3 research outputs found

    Aplicación de big data para citas médicas utilizando IA Chatbot en los años 2012 – 2020, una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica

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    El objetivo principal de este estudio es demostrar el impacto de la aplicación de Big data para citas médicas utilizando IA Chatbot, se identificaron revisiones de las bases de datos como ProQuest, EBSCO, Google académico y algunos de artículos periodísticos digitales publicadas desde el 2012 hasta diciembre del 2020, que tuvieran en el titulo los términos Inteligencia Artificial, Chatbot, Big Data, Medical, entre otros. Se creo una lista de 50 elementos principales de los artículos científicos de autores que están netamente comprometidos con la investigación y de base de datos de prestigio verificando la calidad de cada estudio. Demostramos que existe un impacto positivo al aplicar este tipo de tecnología en las empresas, siendo el punto principal reducir el tiempo de atención al cliente además de tener un crecimiento en las ventas, reducción de costos, mejor comunicación con el cliente, disponibilidad veinticuatro por siete. Una de las limitaciones que se encuentra sobre esta tecnología son las leyes que lo rigen como la de proteger los datos personales, también tenemos como limitante el tema de los costos en la implementación, no todas las empresas podrían llegar a implementarlo, el asistente carece de emociones. Para concluir esta tecnología trae más beneficios y ayuda a mejorar de manera activa en la vida de las personas. Es necesario mejorar y seguir completando el proceso de búsqueda si se quiere actualizar la versión del presente estudio y evaluar su calidad

    DesÄ°Qual: Destination in Motion. Emotional Engagement as a Determinant of Service Quality. Service Design for a Personalised Travelling Experience and Well-Being.

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    The purpose of this study is to explore how values and emotional engagement impact well-being in Self-Service-Technology (SST). By employing methods of roleplay during a multiple case study, the narrative is visually documented and analysed through service design and social-science research tools. Previous studies indicate that the amount of value creation impacts service quality. This study proves that even though value creation is the fundamental foundation of services, it is the emotional engagement and how it is managed that leaves the highest impact on well-being. Quality of engagement has more accurately echoed the nature of the case narratives. Hence, attention to the engagement rhythm, creating services that encourage personal empathic interactions, and providing support through naturalness communication at times of negative engagement may lead to loyalty. Combining methods of social science research and service design has made the analysis approach quite demanding. Defining the multiple-case boundaries has presented some complications. Results indicate that human-agent empathic interactions can be regarded as an unattainable luxury in the wake of airport digital transformation; nevertheless, the criteria of engagement in learning and psychosocial well-being may be adopted to create effective digital services. DesİQual is an instrument model synthesised from the classical foundation of service marketing. For intangible services, the model can be utilised to explore values, emotional engagement, and digital well-being. The original concept of the door-to-door journey — combining air and ground transport through the use of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) — can be an inevitable future scenario. Such concept has been examined through the perception of multiple archetypes, and opportunities are presented within the user experience map. The pattern and results of this study can be very useful in the field of service marketing and education

    Towards task-sensitive assistance in public spaces

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    Purpose Performing tasks in public spaces can be demanding due to task complexity. Systems that can keep track of the current task state may help their users to successfully fulfill a task. These systems, however, require major implementation effort. The purpose of this paper is to investigate if and how a mobile information assistant which has only basic task-tracking capabilities can support users by employing a least effort approach. This means, we are interested in whether such a system is able to have an impact on the way a workflow in public space is perceived. Design/methodology/approach The authors implement and test AIRBOT, a mobile chatbot application that can assist air passengers in successfully boarding a plane. The authors apply a three-tier approach and, first, conduct expert and passenger interviews to understand the workflow and the information needs occurring therein; second, the authors implement a mobile chatbot application providing minimum task-tracking capabilities to support travelers by providing boarding-relevant information in a proactive manner. Finally, the authors evaluate this application by means of an in situ study (n = 101 passengers) at a major European airport. Findings The authors provide evidence that basic task-tracking capabilities are sufficient to affect the users' task perception. AIRBOT is able to decrease the perceived workload airport services impose on users. It has a negative impact on satisfaction with non-personalized information offered by the airport, though. Originality/value The study shows that the number of features is not the most important means to successfully provide assistance in public space workflows. The study can, moreover, serve as a blueprint to design task-based assistants for other contexts