9 research outputs found

    Advances in pervasive computing

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    Purpose &ndash; The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of advances in pervasive computing.Design/methodology/approach &ndash; The paper provides a critical analysis of the literature.Findings &ndash; Tools expected to support these advances are: resource location framework, data management (e.g. replica control) framework, communication paradigms, and smart interaction mechanisms. Also, infrastructures needed to support pervasive computing applications and an information appliance should be easy for anyone to use and the interaction with the device should be intuitive.Originality/value &ndash; The paper shows how everyday devices with embedded processing and connectivity could interconnect as a pervasive network of intelligent devices that cooperatively and autonomously collect, process and transport information, in order to adapt to the associated context and activity<br /


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    Ketatnya persaingan dalam industri e-commerce membuat para pemain dalam industri tersebut mencari berbagai macam cara untuk memperoleh awareness dari konsumen, berbagai macam media promosi dilakukan salah satunya dengan menggunakan pendekatan melalui instant messaging untuk lebih dekat dengan konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara advertising (X1), sales promotion (X2), dan direct marketing (X3) yang dilakukan rakuten di instant messaging LINE terhadap brand awareness (Y). Responden yang diteliti pada penelitian ini adalah pengguna LINE diseluruh Indonesia dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 400 responden. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif kausal dengan teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda untuk menguji hipotesisnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa advertising, sales promotion, dan direct marketing berpengaruh secara signifikan 43,5% terhadap brand awareness, sementara 56,5% ditentukan oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, variabel direct marketing memiliki pengaruh paling besar terhadap brand awareness yaitu sebesar 0,340 dibandingkan variabel advertising 0,292 dan variabel sales promotion 0,107 oleh karena itu rakuten hendaknya meningkatkan direct marketing yang dilakukan di LINE dengan cara memberikan penawaran atau pesan yang lebih sesuai dengan karakteristik responden yang dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan database dari LINE. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat meneliti dengan objek instant messaging yang berbeda atau perusahaan yang berbeda untuk melihat bagaimana pengaruh antara advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing dan brand awareness. Kata kunci : Advertising, Sales Promotion, Direct Marketing, Brand Awareness, Instant Messagin

    Context Aware Instant Messenger with Integrated Scheduling Planner

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    The purpose of this paper is to do a research on context awareness concept in instant messaging applications. The widely used instant messaging systems usually incorporate the same context awareness function that displays the current status of other users. There are many prototypes of context aware instant messenger program that already being developed and being tested in order to ensure the applications are able to display the users' status in a more reliable and accurate manner. However, the availability indicators provided by instant messenger only useful for users who are planning to have communication with other users. This kind of context aware does not help users to use the instant messaging systems for another purpose such as to schedule an appointment with one of their contact list. By realizing this issue, the design of a Context-Aware Instant Messenger with Integrated Scheduling Planner system is proposed to cater the problems. The solution application is designed for all computer users especially for the staffs in organizations and universities students which will enable them to do any appointment through instant messaging system. Throughout this document, the existing prototype of instant messaging systems is discussed regarding their context awareness concept and at the same time is compared to identifY their strong and weaknesses. From the finding of the research, new project plan is discussed in order to develop a new brand prototype of instant messaging application starting from planning, analysis, design, prototype development until prototype system testing. Prototyping methodology is chosen for the development of this application because of the time constraint. There are three prototypes with different level of functionality has been produced by this project to exhibit the scheduling planner function. Based on the research done, the Context-Aware Instant Messenger with Integrated Scheduling Planner system was found to transcend current instant messaging products by having new feature which enable the users to schedule any event with their contact list

    Context Aware Instant Messenger with Integrated Scheduling Planner

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    The purpose of this paper is to do a research on context awareness concept in instant messaging applications. The widely used instant messaging systems usually incorporate the same context awareness function that displays the current status of other users. There are many prototypes of context aware instant messenger program that already being developed and being tested in order to ensure the applications are able to display the users' status in a more reliable and accurate manner. However, the availability indicators provided by instant messenger only useful for users who are planning to have communication with other users. This kind of context aware does not help users to use the instant messaging systems for another purpose such as to schedule an appointment with one of their contact list. By realizing this issue, the design of a Context-Aware Instant Messenger with Integrated Scheduling Planner system is proposed to cater the problems. The solution application is designed for all computer users especially for the staffs in organizations and universities students which will enable them to do any appointment through instant messaging system. Throughout this document, the existing prototype of instant messaging systems is discussed regarding their context awareness concept and at the same time is compared to identifY their strong and weaknesses. From the finding of the research, new project plan is discussed in order to develop a new brand prototype of instant messaging application starting from planning, analysis, design, prototype development until prototype system testing. Prototyping methodology is chosen for the development of this application because of the time constraint. There are three prototypes with different level of functionality has been produced by this project to exhibit the scheduling planner function. Based on the research done, the Context-Aware Instant Messenger with Integrated Scheduling Planner system was found to transcend current instant messaging products by having new feature which enable the users to schedule any event with their contact list

    Context Aware Instant Messenger with Integrated Scheduling Planner

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    The purpose of this paper is to do a research on context awareness concept in instant messaging applications. The widely used instant messaging systems usually incorporate the same context awareness function that displays the current status of other users. There are many prototypes of context aware instant messenger program that already being developed and being tested in order to ensure the applications are able to display the users' status in a more reliable and accurate manner. However, the availability indicators provided by instant messenger only useful for users who are planning to have communication with other users. This kind of context aware does not help users to use the instant messaging systems for another purpose such as to schedule an appointment with one of their contact list. By realizing this issue, the design of a Context-Aware Instant Messenger with Integrated Scheduling Planner system is proposed to cater the problems. The solution application is designed for all computer users especially for the staffs in organizations and universities students which will enable them to do any appointment through instant messaging system. Throughout this document, the existing prototype of instant messaging systems is discussed regarding their context awareness concept and at the same time is compared to identifY their strong and weaknesses. From the finding of the research, new project plan is discussed in order to develop a new brand prototype of instant messaging application starting from planning, analysis, design, prototype development until prototype system testing. Prototyping methodology is chosen for the development of this application because of the time constraint. There are three prototypes with different level of functionality has been produced by this project to exhibit the scheduling planner function. Based on the research done, the Context-Aware Instant Messenger with Integrated Scheduling Planner system was found to transcend current instant messaging products by having new feature which enable the users to schedule any event with their contact list

    Towards pervasive instant messaging and presence awareness

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to envision the benefits of applying the Instant Messaging (IM) paradigm in pervasive computing environments. With IM in such an environment, all smart entities, human or not, can interact using IM as the unified interface. To realize this vision, the design of a Smart Instant Messaging (SIM) system is proposed, which features context‐aware presence management, user‐centric resource configuration, and adaptive grouping. Design/methodology/approach – Three prototype versions of a client have been implemented and their performance in terms of memory usage and response time evaluated. Findings – The SIM system was found to transcend current IM products by having new features including context‐aware presence management, user‐centric resource configuration, and adaptive grouping support. Originality/value – The system described here extends the Jabber‐based IM framework and relies on an ontology‐based supporting middleware to handle the chore of retrieving and interpreting contextual information

    Regulering av tilgjengelighet : situert bruk av mobile applikasjoner

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    Mobiltelefoner har de siste Ärene fÄtt Þkt popularitet i samfunnet vÄrt. Gjennom mobilteknologi er man ikke lenger bundet til en fastlÄst, innendÞrs setting, og mobiltelefonen har blitt en viktig enhet for kommunikasjons- og informasjonsstyring nÄr en er pÄ farten. Likevel har de sine begrensninger nÄr det kommer til bruk utendÞrs, da en slik type kontekst er uforutsigbar, dynamisk og ukontrollerbar. Oppgaven redegjÞr for begrepene kontekst og kontekstbevissthet i sammenheng med mobilteknologi, og hvordan smarttelefonen egner seg som et verktÞy pÄ tur. Det stilles spÞrsmÄl ved vÄr evne til Ä regulere vÄr tilgjengelighet, og hvilke konsekvenser konstant tilgjengeliggjÞring kan fÞre med seg. For Ä kunne nyte en naturopplevelse eller et Þyeblikk optimalt, mÄ en ta et aktivt valg om Ä prioritere bort teknologi som kan virke forstyrrende. PÄ en annen side kan smarttelefonen benyttes som et hjelpemiddel pÄ tur. Deler av oppgavens fokus er Ä kartlegge hvordan en best kan designe en mobilapplikasjon for Ä maksimere nytteverdien av smarttelefonen pÄ tur. For Ä underbygge funnene i oppgaven, er det samlet inn data basert pÄ vitenskapelige metoder. Disse metodene innebÊrer intervju, spÞrreundersÞkelse, fokusgruppe og group-based expert walkthrough. Et av resultatene for oppgaven viser at forholdet mellom brukerens kontekst og kontekstbevisst teknologi spiller en stor rolle nÄr det kommer til et suksessfullt design. Siden mobiltelefonen kan bli brukt som et verktÞy pÄ forskjellige mÄter pÄ ulike stadier av en tur, er det viktig at mobiltelefonen kan tilby funksjonalitet som er tilpasset fÞr, under og etter en tur. Det oppsummeres en rekke automatiske og manuelle teknikker for Ä regulere brukerens tilgjengelighet via mobiltelefonen, for Ä minimere sjansene for unÞdvendige avbrytelser i hverdagen generelt. Avslutningsvis presenteres resultatene fra utviklingsprosessen av en mobilapplikasjon. Mobilapplikasjonen er designet i henhold til mobile designprinsipper og mÄl for brukskvalitet. Ved hjelp av et godt design kan smarttelefonen oppleves som et usynlig hjelpemiddel pÄ tur, samtidig som applikasjonen kan bidra til at brukeren holder fokus pÄ naturopplevelsen, og ikke applikasjonen i seg selv. NÞkkelord: Tilgjengelighet, tur, mobilapplikasjon, mobildesign, presence awareness, kontekstbevissthe