229,599 research outputs found

    A posteriori modeling error estimates in the optimization of two-scale elastic composite materials

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    The a posteriori analysis of the discretization error and the modeling error is studied for a compliance cost functional in the context of the optimization of composite elastic materials and a two-scale linearized elasticity model. A mechanically simple, parametrized microscopic supporting structure is chosen and the parameters describing the structure are determined minimizing the compliance objective. An a posteriori error estimate is derived which includes the modeling error caused by the replacement of a nested laminate microstructure by this considerably simpler microstructure. Indeed, nested laminates are known to realize the minimal compliance and provide a benchmark for the quality of the microstructures. To estimate the local difference in the compliance functional the dual weighted residual approach is used. Different numerical experiments show that the resulting adaptive scheme leads to simple parametrized microscopic supporting structures that can compete with the optimal nested laminate construction. The derived a posteriori error indicators allow to verify that the suggested simplified microstructures achieve the optimal value of the compliance up to a few percent. Furthermore, it is shown how discretization error and modeling error can be balanced by choosing an optimal level of grid refinement. Our two scale results with a single scale microstructure can provide guidance towards the design of a producible macroscopic fine scale pattern

    Towards the efficient calculation of quantity of interest from steady Euler equations II: a CNNs-based automatic implementation

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    In \cite{wang2023towards}, a dual-consistent dual-weighted residual-based hh-adaptive method has been proposed based on a Newton-GMG framework, towards the accurate calculation of a given quantity of interest from Euler equations. The performance of such a numerical method is satisfactory, i.e., the stable convergence of the quantity of interest can be observed in all numerical experiments. In this paper, we will focus on the efficiency issue to further develop this method, since efficiency is vital for numerical methods in practical applications such as the optimal design of the vehicle shape. Three approaches are studied for addressing the efficiency issue, i.e., i). using convolutional neural networks as a solver for dual equations, ii). designing an automatic adjustment strategy for the tolerance in the hh-adaptive process to conduct the local refinement and/or coarsening of mesh grids, and iii). introducing OpenMP, a shared memory parallelization technique, to accelerate the module such as the solution reconstruction in the method. The feasibility of each approach and numerical issues are discussed in depth, and significant acceleration from those approaches in simulations can be observed clearly from a number of numerical experiments. In convolutional neural networks, it is worth mentioning that the dual consistency plays an important role to guarantee the efficiency of the whole method and that unstructured meshes are employed in all simulations.Comment: In this papers, we use the CNNs architecture to solve the dual equations proble

    Goal driven optimization of process parameters for maximum efficiency in laser bending of advanced high strength steels

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    Laser forming or bending is fast becoming an attractive option for the forming of advanced high strength steels (AHSS), due primarily to the reduced formability of AHSS when compared with conventional steels in traditional contact-based forming processes. An inherently iterative process, laser forming must be optimized for efficiency in order to compete with contact based forming processes; as such, a robust and accurate method of optimal process parameter prediction is required. In this paper, goal driven optimization is conducted, utilizing numerical simulations as the basis for the prediction of optimal process parameters for the laser bending of DP 1000 steel. A key consideration of the optimization process is the requirement for minimal microstructural transformation in automotive grade high strength steels such as DP 1000

    Composite Dipolar Recoupling: Anisotropy Compensated Coherence Transfer in Solid-State NMR

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    The efficiency of dipole-dipole coupling driven coherence transfer experiments in solid-state NMR spectroscopy of powder samples is limited by dispersion of the orientation of the internuclear vectors relative to the external magnetic field. Here we introduce general design principles and resulting pulse sequences that approach full polarization transfer efficiency for all crystallite orientations in a powder in magic-angle-spinning experiments. The methods compensate for the defocusing of coherence due to orientation dependent dipolar coupling interactions and inhomogeneous radio-frequency fields. The compensation scheme is very simple to implement as a scaffold (comb) of compensating pulses in which the pulse sequence to be improved may be inserted. The degree of compensation can be adjusted and should be balanced as a compromise between efficiency and length of the overall pulse sequence. We show by numerical and experimental data that the presented compensation protocol significantly improves the efficiency of known dipolar recoupling solid-state NMR experiment

    Optimal control of transitions between nonequilibrium steady states

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    Biological systems fundamentally exist out of equilibrium in order to preserve organized structures and processes. Many changing cellular conditions can be represented as transitions between nonequilibrium steady states, and organisms have an interest in optimizing such transitions. Using the Hatano-Sasa Y-value, we extend a recently developed geometrical framework for determining optimal protocols so that it can be applied to systems driven from nonequilibrium steady states. We calculate and numerically verify optimal protocols for a colloidal particle dragged through solution by a translating optical trap with two controllable parameters. We offer experimental predictions, specifically that optimal protocols are significantly less costly than naive ones. Optimal protocols similar to these may ultimately point to design principles for biological energy transduction systems and guide the design of artificial molecular machines.Comment: Accepted for publication at PLoS ON

    Non-local control in the conduction coefficients: well posedness and convergence to the local limit

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    We consider a problem of optimal distribution of conductivities in a system governed by a non-local diffusion law. The problem stems from applications in optimal design and more specifically topology optimization. We propose a novel parametrization of non-local material properties. With this parametrization the non-local diffusion law in the limit of vanishing non-local interaction horizons converges to the famous and ubiquitously used generalized Laplacian with SIMP (Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization) material model. The optimal control problem for the limiting local model is typically ill-posed and does not attain its infimum without additional regularization. Surprisingly, its non-local counterpart attains its global minima in many practical situations, as we demonstrate in this work. In spite of this qualitatively different behaviour, we are able to partially characterize the relationship between the non-local and the local optimal control problems. We also complement our theoretical findings with numerical examples, which illustrate the viability of our approach to optimal design practitioners
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