448 research outputs found

    Security and Privacy Issues in Wireless Mesh Networks: A Survey

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    This book chapter identifies various security threats in wireless mesh network (WMN). Keeping in mind the critical requirement of security and user privacy in WMNs, this chapter provides a comprehensive overview of various possible attacks on different layers of the communication protocol stack for WMNs and their corresponding defense mechanisms. First, it identifies the security vulnerabilities in the physical, link, network, transport, application layers. Furthermore, various possible attacks on the key management protocols, user authentication and access control protocols, and user privacy preservation protocols are presented. After enumerating various possible attacks, the chapter provides a detailed discussion on various existing security mechanisms and protocols to defend against and wherever possible prevent the possible attacks. Comparative analyses are also presented on the security schemes with regards to the cryptographic schemes used, key management strategies deployed, use of any trusted third party, computation and communication overhead involved etc. The chapter then presents a brief discussion on various trust management approaches for WMNs since trust and reputation-based schemes are increasingly becoming popular for enforcing security in wireless networks. A number of open problems in security and privacy issues for WMNs are subsequently discussed before the chapter is finally concluded.Comment: 62 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables. This chapter is an extension of the author's previous submission in arXiv submission: arXiv:1102.1226. There are some text overlaps with the previous submissio

    Approximate Quantum Error-Correcting Codes and Secret Sharing Schemes

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    It is a standard result in the theory of quantum error-correcting codes that no code of length n can fix more than n/4 arbitrary errors, regardless of the dimension of the coding and encoded Hilbert spaces. However, this bound only applies to codes which recover the message exactly. Naively, one might expect that correcting errors to very high fidelity would only allow small violations of this bound. This intuition is incorrect: in this paper we describe quantum error-correcting codes capable of correcting up to (n-1)/2 arbitrary errors with fidelity exponentially close to 1, at the price of increasing the size of the registers (i.e., the coding alphabet). This demonstrates a sharp distinction between exact and approximate quantum error correction. The codes have the property that any tt components reveal no information about the message, and so they can also be viewed as error-tolerant secret sharing schemes. The construction has several interesting implications for cryptography and quantum information theory. First, it suggests that secret sharing is a better classical analogue to quantum error correction than is classical error correction. Second, it highlights an error in a purported proof that verifiable quantum secret sharing (VQSS) is impossible when the number of cheaters t is n/4. More generally, the construction illustrates a difference between exact and approximate requirements in quantum cryptography and (yet again) the delicacy of security proofs and impossibility results in the quantum model.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Efficient Threshold Secret Sharing Schemes Secure against Rushing Cheaters

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    In this paper, we consider three very important issues namely detection, identification and robustness of kk-out-of-nn secret sharing schemes against rushing cheaters who are allowed to submit (possibly forged) shares {\em after} observing shares of the honest users in the reconstruction phase. Towards this we present five different schemes. Among these, first we present two kk-out-of-nn secret sharing schemes, the first one being capable of detecting (k−1)/3(k-1)/3 cheaters such that ∣Vi∣=∣S∣/Ï”3|V_i|=|S|/\epsilon^3 and the second one being capable of detecting n−1n-1 cheaters such that ∣Vi∣=∣S∣/Ï”k+1|V_i|=|S|/\epsilon^{k+1}, where SS denotes the set of all possible secrets, Ï”\epsilon denotes the successful cheating probability of cheaters and ViV_i denotes set all possible shares. Next we present two kk-out-of-nn secret sharing schemes, the first one being capable of identifying (k−1)/3(k-1)/3 rushing cheaters with share size ∣Vi∣|V_i| that satisfies ∣Vi∣=∣S∣/Ï”k|V_i|=|S|/\epsilon^k. This is the first scheme whose size of shares does not grow linearly with nn but only with kk, where nn is the number of participants. For the second one, in the setting of public cheater identification, we present an efficient optimal cheater resilient kk-out-of-nn secret sharing scheme against rushing cheaters having the share size ∣Vi∣=(n−t)n+2t∣S∣/Ï”n+2t|V_i|= (n-t)^{n+2t}|S|/\epsilon^{n+2t}. The proposed scheme achieves {\em flexibility} in the sense that the security level (i.e. the cheater(s) success probability) is independent of the secret size. Finally, we design an efficient (k,ÎŽ)(k, \delta) robust secret sharing secure against rushing adversary with optimal cheater resiliency. Each of the five proposed schemes has the smallest share size having the mentioned properties among the existing schemes in the respective fields

    The Resiliency of MPC with Low Interaction: The Benefit of Making Errors

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    We study information-theoretic secure multiparty protocols that achieve full security, including guaranteed output delivery, at the presence of an active adversary that corrupts a constant fraction of the parties. It is known that 2 rounds are insufficient for such protocols even when the adversary corrupts only two parties (Gennaro, Ishai, Kushilevitz, and Rabin; Crypto 2002), and that perfect protocols can be implemented in 33 rounds as long as the adversary corrupts less than a quarter of the parties (Applebaum , Brakerski, and Tsabary; Eurocrypt, 2019). Furthermore, it was recently shown that the quarter threshold is tight for any 3-round \emph{perfectly-secure} protocol (Applebaum, Kachlon, and Patra; FOCS 2020). Nevertheless, one may still hope to achieve a better-than-quarter threshold at the expense of allowing some negligible correctness errors and/or statistical deviations in the security. Our main results show that this is indeed the case. Every function can be computed by 3-round protocols with \emph{statistical} security as long as the adversary corrupts less than a third of the parties. Moreover, we show that any better resiliency threshold requires 44 rounds. Our protocol is computationally inefficient and has an exponential dependency in the circuit\u27s depth dd and in the number of parties nn. We show that this overhead can be avoided by relaxing security to computational, assuming the existence of a non-interactive commitment (NICOM). Previous 3-round computational protocols were based on stronger public-key assumptions. When instantiated with statistically-hiding NICOM, our protocol provides \emph{everlasting statistical} security, i.e., it is secure against adversaries that are computationally unlimited \emph{after} the protocol execution. To prove these results, we introduce a new hybrid model that allows for 2-round protocols with a linear resiliency threshold. Here too we prove that, for perfect protocols, the best achievable resiliency is n/4n/4, whereas statistical protocols can achieve a threshold of n/3n/3. In the plain model, we also construct the first 2-round n/3n/3-statistical verifiable secret sharing that supports second-level sharing and prove a matching lower-bound, extending the results of Patra, Choudhary, Rabin, and Rangan (Crypto 2009). Overall, our results refine the differences between statistical and perfect models of security and show that there are efficiency gaps even for thresholds that are realizable in both models

    Efficient MPC with a Mixed Adversary

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    Over the past 20 years, the efficiency of secure multi-party protocols has been greatly improved. While the seminal protocols from the late 80’s require a communication of Ω(n⁶) field elements per multiplication among n parties, recent protocols offer linear communication complexity. This means that each party needs to communicate a constant number of field elements per multiplication, independent of n. However, these efficient protocols only offer active security, which implies that at most t<n/3 (perfect security), respectively t<n/2 (statistical or computational security) parties may be corrupted. Higher corruption thresholds (i.e., t≄ n/2) can only be achieved with degraded security (unfair abort), where one single corrupted party can prevent honest parties from learning their outputs. The aforementioned upper bounds (t<n/3 and t<n/2) have been circumvented by considering mixed adversaries (Fitzi et al., Crypto' 98), i.e., adversaries that corrupt, at the same time, some parties actively, some parties passively, and some parties in the fail-stop manner. It is possible, for example, to achieve perfect security even if 2/3 of the parties are faulty (three quarters of which may abort in the middle of the protocol, and a quarter may even arbitrarily misbehave). This setting is much better suited to many applications, where the crash of a party is more likely than a coordinated active attack. Surprisingly, since the presentation of the feasibility result for the mixed setting, no progress has been made in terms of efficiency: the state-of-the-art protocol still requires a communication of Ω(n⁶) field elements per multiplication. In this paper, we present a perfectly-secure MPC protocol for the mixed setting with essentially the same efficiency as the best MPC protocols for the active-only setting. For the first time, this allows to tolerate faulty majorities, while still providing optimal efficiency. As a special case, this also results in the first fully-secure MPC protocol secure against any number of crashing parties, with optimal (i.e., linear in n) communication. We provide simulation-based proofs of our construction.ISSN:1868-896

    Nearly Optimal Robust Secret Sharing against Rushing Adversaries

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    Robust secret sharing is a strengthening of standard secret sharing that allows the shared secret to be recovered even if some of the shares being used in the reconstruction have been adversarially modified. In this work, we study the setting where out of all the nn shares, the adversary is allowed to adaptively corrupt and modify tt shares, where n=2t+1n = 2t+1. Further, we deal with \textit{rushing} adversaries, meaning that the adversary is allowed to see the honest parties\u27 shares before modifying its own shares. It is known that when n=2t+1n = 2t+1, to share a secret of length mm bits and recover it with error less than 2−sec⁥2^{-\sec}, shares of size at least m+sec⁥m+\sec bits are needed. Recently, Bishop, Pastro, Rajaraman, and Wichs (EUROCRYPT 2016) constructed a robust secret sharing scheme with shares of size m+O(sec⁡⋅polylog(n,m,sec⁥))m + O(\sec\cdot\textrm{polylog}(n,m,\sec)) bits that is secure in this setting against non-rushing adversaries. Later, Fehr and Yuan (EUROCRYPT 2019) constructed a scheme that is secure against rushing adversaries, but has shares of size m+O(sec⁡⋅nϔ⋅polylog(n,m,sec⁥))m + O(\sec\cdot n^{\epsilon}\cdot \textrm{polylog}(n,m,\sec)) bits for an arbitrary constant Ï”>0\epsilon > 0. They also showed a variant of their construction with share size m+O(sec⁡⋅polylog(n,m,sec⁥))m + O(\sec\cdot\textrm{polylog}(n,m,\sec)) bits, but with super-polynomial reconstruction time. We present a robust secret sharing scheme that is secure against rushing adversaries, has shares of size m+O(sec⁥log⁥n(log⁥n+log⁥m))m+O(\sec \log{n} (\log{n}+\log{m})) bits, and has polynomial-time sharing and reconstruction. Central to our construction is a polynomial-time algorithm for a problem on semi-random graphs that arises naturally in the paradigm of local authentication of shares used by us and in the aforementioned work

    Verifiable Relation Sharing and Multi-Verifier Zero-Knowledge in Two Rounds: Trading NIZKs with Honest Majority

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    We introduce the problem of Verifiable Relation Sharing (VRS) where a client (prover) wishes to share a vector of secret data items among kk servers (the verifiers) while proving in zero-knowledge that the shared data satisfies some properties. This combined task of sharing and proving generalizes notions like verifiable secret sharing and zero-knowledge proofs over secret-shared data. We study VRS from a theoretical perspective and focus on its round complexity. As our main contribution, we show that every efficiently-computable relation can be realized by a VRS with an optimal round complexity of two rounds where the first round is input-independent (offline round). The protocol achieves full UC-security against an active adversary that is allowed to corrupt any tt-subset of the parties that may include the client together with some of the verifiers. For a small (logarithmic) number of parties, we achieve an optimal resiliency threshold of t0t0. Both protocols can be based on sub-exponentially hard injective one-way functions. If the parties have an access to a collision resistance hash function, we can derive statistical everlasting security, i.e., the protocols are secure against adversaries that are computationally bounded during the protocol execution and become computationally unbounded after the protocol execution. Previous 2-round solutions achieve smaller resiliency thresholds and weaker security notions regardless of the underlying assumptions. As a special case, our protocols give rise to 2-round offline/online constructions of multi-verifier zero-knowledge proofs (MVZK). Such constructions were previously obtained under the same type of assumptions that are needed for NIZK, i.e., public-key assumptions or random-oracle type assumptions (Abe et al., Asiacrypt 2002; Groth and Ostrovsky, Crypto 2007; Boneh et al., Crypto 2019; Yang, and Wang, Eprint 2022). Our work shows, for the first time, that in the presence of an honest majority these assumptions can be replaced with more conservative ``Minicrypt\u27\u27-type assumptions like injective one-way functions and collision-resistance hash functions. Indeed, our MVZK protocols provide a round-efficient substitute for NIZK in settings where an honest majority is present. Additional applications are also presented
