6 research outputs found

    Are Public Intrusion Datasets Fit for Purpose: Characterising the State of the Art in Intrusion Event Datasets

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.In recent years cybersecurity attacks have caused major disruption and information loss for online organisations, with high profile incidents in the news. One of the key challenges in advancing the state of the art in intrusion detection is the lack of representative datasets. These datasets typically contain millions of time-ordered events (e.g. network packet traces, flow summaries, log entries); subsequently analysed to identify abnormal behavior and specific attacks [1]. Generating realistic datasets has historically required expensive networked assets, specialised traffic generators, and considerable design preparation. Even with advances in virtualisation it remains challenging to create and maintain a representative environment. Major improvements are needed in the design, quality and availability of datasets, to assist researchers in developing advanced detection techniques. With the emergence of new technology paradigms, such as intelligent transport and autonomous vehicles, it is also likely that new classes of threat will emerge [2]. Given the rate of change in threat behavior [3] datasets become quickly obsolete, and some of the most widely cited datasets date back over two decades. Older datasets have limited value: often heavily filtered and anonymised, with unrealistic event distributions, and opaque design methodology. The relative scarcity of (Intrusion Detection System) IDS datasets is compounded by the lack of a central registry, and inconsistent information on provenance. Researchers may also find it hard to locate datasets or understand their relative merits. In addition, many datasets rely on simulation, originating from academic or government institutions. The publication process itself often creates conflicts, with the need to de-identify sensitive information in order to meet regulations such as General Data Protection Act (GDPR) [4]. Another final issue for researchers is the lack of standardised metrics with which to compare dataset quality. In this paper we attempt to classify the most widely used public intrusion datasets, providing references to archives and associated literature. We illustrate their relative utility and scope, highlighting the threat composition, formats, special features, and associated limitations. We identify best practice in dataset design, and describe potential pitfalls of designing anomaly detection techniques based on data that may be either inappropriate, or compromised due to unrealistic threat coverage. Such contributions as made in this paper is expected to facilitate continuous research and development for effectively combating the constantly evolving cyber threat landscape

    Towards the creation of synthetic, yet realistic, intrusion detection datasets <b>(best paper award)</b>

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    Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are an important defense tool against the sophisticated and ever-growing network attacks. With this in mind, the research community has been immersed in the field of IDSs over the past years more than before. Still, assessing and comparing performance between different systems and algorithms remains one of the biggest challenges in this research area. IDSs need to be evaluated and compared against high quality datasets; nevertheless, the existing ones have become outdated or lack many essential requirements. We present the Intrusion Detection Dataset Toolkit (ID2T), an approach for creating out-of-the-box labeled datasets that contain user defined attacks. In this paper, we discuss the essential requirements needed to create synthetic, yet realistic, datasets with user defined attacks. We also present typical problems found in synthetic datasets and propose a software architecture for building tools that can cope with the most typical problems. A publicly available prototype, is implemented and evaluated. The evaluation comprises a performance analysis and a quality assessment of the generated datasets. We show that our tool can handle large amounts of network traffic and that it can generate synthetic datasets without the problems or shortcomings we identified in other datasets

    A pattern-driven corpus to predictive analytics in mitigating SQL injection attack

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    The back-end database provides accessible and structured storage for each web application’s big data internet web traffic exchanges stemming from cloud-hosted web applications to the Internet of Things (IoT) smart devices in emerging computing. Structured Query Language Injection Attack (SQLIA) remains an intruder’s exploit of choice to steal confidential information from the database of vulnerable front-end web applications with potentially damaging security ramifications.Existing solutions to SQLIA still follows the on-premise web applications server hosting concept which were primarily developed before the recent challenges of the big data mining and as such lack the functionality and ability to cope with new attack signatures concealed in a large volume of web requests. Also, most organisations’ databases and services infrastructure no longer reside on-premise as internet cloud-hosted applications and services are increasingly used which limit existing Structured Query Language Injection (SQLI) detection and prevention approaches that rely on source code scanning. A bio-inspired approach such as Machine Learning (ML) predictive analytics provides functional and scalable mining for big data in the detection and prevention of SQLI in intercepting large volumes of web requests. Unfortunately, lack of availability of robust ready-made data set with patterns and historical data items to train a classifier are issues well known in SQLIA research applying ML in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The purpose-built competition-driven test case data sets are antiquated and not pattern-driven to train a classifier for real-world application. Also, the web application types are so diverse to have an all-purpose generic data set for ML SQLIA mitigation.This thesis addresses the lack of pattern-driven data set by deriving one to predict SQLIA of any size and proposing a technique to obtain a data set on the fly and break the circle of relying on few outdated competitions-driven data sets which exist are not meant to benchmark real-world SQLIA mitigation. The thesis in its contributions derived pattern-driven data set of related member strings that are used in training a supervised learning model with validation through Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and Confusion Matrix (CM) with results of low false positives and negatives. We further the evaluations with cross-validation to have obtained a low variance in accuracy that indicates of a successful trained model using the derived pattern-driven data set capable of generalisation of unknown data in the real-world with reduced biases. Also, we demonstrated a proof of concept with a test application by implementing an ML Predictive Analytics to SQLIA detection and prevention using this pattern-driven data set in a test web application. We observed in the experiments carried out in the course of this thesis, a data set of related member strings can be generated from a web expected input data and SQL tokens, including known SQLI signatures. The data set extraction ontology proposed in this thesis for applied ML in SQLIA mitigation in the context of emerging computing of big data internet, and cloud-hosted services set our proposal apart from existing approaches that were mostly on-premise source code scanning and queries structure comparisons of some sort