1,339 research outputs found

    Stochastic Analysis of a Churn-Tolerant Structured Peer-to-Peer Scheme

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    We present and analyze a simple and general scheme to build a churn (fault)-tolerant structured Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network. Our scheme shows how to "convert" a static network into a dynamic distributed hash table(DHT)-based P2P network such that all the good properties of the static network are guaranteed with high probability (w.h.p). Applying our scheme to a cube-connected cycles network, for example, yields a O(logN)O(\log N) degree connected network, in which every search succeeds in O(logN)O(\log N) hops w.h.p., using O(logN)O(\log N) messages, where NN is the expected stable network size. Our scheme has an constant storage overhead (the number of nodes responsible for servicing a data item) and an O(logN)O(\log N) overhead (messages and time) per insertion and essentially no overhead for deletions. All these bounds are essentially optimal. While DHT schemes with similar guarantees are already known in the literature, this work is new in the following aspects: (1) It presents a rigorous mathematical analysis of the scheme under a general stochastic model of churn and shows the above guarantees; (2) The theoretical analysis is complemented by a simulation-based analysis that validates the asymptotic bounds even in moderately sized networks and also studies performance under changing stable network size; (3) The presented scheme seems especially suitable for maintaining dynamic structures under churn efficiently. In particular, we show that a spanning tree of low diameter can be efficiently maintained in constant time and logarithmic number of messages per insertion or deletion w.h.p. Keywords: P2P Network, DHT Scheme, Churn, Dynamic Spanning Tree, Stochastic Analysis

    Storage and Search in Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    We study robust and efficient distributed algorithms for searching, storing, and maintaining data in dynamic Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks. P2P networks are highly dynamic networks that experience heavy node churn (i.e., nodes join and leave the network continuously over time). Our goal is to guarantee, despite high node churn rate, that a large number of nodes in the network can store, retrieve, and maintain a large number of data items. Our main contributions are fast randomized distributed algorithms that guarantee the above with high probability (whp) even under high adversarial churn: 1. A randomized distributed search algorithm that (whp) guarantees that searches from as many as no(n)n - o(n) nodes (nn is the stable network size) succeed in O(logn){O}(\log n)-rounds despite O(n/log1+δn){O}(n/\log^{1+\delta} n) churn, for any small constant δ>0\delta > 0, per round. We assume that the churn is controlled by an oblivious adversary (that has complete knowledge and control of what nodes join and leave and at what time, but is oblivious to the random choices made by the algorithm). 2. A storage and maintenance algorithm that guarantees (whp) data items can be efficiently stored (with only Θ(logn)\Theta(\log{n}) copies of each data item) and maintained in a dynamic P2P network with churn rate up to O(n/log1+δn){O}(n/\log^{1+\delta} n) per round. Our search algorithm together with our storage and maintenance algorithm guarantees that as many as no(n)n - o(n) nodes can efficiently store, maintain, and search even under O(n/log1+δn){O}(n/\log^{1+\delta} n) churn per round. Our algorithms require only polylogarithmic in nn bits to be processed and sent (per round) by each node. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithms are the first-known, fully-distributed storage and search algorithms that provably work under highly dynamic settings (i.e., high churn rates per step).Comment: to appear at SPAA 201

    X-Vine: Secure and Pseudonymous Routing Using Social Networks

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    Distributed hash tables suffer from several security and privacy vulnerabilities, including the problem of Sybil attacks. Existing social network-based solutions to mitigate the Sybil attacks in DHT routing have a high state requirement and do not provide an adequate level of privacy. For instance, such techniques require a user to reveal their social network contacts. We design X-Vine, a protection mechanism for distributed hash tables that operates entirely by communicating over social network links. As with traditional peer-to-peer systems, X-Vine provides robustness, scalability, and a platform for innovation. The use of social network links for communication helps protect participant privacy and adds a new dimension of trust absent from previous designs. X-Vine is resilient to denial of service via Sybil attacks, and in fact is the first Sybil defense that requires only a logarithmic amount of state per node, making it suitable for large-scale and dynamic settings. X-Vine also helps protect the privacy of users social network contacts and keeps their IP addresses hidden from those outside of their social circle, providing a basis for pseudonymous communication. We first evaluate our design with analysis and simulations, using several real world large-scale social networking topologies. We show that the constraints of X-Vine allow the insertion of only a logarithmic number of Sybil identities per attack edge; we show this mitigates the impact of malicious attacks while not affecting the performance of honest nodes. Moreover, our algorithms are efficient, maintain low stretch, and avoid hot spots in the network. We validate our design with a PlanetLab implementation and a Facebook plugin.Comment: 15 page

    LightChain: A DHT-based Blockchain for Resource Constrained Environments

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    As an append-only distributed database, blockchain is utilized in a vast variety of applications including the cryptocurrency and Internet-of-Things (IoT). The existing blockchain solutions have downsides in communication and storage efficiency, convergence to centralization, and consistency problems. In this paper, we propose LightChain, which is the first blockchain architecture that operates over a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) of participating peers. LightChain is a permissionless blockchain that provides addressable blocks and transactions within the network, which makes them efficiently accessible by all the peers. Each block and transaction is replicated within the DHT of peers and is retrieved in an on-demand manner. Hence, peers in LightChain are not required to retrieve or keep the entire blockchain. LightChain is fair as all of the participating peers have a uniform chance of being involved in the consensus regardless of their influence such as hashing power or stake. LightChain provides a deterministic fork-resolving strategy as well as a blacklisting mechanism, and it is secure against colluding adversarial peers attacking the availability and integrity of the system. We provide mathematical analysis and experimental results on scenarios involving 10K nodes to demonstrate the security and fairness of LightChain. As we experimentally show in this paper, compared to the mainstream blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum, LightChain requires around 66 times less per node storage, and is around 380 times faster on bootstrapping a new node to the system, while each LightChain node is rewarded equally likely for participating in the protocol

    Hang With Your Buddies to Resist Intersection Attacks

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    Some anonymity schemes might in principle protect users from pervasive network surveillance - but only if all messages are independent and unlinkable. Users in practice often need pseudonymity - sending messages intentionally linkable to each other but not to the sender - but pseudonymity in dynamic networks exposes users to intersection attacks. We present Buddies, the first systematic design for intersection attack resistance in practical anonymity systems. Buddies groups users dynamically into buddy sets, controlling message transmission to make buddies within a set behaviorally indistinguishable under traffic analysis. To manage the inevitable tradeoffs between anonymity guarantees and communication responsiveness, Buddies enables users to select independent attack mitigation policies for each pseudonym. Using trace-based simulations and a working prototype, we find that Buddies can guarantee non-trivial anonymity set sizes in realistic chat/microblogging scenarios, for both short-lived and long-lived pseudonyms.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Seeking Anonymity in an Internet Panopticon

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    Obtaining and maintaining anonymity on the Internet is challenging. The state of the art in deployed tools, such as Tor, uses onion routing (OR) to relay encrypted connections on a detour passing through randomly chosen relays scattered around the Internet. Unfortunately, OR is known to be vulnerable at least in principle to several classes of attacks for which no solution is known or believed to be forthcoming soon. Current approaches to anonymity also appear unable to offer accurate, principled measurement of the level or quality of anonymity a user might obtain. Toward this end, we offer a high-level view of the Dissent project, the first systematic effort to build a practical anonymity system based purely on foundations that offer measurable and formally provable anonymity properties. Dissent builds on two key pre-existing primitives - verifiable shuffles and dining cryptographers - but for the first time shows how to scale such techniques to offer measurable anonymity guarantees to thousands of participants. Further, Dissent represents the first anonymity system designed from the ground up to incorporate some systematic countermeasure for each of the major classes of known vulnerabilities in existing approaches, including global traffic analysis, active attacks, and intersection attacks. Finally, because no anonymity protocol alone can address risks such as software exploits or accidental self-identification, we introduce WiNon, an experimental operating system architecture to harden the uses of anonymity tools such as Tor and Dissent against such attacks.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Distributed Algorithmic Foundations of Dynamic Networks

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