339 research outputs found

    Tractability of Theory Patching

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    In this paper we consider the problem of `theory patching', in which we are given a domain theory, some of whose components are indicated to be possibly flawed, and a set of labeled training examples for the domain concept. The theory patching problem is to revise only the indicated components of the theory, such that the resulting theory correctly classifies all the training examples. Theory patching is thus a type of theory revision in which revisions are made to individual components of the theory. Our concern in this paper is to determine for which classes of logical domain theories the theory patching problem is tractable. We consider both propositional and first-order domain theories, and show that the theory patching problem is equivalent to that of determining what information contained in a theory is `stable' regardless of what revisions might be performed to the theory. We show that determining stability is tractable if the input theory satisfies two conditions: that revisions to each theory component have monotonic effects on the classification of examples, and that theory components act independently in the classification of examples in the theory. We also show how the concepts introduced can be used to determine the soundness and completeness of particular theory patching algorithms.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    The Traveling Salesman Problem: Low-Dimensionality Implies a Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme

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    The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is among the most famous NP-hard optimization problems. We design for this problem a randomized polynomial-time algorithm that computes a (1+eps)-approximation to the optimal tour, for any fixed eps>0, in TSP instances that form an arbitrary metric space with bounded intrinsic dimension. The celebrated results of Arora (A-98) and Mitchell (M-99) prove that the above result holds in the special case of TSP in a fixed-dimensional Euclidean space. Thus, our algorithm demonstrates that the algorithmic tractability of metric TSP depends on the dimensionality of the space and not on its specific geometry. This result resolves a problem that has been open since the quasi-polynomial time algorithm of Talwar (T-04)

    A Goodwillie-type Theorem for Milnor K-Theory

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    Goodwillie's rational isomorphism between relative algebraic K-theory and relative cyclic homology, together with the lambda decomposition of cyclic homology, illustrates the close relationships among algebraic K-theory, cyclic homology, and differential forms. In this paper, I prove a Goodwillie-type theorem for relative Milnor KK-theory, working over a very general class of commutative rings, defined via the stability criterion of Van der Kallen. Early results of Van der Kallen and Bloch are special cases. The result likely generalizes in terms of de Rahm-Witt complexes, by weakening some invertibility assumptions, but the class of rings considered is already more than sufficiently general for the intended applications. The main motivation for this paper arises from applications to the infinitesimal theory of Chow groups, first pointed out by Bloch in the 1970's, and prominent in recent work of Green and Griffiths. Related results and geometric applications are discussed in the final section.Comment: 34 page

    Practical learning method for multi-scale entangled states

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    We describe a method for reconstructing multi-scale entangled states from a small number of efficiently-implementable measurements and fast post-processing. The method only requires single particle measurements and the total number of measurements is polynomial in the number of particles. Data post-processing for state reconstruction uses standard tools, namely matrix diagonalisation and conjugate gradient method, and scales polynomially with the number of particles. Our method prevents the build-up of errors from both numerical and experimental imperfections

    Easy plane baby skyrmions

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    The baby Skyrme model is studied with a novel choice of potential, V=1/2Ï•32V=1/2 \phi_3^2. This "easy plane" potential vanishes at the equator of the target two-sphere. Hence, in contrast to previously studied cases, the boundary value of the field breaks the residual SO(2) internal symmetry of the model. Consequently, even the unit charge skyrmion has only discrete symmetry and consists of a bound state of two half lumps. A model of long-range inter-skyrmion forces is developed wherein a unit skyrmion is pictured as a single scalar dipole inducing a massless scalar field tangential to the vacuum manifold. This model has the interesting feature that the two-skyrmion interaction energy depends only on the average orientation of the dipoles relative to the line joining them. Its qualitative predictions are confirmed by numerical simulations. Global energy minimizers of charges B=1,...,14,18,32 are found numerically. Up to charge B=6, the minimizers have 2B half lumps positioned at the vertices of a regular 2B-gon. For charges B >= 7, rectangular or distorted rectangular arrays of 2B half lumps are preferred, as close to square as possible.Comment: v3: replaced with journal version, one new reference, one deleted reference; 8 pages, 5 figures v2: fixed some typos and clarified the relationship with condensed matter systems 8 pages, 5 figure
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