2,716 research outputs found

    Measuring delays for bicycles at signalized intersections using smartphone GPS tracking data

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    The article describes an application of global positioning system (GPS) tracking data (floating bike data) for measuring delays for cyclists at signalized intersections. For selected intersections, we used trip data collected by smartphone tracking to calculate the average delay for cyclists by interpolation between GPS locations before and after the intersection. The outcomes were proven to be stable for different strategies in selecting the GPS locations used for calculation, although GPS locations too close to the intersection tended to lead to an underestimation of the delay. Therefore, the sample frequency of the GPS tracking data is an important parameter to ensure that suitable GPS locations are available before and after the intersection. The calculated delays are realistic values, compared to the theoretically expected values, which are often applied because of the lack of observed data. For some of the analyzed intersections, however, the calculated delays lay outside of the expected range, possibly because the statistics assumed a random arrival rate of cyclists. This condition may not be met when, for example, bicycles arrive in platoons because of an upstream intersection. This justifies that GPS-based delays can form a valuable addition to the theoretically expected values

    Multiple Object Tracking in Urban Traffic Scenes with a Multiclass Object Detector

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    Multiple object tracking (MOT) in urban traffic aims to produce the trajectories of the different road users that move across the field of view with different directions and speeds and that can have varying appearances and sizes. Occlusions and interactions among the different objects are expected and common due to the nature of urban road traffic. In this work, a tracking framework employing classification label information from a deep learning detection approach is used for associating the different objects, in addition to object position and appearances. We want to investigate the performance of a modern multiclass object detector for the MOT task in traffic scenes. Results show that the object labels improve tracking performance, but that the output of object detectors are not always reliable.Comment: 13th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC

    CT-Mapper: Mapping Sparse Multimodal Cellular Trajectories using a Multilayer Transportation Network

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    Mobile phone data have recently become an attractive source of information about mobility behavior. Since cell phone data can be captured in a passive way for a large user population, they can be harnessed to collect well-sampled mobility information. In this paper, we propose CT-Mapper, an unsupervised algorithm that enables the mapping of mobile phone traces over a multimodal transport network. One of the main strengths of CT-Mapper is its capability to map noisy sparse cellular multimodal trajectories over a multilayer transportation network where the layers have different physical properties and not only to map trajectories associated with a single layer. Such a network is modeled by a large multilayer graph in which the nodes correspond to metro/train stations or road intersections and edges correspond to connections between them. The mapping problem is modeled by an unsupervised HMM where the observations correspond to sparse user mobile trajectories and the hidden states to the multilayer graph nodes. The HMM is unsupervised as the transition and emission probabilities are inferred using respectively the physical transportation properties and the information on the spatial coverage of antenna base stations. To evaluate CT-Mapper we collected cellular traces with their corresponding GPS trajectories for a group of volunteer users in Paris and vicinity (France). We show that CT-Mapper is able to accurately retrieve the real cell phone user paths despite the sparsity of the observed trace trajectories. Furthermore our transition probability model is up to 20% more accurate than other naive models.Comment: Under revision in Computer Communication Journa

    WiDEVIEW: An UltraWideBand and Vision Dataset for Deciphering Pedestrian-Vehicle Interactions

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    Robust and accurate tracking and localization of road users like pedestrians and cyclists is crucial to ensure safe and effective navigation of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), particularly so in urban driving scenarios with complex vehicle-pedestrian interactions. Existing datasets that are useful to investigate vehicle-pedestrian interactions are mostly image-centric and thus vulnerable to vision failures. In this paper, we investigate Ultra-wideband (UWB) as an additional modality for road users' localization to enable a better understanding of vehicle-pedestrian interactions. We present WiDEVIEW, the first multimodal dataset that integrates LiDAR, three RGB cameras, GPS/IMU, and UWB sensors for capturing vehicle-pedestrian interactions in an urban autonomous driving scenario. Ground truth image annotations are provided in the form of 2D bounding boxes and the dataset is evaluated on standard 2D object detection and tracking algorithms. The feasibility of UWB is evaluated for typical traffic scenarios in both line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight conditions using LiDAR as ground truth. We establish that UWB range data has comparable accuracy with LiDAR with an error of 0.19 meters and reliable anchor-tag range data for up to 40 meters in line-of-sight conditions. UWB performance for non-line-of-sight conditions is subjective to the nature of the obstruction (trees vs. buildings). Further, we provide a qualitative analysis of UWB performance for scenarios susceptible to intermittent vision failures. The dataset can be downloaded via https://github.com/unmannedlab/UWB_Dataset

    Improving Multiple Object Tracking with Optical Flow and Edge Preprocessing

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    In this paper, we present a new method for detecting road users in an urban environment which leads to an improvement in multiple object tracking. Our method takes as an input a foreground image and improves the object detection and segmentation. This new image can be used as an input to trackers that use foreground blobs from background subtraction. The first step is to create foreground images for all the frames in an urban video. Then, starting from the original blobs of the foreground image, we merge the blobs that are close to one another and that have similar optical flow. The next step is extracting the edges of the different objects to detect multiple objects that might be very close (and be merged in the same blob) and to adjust the size of the original blobs. At the same time, we use the optical flow to detect occlusion of objects that are moving in opposite directions. Finally, we make a decision on which information we keep in order to construct a new foreground image with blobs that can be used for tracking. The system is validated on four videos of an urban traffic dataset. Our method improves the recall and precision metrics for the object detection task compared to the vanilla background subtraction method and improves the CLEAR MOT metrics in the tracking tasks for most videos

    Automatic Methodology for Multi-modal Trip Generation with Roadside LiDAR

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    Transportation planning based on historical data and methods has major limitations. Trip data canbe useful to increase the transportation safety of the specific sites and the process and programming purposes. One of the challenges in this regard is data collecting to gain an accurate analysis of land use development. The previous methods of data gathering such as human observational data counting and automatic methods like pneumatic tubes and video camera suffers some limitations that affect the accuracy of trip analysis which cause over mitigating or set some wrong rules and regulations. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensing is a powerful tool that has been vastly used for mapping, safety, and medical applications. [1] Also, its application in transportation has drawn attention in recent years. However, LiDAR sense is yet to be further explored in trip generation. This study is an initial attempt to: 1) perform a LiDAR-based trip generation data gathering for a local area in midtown, Reno, and 2) analyze the resulting data based on the GIS software to develop a systematic plan for the case study and beyond
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