4,952 research outputs found

    Gathering in Dynamic Rings

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    The gathering problem requires a set of mobile agents, arbitrarily positioned at different nodes of a network to group within finite time at the same location, not fixed in advanced. The extensive existing literature on this problem shares the same fundamental assumption: the topological structure does not change during the rendezvous or the gathering; this is true also for those investigations that consider faulty nodes. In other words, they only consider static graphs. In this paper we start the investigation of gathering in dynamic graphs, that is networks where the topology changes continuously and at unpredictable locations. We study the feasibility of gathering mobile agents, identical and without explicit communication capabilities, in a dynamic ring of anonymous nodes; the class of dynamics we consider is the classic 1-interval-connectivity. We focus on the impact that factors such as chirality (i.e., a common sense of orientation) and cross detection (i.e., the ability to detect, when traversing an edge, whether some agent is traversing it in the other direction), have on the solvability of the problem. We provide a complete characterization of the classes of initial configurations from which the gathering problem is solvable in presence and in absence of cross detection and of chirality. The feasibility results of the characterization are all constructive: we provide distributed algorithms that allow the agents to gather. In particular, the protocols for gathering with cross detection are time optimal. We also show that cross detection is a powerful computational element. We prove that, without chirality, knowledge of the ring size is strictly more powerful than knowledge of the number of agents; on the other hand, with chirality, knowledge of n can be substituted by knowledge of k, yielding the same classes of feasible initial configurations

    Reciprocity, Exchange and Redistribution. An experimental investigation inspired by Karl Polanyi’s The Economy as Instituted Process

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    Inspired by Karl Polanyi’s writings on three allocation modes, namely reciprocity, exchange and redistribution, we first tested a reciprocity ring with ten players. The baseline treatment, with no possibility of socialisation, displayed very low levels of allocative efficiency. Consistently with the Polanyian approach to reciprocity, we found that inducing the notion of symmetry among the players increased efficiency levels significantly. We then simulated a market exchange, with significant allocative efficiency gains. We conclude that indirect-reciprocity rings among anonymous players can seldom function in the absence of definite institutional refinements, promoting forms of symmetry-acknowledgement.Reciprocity, Redistribution, Exchange, Comparative Institutional Analysis.

    ORide: A Privacy-Preserving yet Accountable Ride-Hailing Service

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    In recent years, ride-hailing services (RHSs) have be- come increasingly popular, serving millions of users per day. Such systems, however, raise significant privacy concerns, because service providers are able to track the precise mobility patterns of all riders and drivers. In this paper, we propose ORide (Oblivious Ride), a privacy- preserving RHS based on somewhat-homomorphic en- cryption with optimizations such as ciphertext packing and transformed processing. With ORide, a service provider can match riders and drivers without learning their identities or location information. ORide offers rid- ers with fairly large anonymity sets (e.g., several thou- sands), even in sparsely populated areas. In addition, ORide supports key RHS features such as easy payment, reputation scores, accountability, and retrieval of lost items. Using real data-sets that consist of millions of rides, we show that the computational and network over- head introduced by ORide is acceptable. For example, ORide adds only several milliseconds to ride-hailing op- erations, and the extra driving distance for a driver is less than 0.5 km in more than 75% of the cases evaluated. In short, we show that a RHS can offer strong privacy guar- antees to both riders and drivers while maintaining the convenience of its services

    Preliminary specification and design documentation for software components to achieve catallaxy in computational systems

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    This Report is about the preliminary specifications and design documentation for software components to achieve Catallaxy in computational systems. -- Die Arbeit beschreibt die Spezifikation und das Design von Softwarekomponenten, um das Konzept der Katallaxie in Grid Systemen umzusetzen. Eine Einführung ordnet das Konzept der Katallaxie in bestehende Grid Taxonomien ein und stellt grundlegende Komponenten vor. Anschließend werden diese Komponenten auf ihre Anwendbarkeit in bestehenden Application Layer Netzwerken untersucht.Grid Computing

    Efficient Location Privacy In Mobile Applications

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    Location awareness is an essential part of today\u27s mobile devices. It is a well-established technology that offers significant benefits to mobile users. While location awareness has triggered the exponential growth of mobile computing, it has also introduced new privacy threats due to frequent location disclosures. Movement patterns could be used to identify individuals and also leak sensitive information about them, such as health condition, lifestyle, political/religious affiliations, etc. In this dissertation we address location privacy in the context of mobile applications. First we look into location privacy in the context of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) technology. DSA is a promising framework for mitigating the spectrum shortage caused by fixed spectrum allocation policies. In particular, DSA allows license-exempt users to access the licensed spectrum bands when not in use by their respective owners. Here, we focus on the database-driven DSA model, where mobile users issue location-based queries to a white-space database in order to identify idle channels in their area. We present a number of efficient protocols that allow users to retrieve channel availability information from the white-space database while maintaining their location secret. In the second part of the dissertation we look into location privacy in the context of location-aware mobile advertising. Location-aware mobile advertising is expanding very rapidly and is forecast to grow much faster than any other industry in the digital era. Unfortunately, with the rise and expansion of online behavioral advertising, consumers have grown very skeptical of the vast amount of data that is extracted and mined from advertisers today. As a result, the consensus has shifted towards stricter privacy requirements. Clearly, there exists an innate conflict between privacy and advertisement, yet existing advertising practices rely heavily on non-disclosure agreements and policy enforcement rather than computational privacy guarantees. In the second half of this dissertation, we present a novel privacy-preserving location-aware mobile advertisement framework that is built with privacy in mind from the ground up. The framework consists of several methods which ease the tension that exists between privacy and advertising by guaranteeing, through cryptographic constructions, that (i) mobile users receive advertisements relative to their location and interests in a privacy-preserving manner, and (ii) the advertisement network can only compute aggregate statistics of ad impressions and click-through-rates. Through extensive experimentation, we show that our methods are efficient in terms of both computational and communication cost, especially at the client side