9 research outputs found

    A Bibliometric Overview of the Field of Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems [Discussion Forum]

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    Ā© 2005-2012 IEEE. Fuzzy Sets and Systems is an area of computational intelligence, pioneered by Lotfi Zadeh over 50 years ago in a seminal paper in Information and Control. Fuzzy Sets (FSs) deal with uncertainty in our knowledge of a particular situation. Research and applications in FSs have grown steadily over 50 years. More recently, we have seen a growth in Type-2 Fuzzy Set (T2 FS) related papers, where T2 FSs are utilized to handle uncertainty in realworld problems. In this paper, we have used bibliometric methods to obtain a broad overview of the area of T2 FSs. This method analyzes information on the bibliographic details of published journal papers, which includes title, authors, author address, journals and citations, extracted from the Science and Social Science Citation Indices in the Web of Science (WoS) database for the last 20 years (1997-2017). We have compared the growth of publications in the field of FSs, and its subset T2 FSs, identified highly cited papers in T2 FSs, highly cited authors, key institutions, and main countries with researchers involved in T2 FS related research

    Global Research Performance on the Design and Applications of Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    There has been a significant contribution to scientific literature in the design and applications of Type-2 fuzzy logic systems (T2FLS). The T2FLSs found applications in many aspects of our daily lives, such as engineering, pure science, medicine and social sciences. The online web of science was searched to identify the 100 most frequently cited papers published on the design and application of T2FLS from 1980 to 2016. The articles were analyzed based on authorship, source title, country of origin, institution, document type, web of science category, and year of publication. The correlation between the average citation per year (ACY) and the total citation (TC) was analyzed. It was found that there is a strong relationship between the ACY and TC (r = 0.91643, P<0.01), based on the papers consider in this research.  The ā€œType -2 fuzzy sets made simpleā€ authored by Mendel and John (2002), published in IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems received the highest TC as well as the ACY. The future trend in this research domain was also analyzed. The present analysis may serve as a guide for selecting qualitative literature especially to the beginners in the field of T2FLS

    Overlapping Clusters and Support Vector Machines Based Interval Type-2 Fuzzy System for the Prediction of Peptide Binding Affinity

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    In the post-genome era, it is becoming more complex to process high dimensional, low-instance available, and nonlinear biological datasets. This paper aims to address these characteristics as they have adverse effects on the performance of predictive models in bioinformatics. In this paper, an interval type-2 Takagi Sugeno fuzzy predictive model is proposed in order to manage high-dimensionality and nonlinearity of such datasets which is the common feature in bioinformatics. A new clustering framework is proposed for this purpose to simplify antecedent operations for an interval type-2 fuzzy system. This new clustering framework is based on overlapping regions between the clusters. The cluster analysis of partitions and statistical information derived from them has identified the upper and lower membership functions forming the premise part. This is further enhanced by adapting the regression version of support vector machines in the consequent part. The proposed method is used in experiments to quantitatively predict affinities of peptide bindings to biomolecules. This case study imposes a challenge in post-genome studies and remains an open problem due to the complexity of the biological system, diversity of peptides, and curse of dimensionality of amino acid index representation characterizing the peptides. Utilizing four different peptide binding affinity datasets, the proposed method resulted in better generalization ability for all of them yielding an improved prediction accuracy of up to 58.2% on unseen peptides in comparison with the predictive methods presented in the literature. Source code of the algorithm is available at https://github.com/sekerbigdatalab

    Type-2 fuzzy sets applied to multivariable self-organizing fuzzy logic controllers for regulating anesthesia

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    In this paper, novel interval and general type-2 self-organizing fuzzy logic controllers (SOFLCs) are proposed for the automatic control of anesthesia during surgical procedures. The type-2 SOFLC is a hierarchical adaptive fuzzy controller able to generate and modify its rule-base in response to the controller's performance. The type-2 SOFLC uses type-2 fuzzy sets derived from real surgical data capturing patient variability in monitored physiological parameters during anesthetic sedation, which are used to define the footprint of uncertainty (FOU) of the type-2 fuzzy sets. Experimental simulations were carried out to evaluate the performance of the type-2 SOFLCs in their ability to control anesthetic delivery rates for maintaining desired physiological set points for anesthesia (muscle relaxation and blood pressure) under signal and patient noise. Results show that the type-2 SOFLCs can perform well and outperform previous type-1 SOFLC and comparative approaches for anesthesia control producing lower performance errors while using better defined rules in regulating anesthesia set points while handling the control uncertainties. The results are further supported by statistical analysis which also show that zSlices general type-2 SOFLCs are able to outperform interval type-2 SOFLC in terms of their steady state performance

    Type-2 fuzzy logic system applications for power systems

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    PhD ThesisIn the move towards ubiquitous information & communications technology, an opportunity for further optimisation of the power system as a whole has arisen. Nonetheless, the fast growth of intermittent generation concurrently with markets deregulation is driving a need for timely algorithms that can derive value from these new data sources. Type-2 fuzzy logic systems can offer approximate solutions to these computationally hard tasks by expressing non-linear relationships in a more flexible fashion. This thesis explores how type-2 fuzzy logic systems can provide solutions to two of these challenging power system problems; short-term load forecasting and voltage control in distribution networks. On one hand, time-series forecasting is a key input for economic secure power systems as there are many tasks that require a precise determination of the future short-term load (e.g. unit commitment or security assessment among others), but also when dealing with electricity as commodity. As a consequence, short-term load forecasting becomes essential for energy stakeholders and any inaccuracy can be directly translated into their financial performance. All these is reflected in current power systems literature trends where a significant number of papers cover the subject. Extending the existing literature, this work focuses in how these should be implemented from beginning to end to bring to light their predictive performance. Following this research direction, this thesis introduces a novel framework to automatically design type-2 fuzzy logic systems. On the other hand, the low-carbon economy is pushing the grid status even closer to its operational limits. Distribution networks are becoming active systems with power flows and voltages defined not only by load, but also by generation. As consequence, even if it is not yet absolutely clear how power systems will evolve in the long-term, all plausible future scenarios claim for real-time algorithms that can provide near optimal solutions to this challenging mixed-integer non-linear problem. Aligned with research and industry efforts, this thesis introduces a scalable implementation to tackle this task in divide-and-conquer fashio

    Towards the Wide Spread Use of Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems in Real World Applications

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    Real world applications are characterized by high levels of linguistic and numerical uncertainties. Since the inception of Fuzzy Logic Systems (FLSs), they have been applied with great success to numerous real world applications. The vast majority of FLSs so far have been traditional type-1 FLSs. However, type-1 FLSs cannot fully handle the high levels of uncertainties available in the vast majority of real world applications. This is because type-1 FLSs employ crisp and "precise" type-1 fuzzy sets. A type-2 FLS can handle higher uncertainty levels to produce improved performance. This paper follows on [1] to show how type-2 FLSs are starting to find their way into a variety of real world applications, promising a continuous growth both in number and variety of type-2 FLS applications in the next decade. Ā© 2012 IEEE

    Type-2 Fuzzy Logic based Systems for Adaptive Learning and Teaching within Intelligent E-Learning Environments

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    The recent years have witnessed an increased interest in e-learning platforms that incorporate adaptive learning and teaching systems that enable the creation of adaptive learning environments to suit individual student needs. The efficiency of these adaptive educational systems relies on the methodology used to accurately gather and examine information pertaining to the characteristics and needs of students and relies on the way that information is processed to form an adaptive learning context. The vast majority of existing adaptive educational systems do not learn from the usersā€™ behaviours to create white-box models to handle the high level of uncertainty and that could be easily read and analysed by the lay user. The data generated from interactions, such as teacherā€“learner or learnerā€“system interactions within asynchronous environments, provide great opportunities to realise more adaptive and intelligent e-learning platforms rather than propose prescribed pedagogy that depends on the idea of a few designers and experts. Another limitation of current adaptive educational systems is that most of the existing systems ignore gauging the students' engagements levels and mapping them to suitable delivery needs which match the students' knowledge and preferred learning styles. It is necessary to estimate the degree of studentsā€™ engagement with the course contents. Such feedback is highly important and useful for assessing the teaching quality and adjusting the teaching delivery in small and large-scale online learning platforms. Furthermore, most of the current adaptive educational systems are used within asynchronous e-learning contexts as self-paced e-learning products in which learners can study in their own time and at their own speed, totally ignorant of synchronous e-learning settings of teacher-led delivery of the learning material over a communication tool in real time. This thesis presents novel theoretical and practical architectures based on computationally lightweight T2FLSs for lifelong learning and adaptation of learnersā€™ and teachersā€™ behaviours in small- and large-scale asynchronous and synchronous e-learning platforms. In small-scale asynchronous and synchronous e-learning platforms, the presented architecture augments an engagement estimate system using a noncontact, low-cost, and multiuser support 3D sensor Kinect (v2). This is able to capture reliable features including head pose direction and hybrid features of facial expression to enable convenient and robust estimation of engagement in small-scale online and onsite learning in an unconstrained and natural environment in which users are allowed to act freely and move without restrictions. We will present unique real-world experiments in large and small-scale e-learning platforms carried out by 1,916 users from King Abdul-Aziz and Essex universities in Saudi Arabia and the UK over the course of teaching Excel and PowerPoint in which the type 2 system is learnt and adapted to student and teacher behaviour. The type-2 fuzzy system will be subjected to extended and varied knowledge, engagement, needs, and a high level of uncertainty variation in e-learning environments outperforming the type 1 fuzzy system and non-adaptive version of the system by producing better performance in terms of improved learning, completion rates, and better user engagements