpropagation could be implemented by brains, since leaky integrator neural computation performs both inference and error back-propagation in our model. The only local difference between the two phases is whether synaptic changes are allowed or not

    A deep learning theory for neural networks grounded in physics

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    Au cours de la dernière décennie, l'apprentissage profond est devenu une composante majeure de l'intelligence artificielle, ayant mené à une série d'avancées capitales dans une variété de domaines. L'un des piliers de l'apprentissage profond est l'optimisation de fonction de coût par l'algorithme du gradient stochastique (SGD). Traditionnellement en apprentissage profond, les réseaux de neurones sont des fonctions mathématiques différentiables, et les gradients requis pour l'algorithme SGD sont calculés par rétropropagation. Cependant, les architectures informatiques sur lesquelles ces réseaux de neurones sont implémentés et entraînés souffrent d’inefficacités en vitesse et en énergie, dues à la séparation de la mémoire et des calculs dans ces architectures. Pour résoudre ces problèmes, le neuromorphique vise à implementer les réseaux de neurones dans des architectures qui fusionnent mémoire et calculs, imitant plus fidèlement le cerveau. Dans cette thèse, nous soutenons que pour construire efficacement des réseaux de neurones dans des architectures neuromorphiques, il est nécessaire de repenser les algorithmes pour les implémenter et les entraîner. Nous présentons un cadre mathématique alternative, compatible lui aussi avec l’algorithme SGD, qui permet de concevoir des réseaux de neurones dans des substrats qui exploitent mieux les lois de la physique. Notre cadre mathématique s'applique à une très large classe de modèles, à savoir les systèmes dont l'état ou la dynamique sont décrits par des équations variationnelles. La procédure pour calculer les gradients de la fonction de coût dans de tels systèmes (qui dans de nombreux cas pratiques ne nécessite que de l'information locale pour chaque paramètre) est appelée “equilibrium propagation” (EqProp). Comme beaucoup de systèmes en physique et en ingénierie peuvent être décrits par des principes variationnels, notre cadre mathématique peut potentiellement s'appliquer à une grande variété de systèmes physiques, dont les applications vont au delà du neuromorphique et touchent divers champs d'ingénierie.In the last decade, deep learning has become a major component of artificial intelligence, leading to a series of breakthroughs across a wide variety of domains. The workhorse of deep learning is the optimization of loss functions by stochastic gradient descent (SGD). Traditionally in deep learning, neural networks are differentiable mathematical functions, and the loss gradients required for SGD are computed with the backpropagation algorithm. However, the computer architectures on which these neural networks are implemented and trained suffer from speed and energy inefficiency issues, due to the separation of memory and processing in these architectures. To solve these problems, the field of neuromorphic computing aims at implementing neural networks on hardware architectures that merge memory and processing, just like brains do. In this thesis, we argue that building large, fast and efficient neural networks on neuromorphic architectures also requires rethinking the algorithms to implement and train them. We present an alternative mathematical framework, also compatible with SGD, which offers the possibility to design neural networks in substrates that directly exploit the laws of physics. Our framework applies to a very broad class of models, namely those whose state or dynamics are described by variational equations. This includes physical systems whose equilibrium state minimizes an energy function, and physical systems whose trajectory minimizes an action functional (principle of least action). We present a simple procedure to compute the loss gradients in such systems, called equilibrium propagation (EqProp), which requires solely locally available information for each trainable parameter. Since many models in physics and engineering can be described by variational principles, our framework has the potential to be applied to a broad variety of physical systems, whose applications extend to various fields of engineering, beyond neuromorphic computing

    Improving equilibrium propagation without weight symmetry through Jacobian homeostasis

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    Equilibrium propagation (EP) is a compelling alternative to the backpropagation of error algorithm (BP) for computing gradients of neural networks on biological or analog neuromorphic substrates. Still, the algorithm requires weight symmetry and infinitesimal equilibrium perturbations, i.e., nudges, to estimate unbiased gradients efficiently. Both requirements are challenging to implement in physical systems. Yet, whether and how weight asymmetry affects its applicability is unknown because, in practice, it may be masked by biases introduced through the finite nudge. To address this question, we study generalized EP, which can be formulated without weight symmetry, and analytically isolate the two sources of bias. For complex-differentiable non-symmetric networks, we show that the finite nudge does not pose a problem, as exact derivatives can still be estimated via a Cauchy integral. In contrast, weight asymmetry introduces bias resulting in low task performance due to poor alignment of EP's neuronal error vectors compared to BP. To mitigate this issue, we present a new homeostatic objective that directly penalizes functional asymmetries of the Jacobian at the network's fixed point. This homeostatic objective dramatically improves the network's ability to solve complex tasks such as ImageNet 32x32. Our results lay the theoretical groundwork for studying and mitigating the adverse effects of imperfections of physical networks on learning algorithms that rely on the substrate's relaxation dynamics

    Training a Hopfield Variational Autoencoder with Equilibrium Propagation

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    On dedicated analog hardware, equilibrium propagation is an energy-efficient alternative to backpropagation. In spite of its theoretical guarantees, its application in the AI domain remains limited to the discriminative setting. Meanwhile, despite its high computational demands, generative AI is on the rise. In this paper, we demonstrate the application of Equilibrium Propagation in training a variational autoencoder (VAE) for generative modeling. Leveraging the symmetric nature of Hopfield networks, we propose using a single model to serve as both the encoder and decoder which could effectively halve the required chip size for VAE implementations, paving the way for more efficient analog hardware configurations.Comment: Associative Memory & Hopfield Networks in 2023 (NeurIPS 2023 workshop

    Data-Driven Forecasting of High-Dimensional Chaotic Systems with Long Short-Term Memory Networks

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    We introduce a data-driven forecasting method for high-dimensional chaotic systems using long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks. The proposed LSTM neural networks perform inference of high-dimensional dynamical systems in their reduced order space and are shown to be an effective set of nonlinear approximators of their attractor. We demonstrate the forecasting performance of the LSTM and compare it with Gaussian processes (GPs) in time series obtained from the Lorenz 96 system, the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation and a prototype climate model. The LSTM networks outperform the GPs in short-term forecasting accuracy in all applications considered. A hybrid architecture, extending the LSTM with a mean stochastic model (MSM-LSTM), is proposed to ensure convergence to the invariant measure. This novel hybrid method is fully data-driven and extends the forecasting capabilities of LSTM networks.Comment: 31 page
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