12 research outputs found

    Network-based indicators of Bitcoin bubbles

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    The functioning of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin relies on the open availability of the entire history of its transactions. This makes it a particularly interesting socio-economic system to analyse from the point of view of network science. Here we analyse the evolution of the network of Bitcoin transactions between users. We achieve this by using the complete transaction history from December 5th 2011 to December 23rd 2013. This period includes three bubbles experienced by the Bitcoin price. In particular, we focus on the global and local structural properties of the user network and their variation in relation to the different period of price surge and decline. By analysing the temporal variation of the heterogeneity of the connectivity patterns we gain insights on the different mechanisms that take place during bubbles, and find that hubs (i.e., the most connected nodes) had a fundamental role in triggering the burst of the second bubble. Finally, we examine the local topological structures of interactions between users, we discover that the relative frequency of triadic interactions experiences a strong change before, during and after a bubble, and suggest that the importance of the hubs grows during the bubble. These results provide further evidence that the behaviour of the hubs during bubbles significantly increases the systemic risk of the Bitcoin network, and discuss the implications on public policy interventions

    Развитие рынка криптовалют: метод Херста

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    The aim of this work is to study the pricing in the cryptocurrency market and applying cryptocurrencies by the Bank of Russia for its monetary policy. The research objectives are to identify the cyclical nature of price dynamics, to study market maturity and potential risks that have a long-term positive relationship with the financial stability of the cryptocurrency market. The author uses the Hurst method with the Amihud illiquidity measure to study the resistance of four cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple and Dash) and their evolution over the past five years. The study results in the author’s conclusion that the cryptocurrency market has entered a new stage of development, which means a reduced possibility to have excess profits when investing in the most liquid cryptocurrencies in the future. However, buying new high-risk tools provides opportunities for speculative income. The author concludes that illiquid cryptocurrencies exhibit strong inverse anti-persistence in the form of a low Hurst exponent. A trend investing strategy may help obtain abnormal profits in the cryptocurrency market. The Bank of Russia could partially apply digital currency to implement monetary policy, which would soften the business cycle and control the inflation. If Russia accepts the law ‘’On Digital Financial Assets’’ and legalizes cryptocurrencies after the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bank of Russia might act as a lender of last resort and offer crypto loans.Целью данной работы является изучение ценообразования на рынке криптовалют и возможностей их применения Банком России при осуществлении своей монетарной политики. Задачи исследования: выявление цикличности динамики цен, изучение степени сформированности рынка и потенциальных рисков, имеющих долгосрочную положительную связь с финансовой стабильностью рынка криптовалют. Автор использует методы Херста с коэффициентом неликвидности Амихуда, чтобы изучить степень стойкости четырех криптовалют (BitCoin, LiteCoin, Ripple и Dash) и их эволюцию в течение последних пяти лет. В результате исследования автор выяснил, что рынок криптовалют вышел на новую стадию развития, что означает снижение возможности получения сверхнормальных доходов при инвестировании в наиболее ликвидные криптовалюты в будущем. Однако остаются возможности для получения спекулятивного дохода при покупке новых высокорискованных инструментов. Сделан вывод, что неликвидные криптовалюты проявляют сильную обратную антиперсистентность в виде низкого коэффициента Херста. Для получения аномальной прибыли на крипторынке может быть использована трендовая инвестиционная стратегия. Банк России мог бы частично применять цифровую валюту при осуществлении денежно-кредитной политики, что позволило бы смягчить деловой цикл и контролировать уровень инфляции. В случае принятия закона «О цифровых финансовых активах» и легализации криптовалют в России после экономического кризиса, вызванного пандемией Covid-19, Банк России мог бы действовать как кредитор последней инстанции, предлагая кредиты в криптовалюте

    Tracking bitcoin users activity using community detection on a network of weak signals

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    International audienceBitcoin is a cryptocurrency attracting a lot of interest both from the general public and researchers. There is an ongoing debate on the question of users' anonymity: while the Bitcoin protocol has been designed to ensure that the activity of individual users could not be tracked, some methods have been proposed to partially bypass this limitation. In this article, we show how the Bitcoin transaction network can be studied using complex networks analysis techniques, and in particular how community detection can be efficiently used to re-identify multiple addresses belonging to a same user

    Tracking bitcoin users activity using community detection on a network of weak signals

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    International audienceBitcoin is a cryptocurrency attracting a lot of interest both from the general public and researchers. There is an ongoing debate on the question of users' anonymity: while the Bitcoin protocol has been designed to ensure that the activity of individual users could not be tracked, some methods have been proposed to partially bypass this limitation. In this article, we show how the Bitcoin transaction network can be studied using complex networks analysis techniques, and in particular how community detection can be efficiently used to re-identify multiple addresses belonging to a same user

    Tracking bitcoin users activity using community detection on a network of weak signals

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    International audienceBitcoin is a cryptocurrency attracting a lot of interest both from the general public and researchers. There is an ongoing debate on the question of users' anonymity: while the Bitcoin protocol has been designed to ensure that the activity of individual users could not be tracked, some methods have been proposed to partially bypass this limitation. In this article, we show how the Bitcoin transaction network can be studied using complex networks analysis techniques, and in particular how community detection can be efficiently used to re-identify multiple addresses belonging to a same user