93 research outputs found

    Improved Cache Trace Attack on AES and CLEFIA by Considering Cache Miss and S-box Misalignment

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    This paper presents an improved Cache trace attack on AES and CLEFIA by considering Cache miss trace information and S-box misalignment. In 2006, O. Acıiçmez et al. present a trace driven Cache attack on AES first two rounds, and point out that if the Cache element number of the Cache block is 16, at most 48-bit of AES key can be obtained in the first round attack. Their attack is based on the ideal case when S-box elements are perfected aligned in the Cache block. However, this paper discovers that, the S-box elements are usually misaligned, and due to this feature and by considering Cache miss trace information, about 200 samples are enough to obtain full 128-bit AES key within seconds. In 2010, Chester Rebeiro et al. present the first trace driven Cache attack on C LEFIA by considering Cache hit information and obtain 128-bit key with 243 CLEFIA encryptions. In this paper, we present a new attack on CLEFIA by considering Cache miss information and S-box misalignment features, finally successfully obtain CLEFIA-128 key for about 220 samples within seconds

    An Improved Trace Driven Instruction Cache Timing Attack on RSA

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    The previous I-cache timing attacks on RSA which exploit the instruction path of a cipher were mostly proof-of-concept, and it is harder to put them into practice than D-cache timing attacks. We propose a new trace driven timing attack model based on spying on the whole I-cache. An improved analysis algorithm of the exponent using the characteristic of the size of the window is advanced, which could further reduce the search space of the bits of the key than the former and provide an error detection mechanism to detect some erroneous decisions of the operation sequence. We implemented an attack on RSA of OpenSSL under a practical environment, proving that the feasibility and effectiveness of I-Cache timing attack could be improved

    Improved Trace-Driven Cache-Collision Attacks against Embedded AES Implementations

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    In this paper we present two attacks that exploit cache events, which are visible in some side channel, to derive a secret key used in an implementation of AES. The first is an improvement of an adaptive chosen plaintext attack presented at ACISP 2006. The second is a new known plaintext attack that can recover a 128-bit key with approximately 30 measurements to reduce the number of key hypotheses to 2^30. This is comparable to classical Dierential Power Analysis; however, our attacks are able to overcome certain masking techniques. We also show how to deal with unreliable cache event detection in the real-life measurement scenario and present practical explorations on a 32-bit ARM microprocessor

    Statistical Analysis for Access-Driven Cache Attacks Against AES

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    In recent years, side-channel timing attacks utilizing architectural behavior have been applied to cloud settings, presenting a realistic and serious cyber threat. Access-driven cache attacks allow the adversary to observe side-channel leakage (cache access pattern) of a critical cryptographic implementation to infer the secret key. However, what the attackers observe may deviate from the real cache footprint of the victim process, affecting the effectiveness of cache-based timing attacks using the observed leakage. Various countermeasures, including secure cache and architectures design, should also be evaluated accurately for their side-channel resilience. To address this need, this paper proposes a mathematical model for access-driven cache attacks, and derives explicit success rate formulas for those attacks. It is the first theoretical model that explicitly considers the misclassification errors for cache access and cache non-access by the victim cryptographic process. We implement several access-driven cache attacks and use our models to evaluate them. We demonstrate that the proposed statistical model predicts the success rate of cache-based timing attacks accurately. We also apply the model onto various cache defense architectures for evaluation

    On the complexity of side-channel attacks on AES-256 -- methodology and quantitative results on cache attacks

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    Larger key lengths translate into an exponential increase in the complexity of an exhaustive search. Side-channel attacks, however, use a divide-and-conquer approach and hence it is generally assumed that increasing the key length cannot be used as mitigation. Yet, the internal round structure of AES-256 and its key-scheduling seem to hinder a direct extension of the existing attacks on AES-128 and thus challenge the proposition above. Indeed two consecutives round keys are required to infer the secret key and the MixColumns operation, not present in the last round, apparently increases the key search complexity from to 2^8 to 2^32. Additionally, it is unclear what the impact of the different round structures is on the number of required measurements. In this paper, we explore this question and show how to attack AES-256 with a key search complexity of O(2^8). This work confirms with practical experiments that AES-256 only offers a marginal increase in resistance against the attacks –both in the required number of measurements and in the required processing time. As an example, we quantify this increase for the case of cache-based side-channel attacks: AES-256 only provides an increase in complexity of 6 to 7 compared to cache-based attacks on AES-128

    On the Incomparability of Cache Algorithms in Terms of Timing Leakage

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    Modern computer architectures rely on caches to reduce the latency gap between the CPU and main memory. While indispensable for performance, caches pose a serious threat to security because they leak information about memory access patterns of programs via execution time. In this paper, we present a novel approach for reasoning about the security of cache algorithms with respect to timing leaks. The basis of our approach is the notion of leak competitiveness, which compares the leakage of two cache algorithms on every possible program. Based on this notion, we prove the following two results: First, we show that leak competitiveness is symmetric in the cache algorithms. This implies that no cache algorithm dominates another in terms of leakage via a program's total execution time. This is in contrast to performance, where it is known that such dominance relationships exist. Second, when restricted to caches with finite control, the leak-competitiveness relationship between two cache algorithms is either asymptotically linear or constant. No other shapes are possible

    Covert timing channels, caching, and cryptography

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    Side-channel analysis is a cryptanalytic technique that targets not the formal description of a cryptographic primitive but the implementation of it. Examples of side-channels include power consumption or timing measurements. This is a young but very active field within applied cryptography. Modern processors are equipped with numerous mechanisms to improve the average performance of a program, including but not limited to caches. These mechanisms can often be used as side-channels to attack software implementations of cryptosystems. This area within side-channel analysis is called microarchitecture attacks, and those dealing with caching mechanisms cache-timing attacks. This dissertation presents a number of contributions to the field of side-channel analysis. The introductory portion consists of a review of common cache architectures, a literature survey of covert channels focusing mostly on covert timing channels, and a literature survey of cache-timing attacks, including selective related results that are more generally categorized as side-channel attacks such as traditional timing attacks. This dissertation includes eight publications relating to this field. They contain contributions in areas such as side-channel analysis, data cache-timing attacks, instruction cache-timing attacks, traditional timing attacks, and fault attacks. Fundamental themes also include attack mitigations and efficient yet secure software implementation of cryptosystems. Concrete results include, but are not limited to, four practical side-channel attacks against OpenSSL, each implemented and leading to full key recovery

    Enhancing an Embedded Processor Core with a Cryptographic Unit for Performance and Security

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    We present a set of low-cost architectural enhancements to accelerate the execution of certain arithmetic operations common in cryptographic applications on an extensible embedded processor core. The proposed enhancements are generic in the sense that they can be beneficially applied in almost any RISC processor. We implemented the enhancements in form of a cryptographic unit (CU) that offers the programmer an extended instruction set. The CU features a 128-bit wide register file and datapath, which enables it to process 128-bit words and perform 128-bit loads/stores. We analyze the speed-up factors for some arithmetic operations and public-key cryptographic algorithms obtained through these enhancements. In addition, we evaluate the hardware overhead (i.e. silicon area) of integrating the CU into an embedded RISC processor. Our experimental results show that the proposed architectural enhancements allow for a significant performance gain for both RSA and ECC at the expense of an acceptable increase in silicon area. We also demonstrate that the proposed enhancements facilitate the protection of cryptographic algorithms against certain types of side-channel attacks and present an AES implementation hardened against cache-based attacks as a case study