6 research outputs found

    Scheduling policies for disks and disk arrays

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    Recent rapid advances of magnetic recording technology have enabled substantial increases in disk capacity. There has been less than 10% improvement annually in the random access time to small data blocks on the disk. Such accesses are very common in OLTP applications, which tend to have stringent response time requirements. Scheduling of disk requests is intended to improve their response time, reduce disk service time, and increase disk access bandwidth with respect to the default FCFS scheduling policy. Shortest Access Time First policy has been shown to outperform other classical disk scheduling policies in numerous studies. Before verifying this conclusion, this dissertation develops an empirical analysis of the SATF policy, and produces a valuable by-product, expressed as x[m] = mp, during the study. Classical scheduling policies and some well-known variations of the SATE policy are re-evaluated, and three extensions are proposed. The performance evaluation uses self-developed simulators containing detailed disk information. The simulators, driven with both synthetic and trace workloads, report the measurements of requests, such as the mean and the 95th percentile of the response times, as well as the measurements of the system, such as the maximum throughput. A comprehensive arrangement of routing and scheduling schemes is presented or mirrored disk systems, or RAIDi. The performance evaluation is based on a twodimensional configuration classification: independent queues (i.e. a router sends the requests to one of the disks as soon as these requests arrive) versus a shared queue (i.e. the requests are held in a common queue at the router and are scheduled to be served); normal data layout versus transposed data layout (i.e. the data stored on the inner cylinders of one disk is duplicated on the outer cylinders of the mirrored disk). The availability of a non-volatile storage or NVS, which allows the processing of write requests to be deferred, is also investigated. Finally, various strategies of mirrored disk declustering are compared against the basic disk mirroring. Their competence of load balancing and their reliability are examined in both normal mode and degraded mode


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    Virtual Machine (VM) live storage migration is widely performed in the data cen- ters of the Cloud, for the purposes of load balance, reliability, availability, hardware maintenance and system upgrade. It entails moving all the state information of the VM being migrated, including memory state, network state and storage state, from one physical server to another within the same data center or across different data centers. To minimize its performance impact, this migration process is required to be transparent to applications running within the migrating VM, meaning that ap- plications will keep running inside the VM as if there were no migration operations at all. In this dissertation, a thorough literature review is conducted to provide a big picture of the VM live storage migration process, its problems and existing solutions. After an in-depth examination, we observe that a severe IO interference between the VM IO threads and migration IO threads exists and causes both types of the IO threads to suffer from performance degradation. This interference stems from the fact that both types of IO threads share the same critical IO path by reading from and writing to the same shared storage system. Owing to IO resource contention and requests interference between the two different types of IO requests, not only will the IO request queue lengthens in the storage system, but the time-consuming disk seek operations will also become more frequent. Based on this fundamental observation, this dissertation research presents three related but orthogonal solutions that tackle the IO interference problem in order to improve the VM live storage migration performance. First, we introduce the Workload-Aware IO Outsourcing scheme, called WAIO, to improve the VM live storage migration efficiency. Second, we address this problem by proposing a novel scheme, called SnapMig, to improve the VM live storage migration efficiency and eliminate its performance impact on user applications at the source server by effectively leveraging the existing VM snapshots in the backup servers. Third, we propose the IOFollow scheme to improve both the VM performance and migration performance simultaneously. Finally, we outline the direction for the future research work. Advisor: Hong Jian