3 research outputs found

    Dependency Stochastic Boolean Satisfiability: A Logical Formalism for NEXPTIME Decision Problems with Uncertainty

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    Stochastic Boolean Satisfiability (SSAT) is a logical formalism to model decision problems with uncertainty, such as Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) for verification of probabilistic systems. SSAT, however, is limited by its descriptive power within the PSPACE complexity class. More complex problems, such as the NEXPTIME-complete Decentralized POMDP (Dec-POMDP), cannot be succinctly encoded with SSAT. To provide a logical formalism of such problems, we extend the Dependency Quantified Boolean Formula (DQBF), a representative problem in the NEXPTIME-complete class, to its stochastic variant, named Dependency SSAT (DSSAT), and show that DSSAT is also NEXPTIME-complete. We demonstrate the potential applications of DSSAT to circuit synthesis of probabilistic and approximate design. Furthermore, to study the descriptive power of DSSAT, we establish a polynomial-time reduction from Dec-POMDP to DSSAT. With the theoretical foundations paved in this work, we hope to encourage the development of DSSAT solvers for potential broad applications.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. A condensed version of this work is published in the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 202

    Justicia: A Stochastic SAT Approach to Formally Verify Fairness

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    As a technology ML is oblivious to societal good or bad, and thus, the field of fair machine learning has stepped up to propose multiple mathematical definitions, algorithms, and systems to ensure different notions of fairness in ML applications. Given the multitude of propositions, it has become imperative to formally verify the fairness metrics satisfied by different algorithms on different datasets. In this paper, we propose a \textit{stochastic satisfiability} (SSAT) framework, Justicia, that formally verifies different fairness measures of supervised learning algorithms with respect to the underlying data distribution. We instantiate Justicia on multiple classification and bias mitigation algorithms, and datasets to verify different fairness metrics, such as disparate impact, statistical parity, and equalized odds. Justicia is scalable, accurate, and operates on non-Boolean and compound sensitive attributes unlike existing distribution-based verifiers, such as FairSquare and VeriFair. Being distribution-based by design, Justicia is more robust than the verifiers, such as AIF360, that operate on specific test samples. We also theoretically bound the finite-sample error of the verified fairness measure.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, 5 theorem