215 research outputs found

    Measured impact of crooked traceroute

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    Data collected using traceroute-based algorithms underpins research into the Internet’s router-level topology, though it is possible to infer false links from this data. One source of false inference is the combination of per-flow load-balancing, in which more than one path is active from a given source to destination, and classic traceroute, which varies the UDP destination port number or ICMP checksum of successive probe packets, which can cause per-flow load-balancers to treat successive packets as distinct flows and forward them along different paths. Consequently, successive probe packets can solicit responses from unconnected routers, leading to the inference of false links. This paper examines the inaccuracies induced from such false inferences, both on macroscopic and ISP topology mapping. We collected macroscopic topology data to 365k destinations, with techniques that both do and do not try to capture load balancing phenomena.We then use alias resolution techniques to infer if a measurement artifact of classic traceroute induces a false router-level link. This technique detected that 2.71% and 0.76% of the links in our UDP and ICMP graphs were falsely inferred due to the presence of load-balancing. We conclude that most per-flow load-balancing does not induce false links when macroscopic topology is inferred using classic traceroute. The effect of false links on ISP topology mapping is possibly much worse, because the degrees of a tier-1 ISP’s routers derived from classic traceroute were inflated by a median factor of 2.9 as compared to those inferred with Paris traceroute

    Defending Tor from Network Adversaries: A Case Study of Network Path Prediction

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    The Tor anonymity network has been shown vulnerable to traffic analysis attacks by autonomous systems and Internet exchanges, which can observe different overlay hops belonging to the same circuit. We aim to determine whether network path prediction techniques provide an accurate picture of the threat from such adversaries, and whether they can be used to avoid this threat. We perform a measurement study by running traceroutes from Tor relays to destinations around the Internet. We use the data to evaluate the accuracy of the autonomous systems and Internet exchanges that are predicted to appear on the path using state-of-the-art path inference techniques; we also consider the impact that prediction errors have on Tor security, and whether it is possible to produce a useful overestimate that does not miss important threats. Finally, we evaluate the possibility of using these predictions to actively avoid AS and IX adversaries and the challenges this creates for the design of Tor

    SDN as Active Measurement Infrastructure

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    Active measurements are integral to the operation and management of networks, and invaluable to supporting empirical network research. Unfortunately, it is often cost-prohibitive and logistically difficult to widely deploy measurement nodes, especially in the core. In this work, we consider the feasibility of tightly integrating measurement within the infrastructure by using Software Defined Networks (SDNs). We introduce "SDN as Active Measurement Infrastructure" (SAAMI) to enable measurements to originate from any location where SDN is deployed, removing the need for dedicated measurement nodes and increasing vantage point diversity. We implement ping and traceroute using SAAMI, as well as a proof-of-concept custom measurement protocol to demonstrate the power and ease of SAAMI's open framework. Via a large-scale measurement campaign using SDN switches as vantage points, we show that SAAMI is accurate, scalable, and extensible

    Multilevel MDA-Lite Paris Traceroute

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    Since its introduction in 2006-2007, Paris Traceroute and its Multipath Detection Algorithm (MDA) have been used to conduct well over a billion IP level multipath route traces from platforms such as M-Lab. Unfortunately, the MDA requires a large number of packets in order to trace an entire topology of load balanced paths between a source and a destination, which makes it undesirable for platforms that otherwise deploy Paris Traceroute, such as RIPE Atlas. In this paper we present a major update to the Paris Traceroute tool. Our contributions are: (1) MDA-Lite, an alternative to the MDA that significantly cuts overhead while maintaining a low failure probability; (2) Fakeroute, a simulator that enables validation of a multipath route tracing tool's adherence to its claimed failure probability bounds; (3) multilevel multipath route tracing, with, for the first time, a Traceroute tool that provides a router-level view of multipath routes; and (4) surveys at both the IP and router levels of multipath routing in the Internet, showing, among other things, that load balancing topologies have increased in size well beyond what has been previously reported as recently as 2016. The data and the software underlying these results are publicly available.Comment: Preprint. To appear in Proc. ACM Internet Measurement Conference 201

    Network-provider-independent overlays for resilience and quality of service.

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    PhDOverlay networks are viewed as one of the solutions addressing the inefficiency and slow evolution of the Internet and have been the subject of significant research. Most existing overlays providing resilience and/or Quality of Service (QoS) need cooperation among different network providers, but an inter-trust issue arises and cannot be easily solved. In this thesis, we mainly focus on network-provider-independent overlays and investigate their performance in providing two different types of service. Specifically, this thesis addresses the following problems: Provider-independent overlay architecture: A provider-independent overlay framework named Resilient Overlay for Mission-Critical Applications (ROMCA) is proposed. We elaborate its structure including component composition and functions and also provide several operational examples. Overlay topology construction for providing resilience service: We investigate the topology design problem of provider-independent overlays aiming to provide resilience service. To be more specific, based on the ROMCA framework, we formulate this problem mathematically and prove its NP-hardness. Three heuristics are proposed and extensive simulations are carried out to verify their effectiveness. Application mapping with resilience and QoS guarantees: Assuming application mapping is the targeted service for ROMCA, we formulate this problem as an Integer Linear Program (ILP). Moreover, a simple but effective heuristic is proposed to address this issue in a time-efficient manner. Simulations with both synthetic and real networks prove the superiority of both solutions over existing ones. Substrate topology information availability and the impact of its accuracy on overlay performance: Based on our survey that summarizes the methodologies available for inferring the selective substrate topology formed among a group of nodes through active probing, we find that such information is usually inaccurate and additional mechanisms are needed to secure a better inferred topology. Therefore, we examine the impact of inferred substrate topology accuracy on overlay performance given only inferred substrate topology information

    Available Bandwidth Inference Based On Node-Centric Clusters

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    End-to-End Available Bandwidth (AB) is a real-time network metric that is useful for a wide range of applications including content distribution networks, multimedia streaming applications and overlay networks. In a large network with several thousand nodes, it is infeasible to perform all-pair bandwidth measurements as AB measurements could induce traffic overhead along the path. Also because of its dynamic nature, the measurements have to be performed frequently thus imposing significant probe traffic overhead on the network. In this paper, we discuss a clustering based distributed algorithm to infer the AB between any pair of nodes in a large network based on measurements performed on a subset of end-to-end paths. The algorithm was validated on Planet-Lab and for some nodes, 80% of the inferences were within 50% of the actual value

    Large scale probabilistic available bandwidth estimation

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    The common utilization-based definition of available bandwidth and many of the existing tools to estimate it suffer from several important weaknesses: i) most tools report a point estimate of average available bandwidth over a measurement interval and do not provide a confidence interval; ii) the commonly adopted models used to relate the available bandwidth metric to the measured data are invalid in almost all practical scenarios; iii) existing tools do not scale well and are not suited to the task of multi-path estimation in large-scale networks; iv) almost all tools use ad-hoc techniques to address measurement noise; and v) tools do not provide enough flexibility in terms of accuracy, overhead, latency and reliability to adapt to the requirements of various applications. In this paper we propose a new definition for available bandwidth and a novel framework that addresses these issues. We define probabilistic available bandwidth (PAB) as the largest input rate at which we can send a traffic flow along a path while achieving, with specified probability, an output rate that is almost as large as the input rate. PAB is expressed directly in terms of the measurable output rate and includes adjustable parameters that allow the user to adapt to different application requirements. Our probabilistic framework to estimate network-wide probabilistic available bandwidth is based on packet trains, Bayesian inference, factor graphs and active sampling. We deploy our tool on the PlanetLab network and our results show that we can obtain accurate estimates with a much smaller measurement overhead compared to existing approaches.Comment: Submitted to Computer Network