4 research outputs found

    Global cycle properties in graphs with large minimum clustering coefficient

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    The clustering coefficient of a vertex in a graph is the proportion of neighbours of the vertex that are adjacent. The minimum clustering coefficient of a graph is the smallest clustering coefficient taken over all vertices. A complete structural characterization of those locally connected graphs, with minimum clustering coefficient 1/2 and maximum degree at most 6, that are fully cycle extendable is given in terms of strongly induced subgraphs with given attachment sets. Moreover, it is shown that all locally connected graphs with minimum clustering coefficient 1/2 and maximum degree at most 6 are weakly pancyclic, thereby proving Ryjacek's conjecture for this class of locally connected graphs.Comment: 16 pages, two figure

    Traceability of locally hamiltonian and locally traceable graphs

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    If P\mathcal{P} is a given graph property, we say that a graph GG is locally P\mathcal{P} if ⟨N(v)⟩\langle N(v) \rangle has property P\mathcal{P} for every v∈V(G)v \in V(G) where ⟨N(v)⟩\langle N(v) \rangle is the induced graph on the open neighbourhood of the vertex vv. Pareek and Skupien (C. M. Pareek and Z. Skupien , On the smallest non-Hamiltonian locally Hamiltonian graph, J. Univ. Kuwait (Sci.), 10:9 - 17, 1983) posed the following two questions. Question 1 Is 9 the smallest order of a connected nontraceable locally traceable graph? Question 2 Is 14 the smallest order of a connected nontraceable locally hamiltonian graph? We answer the second question in the affirmative, but show that the correct number for the first question is 10. We develop a technique to construct connected locally hamiltonian and locally traceable graphs that are not traceable. We use this technique to construct such graphs with various prescribed properties

    Traceability of locally hamiltonian and locally traceable graphs

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    If P\mathcal{P} is a given graph property, we say that a graph GG is locally P\mathcal{P} if ⟨N(v)⟩\langle N(v) \rangle has property P\mathcal{P} for every v∈V(G)v \in V(G) where ⟨N(v)⟩\langle N(v) \rangle is the induced graph on the open neighbourhood of the vertex vv. Pareek and Skupien (C. M. Pareek and Z. Skupien , On the smallest non-Hamiltonian locally Hamiltonian graph, J. Univ. Kuwait (Sci.), 10:9 - 17, 1983) posed the following two questions. Question 1 Is 9 the smallest order of a connected nontraceable locally traceable graph? Question 2 Is 14 the smallest order of a connected nontraceable locally hamiltonian graph? We answer the second question in the affirmative, but show that the correct number for the first question is 10. We develop a technique to construct connected locally hamiltonian and locally traceable graphs that are not traceable. We use this technique to construct such graphs with various prescribed properties