3 research outputs found

    A primer on functional magnetic resonance imaging

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    Abstract In this manuscript, basic principles of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are reviewed. In the first section, two intrinsic mechanisms of magnetic resonance image contrast related to the longitudinal and transverse components of relaxing spins and their relaxation rates, T 1 and T 2 , are described. In the second section, the biophysical mechanisms that alter the apparent transverse relaxation time, T * 2 , in blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) studies and the creation of BOLD activation maps are discussed. The physiological complexity of the BOLD signal is emphasized. In the third section, arterial spin labeling (ASL) measures of cerebral blood flow are presented. Arterial spin labeling inverts or saturates the magnetization of flowing spins to measure the rate of delivery of blood to capillaries. In the fourth section, calibrated fMRI, which uses BOLD and ASL to infer alterations of oxygen utilization during behavioral activation, is reviewed. The discussion concludes with challenges confronting studies of individual cases. Keywords Functional magnetic resonance imaging . Perfusion magnetic resonance imaging . Regional blood flow . Cerebral oxygen metabolism G. G. Brown ( ) Psychology Service (MC 116B), VA San Diego Healthcare System, 3350 La Jolla Village Drive

    Towards quantification of blood-flow changes during cognitive task activation using perfusion-based fMRI.

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    Multi-slice perfusion-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (p-fMRI) is demonstrated with a color-word Stroop task as an established cognitive paradigm. Continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL) of the blood in the left common carotid artery was applied for all repetitions of the functional run in a quasi-continuous fashion, i.e., it was interrupted only during image acquisition. For comparison, blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) contrast was detected using conventional gradient-recalled echo (GE) echo planar imaging (EPI). Positive activations in BOLD imaging appeared in p-fMRI as negative signal changes corresponding to an enhanced transport of inverted water spins into the region of interest, i.e., increased cerebral blood flow (CBF). Regional differences between the localization of activations and the sensitivity of p-fMRI and BOLD-fMRI were observed as, for example, in the inferior frontal sulcus and in the intraparietal sulcus. Quantification of CBF changes during cognitive task activation was performed on a multi-subject basis and yielded CBF increases of the order of 20-30%