7 research outputs found

    Motion from "X" by Compensating "Y"

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    This paper analyzes the geometry of the visual motion estimation problem in relation to transformations of the input (images) that stabilize particular output functions such as the motion of a point, a line and a plane in the image. By casting the problem within the popular "epipolar geometry", we provide a common framework for including constraints such as point, line of plane fixation by just considering "slices" of the parameter manifold. The models we provide can be used for estimating motion from a batch using the preferred optimization techniques, or for defining dynamic filters that estimate motion from a causal sequence. We discuss methods for performing the necessary compensation by either controlling the support of the camera or by pre-processing the images. The compensation algorithms may be used also for recursively fitting a plane in 3-D both from point-features or directly from brightness. Conversely, they may be used for estimating motion relative to the plane independent of its parameters

    Reducing "Structure From Motion": a General Framework for Dynamic Vision - Part 1: Modeling

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    The literature on recursive estimation of structure and motion from monocular image sequences comprises a large number of different models and estimation techniques. We propose a framework that allows us to derive and compare all models by following the idea of dynamical system reduction. The "natural" dynamic model, derived by the rigidity constraint and the perspective projection, is first reduced by explicitly decoupling structure (depth) from motion. Then implicit decoupling techniques are explored, which consist of imposing that some function of the unknown parameters is held constant. By appropriately choosing such a function, not only can we account for all models seen so far in the literature, but we can also derive novel ones

    Motion from Fixation

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    We study the problem of estimating rigid motion from a sequence of monocular perspective images obtained by navigating around an object while fixating a particular feature point. The motivation comes from the mechanics of the buman eye, which either pursuits smoothly some fixation point in the scene, or "saccades" between different fixation points. In particular, we are interested in understanding whether fixation helps the process of estimating motion in the sense that it makes it more robust, better conditioned or simpler to solve. We cast the problem in the framework of "dynamic epipolar geometry", and propose an implicit dynamical model for recursively estimating motion from fixation. This allows us to compare directly the quality of the estimates of motion obtained by imposing the fixation constraint, or by assuming a general rigid motion, simply by changing the geometry of the parameter space while maintaining the same structure of the recursive estimator. We also present a closed-form static solution from two views, and a recursive estimator of the absolute attitude between the viewer and the scene. One important issue is how do the estimates degrade in presence of disturbances in the tracking procedure. We describe a simple fixation control that converges exponentially, which is complemented by a image shift-registration for achieving sub-pixel accuracy, and assess how small deviations from perfect tracking affect the estimates of motion

    Reducing "Structure From Motion": a General Framework for Dynamic Vision - Part 2: Experimental Evaluation

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    A number of methods have been proposed in the literature for estimating scene-structure and ego-motion from a sequence of images using dynamical models. Although all methods may be derived from a "natural" dynamical model within a unified framework, from an engineering perspective there are a number of trade-offs that lead to different strategies depending upon the specific applications and the goals one is targeting. Which one is the winning strategy? In this paper we analyze the properties of the dynamical models that originate from each strategy under a variety of experimental conditions. For each model we assess the accuracy of the estimates, their robustness to measurement noise, sensitivity to initial conditions and visual angle, effects of the bas-relief ambiguity and occlusions, dependence upon the number of image measurements and their sampling rate

    Real Time Tracking of Moving Objects with an Active Camera

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    This article is concerned with the design and implementation of a system for real time monocular tracking of a moving object using the two degrees of freedom of a camera platform. Figure-ground segregation is based on motion without making any a priori assumptions about the object form. Using only the first spatiotemporal image derivatives subtraction of the normal optical flow induced by camera motion yields the object image motion. Closed-loop control is achieved by combining a stationary Kalman estimator with an optimal Linear Quadratic Regulator. The implementation on a pipeline architecture enables a servo rate of 25 Hz. We study the effects of time-recursive filtering and fixed-point arithmetic in image processing and we test the performance of the control algorithm on controlled motion of objects

    Vision and Action

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    (Also cross-referenced as CAR-TR-722) Our work on Active Vision has recently focused on the computational modelling of navigational tasks, where our investigations were guided by the idea of approaching vision for behavioral systems in form of modules that are directly related to perceptual tasks. These studies led us to branch in various directions and inquire into the problems that have to be addressed in order to obtain an overall understanding of perceptual systems. In this paper we present our views about the architecture of vision syst ems, about how to tackle the design and analysis of perceptual systems, and promising future research directions. Our suggested approach for understanding behavioral vision to realize the relationship of perception and action builds on two earlier approac hes, the Medusa philosophy 13] and the Synthetic approach [15 The resulting framework calls for synthesizing an artificial vision system by studying vision corr petences of increasing complexity and at the same time pursuing the integration of the percept ual components with action and learning modules. We expect that Computer Vision research in the future will progress in tight collaboration with many other disciplines that are concerned with empirical approaches to vision, i.e. the understanding of biolo gical vision. Throughout the paper we describe biological findings that motivate computational arguments which we believe will influence studies of Computer Vision in the near future