594 research outputs found

    Malware Detection and Analysis Tools

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    The huge amounts of data and information that need to be analyzed for possible malicious intent are one ofthe big and significant challenges that the Web faces today. Malicious software, also referred to as malware developed by attackers, is polymorphic and metamorphic in nature which can modify the code as it spreads.In addition, the diversity and volume of their variants severely undermine the effectiveness of traditional defenses that typically use signature-based techniques and are unable to detect malicious executables previously unknown. Malware family variants share typical patterns of behavior that indicate their origin and purpose. The behavioral trends observed either statically or dynamically can be manipulated by usingmachine learning techniques to identify and classify unknown malware into their established families. Thissurvey paper gives an overview of the malware detection and analysis techniques and tools

    Liability for Botnet Attacks

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    This paper will consider the possibility of using tort liability to address cyber insecurity. In previous work, I have proposed a hypothetical lawsuit by the victim of a DDoS attack against the vendor of unreasonably insecure software, the flaws of which are exploited to create the DDoS attack army. Indeed, software vendors are facing increasing public disapproval for their contributions to cyber insecurity. However, not all DDoS attack armies are assembled by exploiting flaws in software. Computers are also infected when users voluntarily open infected email attachments or download infected files from file-sharing networks. Accordingly, the cyber insecurity resulting from the large numbers of average end-users with infected computers cannot be entirely addressed by reducing the number of exploitable flaws in widely-deployed software. It may be useful to find additional ways to address other avenues of infection

    An Innovative Signature Detection System for Polymorphic and Monomorphic Internet Worms Detection and Containment

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    Most current anti-worm systems and intrusion-detection systems use signature-based technology instead of anomaly-based technology. Signature-based technology can only detect known attacks with identified signatures. Existing anti-worm systems cannot detect unknown Internet scanning worms automatically because these systems do not depend upon worm behaviour but upon the worm’s signature. Most detection algorithms used in current detection systems target only monomorphic worm payloads and offer no defence against polymorphic worms, which changes the payload dynamically. Anomaly detection systems can detect unknown worms but usually suffer from a high false alarm rate. Detecting unknown worms is challenging, and the worm defence must be automated because worms spread quickly and can flood the Internet in a short time. This research proposes an accurate, robust and fast technique to detect and contain Internet worms (monomorphic and polymorphic). The detection technique uses specific failure connection statuses on specific protocols such as UDP, TCP, ICMP, TCP slow scanning and stealth scanning as characteristics of the worms. Whereas the containment utilizes flags and labels of the segment header and the source and destination ports to generate the traffic signature of the worms. Experiments using eight different worms (monomorphic and polymorphic) in a testbed environment were conducted to verify the performance of the proposed technique. The experiment results showed that the proposed technique could detect stealth scanning up to 30 times faster than the technique proposed by another researcher and had no false-positive alarms for all scanning detection cases. The experiments showed the proposed technique was capable of containing the worm because of the traffic signature’s uniqueness

    An Empirical Study of Spam and Spam Vulnerable email Accounts

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    Spam messages muddle up users inbox, consume network resources, and build up DDoS attacks, spread malware. Our goal is to present a definite figure about the characteristics of spam and spam vulnerable email accounts. These evaluations help us to enhance the existing technology to combat spam effectively. We collected 400 thousand spam mails from a spam trap set up in a corporate mail server for a period of 14 months form January 2006 to February 2007. Spammers use common techniques to spam end users regardless of corporate server and public mail server. So we believe that our spam collection is a sample of world wide spam traffic. Studying the characteristics of this sample helps us to better understand the features of spam and spam vulnerable e-mail accounts. We believe that this analysis is highly useful to develop more efficient anti spam techniques. In our analysis we classified spam based on attachment and contents. According to our study the four years old heavy users email accounts attract more spam than four years oldlight users mail accounts. The 14 months old relatively new email accounts don't receive spam. In some special cases like DDoS attacks, the new email accounts receive spam. During DDoS attack 14 months old heavy users email accounts have attracted more number of spam than 14 months old light users mail accounts.Comment: 6 pages, 5 Figures, FGCN 2007, IEEE C

    Network intrusion detection with semantics-aware capability

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    © 2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. Pre-print of article that appeared at the 2 nd International Workshop on Security i

    Enabling Technologies of Cyber Crime: Why Lawyers Need to Understand It

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    This Article discusses the enabling technologies of cyber crime and analyzes their role in the resolution of related legal issues. It demonstrates the translation of traditional legal principles to a novel technological environment in a way that preserves their meaning and policy rationale. It concludes that lawyers who fail to understand the translation will likely pursue a suboptimal litigation strategy, face speculative recovery prospects, and may overlook effective and potentially powerful defenses

    Anomalous Payload-Based Network Intrusion Detection

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    We present a payload-based anomaly detector, we call PAYL, for intrusion detection. PAYL models the normal application payload of network traffic in a fully automatic, unsupervised and very efficient fashion. We first compute during a training phase a profile byte frequency distribution and their standard deviation of the application payload flowing to a single host and port. We then use Mahalanobis distance during the detection phase to calculate the similarity of new data against the pre-computed profile. The detector compares this measure against a threshold and generates an alert when the distance of the new input exceeds this threshold. We demonstrate the surprising effectiveness of the method on the 1999 DARPA IDS dataset and a live dataset we collected on the Columbia CS department network. In once case nearly 100% accuracy is achieved with 0.1% false positive rate for port 80 traffic

    Pre-filters in-transit malware packets detection in the network

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    Conventional malware detection systems cannot detect most of the new malware in the network without the availability of their signatures. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a technique to detect both metamorphic (mutated malware) and general (non-mutated) malware in the network using a combination of known malware sub-signature and machine learning classification. This network-based malware detection is achieved through a middle path for efficient processing of non-malware packets. The proposed technique has been tested and verified using multiple data sets (metamorphic malware, non-mutated malware, and UTM real traffic), this technique can detect most of malware packets in the network-based before they reached the host better than the previous works which detect malware in host-based. Experimental results showed that the proposed technique can speed up the transmission of more than 98% normal packets without sending them to the slow path, and more than 97% of malware packets are detected and dropped in the middle path. Furthermore, more than 75% of metamorphic malware packets in the test dataset could be detected. The proposed technique is 37 times faster than existing technique
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