3 research outputs found

    Dealing with natural language interfaces in a geolocation context

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    In the geolocation field where high-level programs and low-level devices coexist, it is often difficult to find a friendly user inter- face to configure all the parameters. The challenge addressed in this paper is to propose intuitive and simple, thus natural lan- guage interfaces to interact with low-level devices. Such inter- faces contain natural language processing and fuzzy represen- tations of words that facilitate the elicitation of business-level objectives in our context

    Natural Language Processing and Fuzzy Tools for Business Processes in a Geolocation Context

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    In the geolocation field where high-level programs and low-level devices coexist, it is often difficult to find a friendly user interface to configure all the parameters. The challenge addressed in this paper is to propose intuitive and simple, thus natural language interfaces to interact with low-level devices. Such interfaces contain natural language processing (NLP) and fuzzy representations of words that facilitate the elicitation of business-level objectives in our context. A complete methodology is proposed, from the lexicon construction to a dialogue software agent including a fuzzy linguistic representation, based on synonymy

    Towards an extension of the 2-tuple linguistic model to deal with unbalanced linguistic term sets

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    summary:In the domain of Computing with words (CW), fuzzy linguistic approaches are known to be relevant in many decision-making problems. Indeed, they allow us to model the human reasoning in replacing words, assessments, preferences, choices, wishes... by ad hoc variables, such as fuzzy sets or more sophisticated variables. This paper focuses on a particular model: Herrera and Martínez' 2-tuple linguistic model and their approach to deal with unbalanced linguistic term sets. It is interesting since the computations are accomplished without loss of information while the results of the decision-making processes always refer to the initial linguistic term set. They propose a fuzzy partition which distributes data on the axis by using linguistic hierarchies to manage the non-uniformity. However, the required input (especially the density around the terms) taken by their fuzzy partition algorithm may be considered as too much demanding in a real-world application, since density is not always easy to determine. Moreover, in some limit cases (especially when two terms are very closed semantically to each other), the partition doesn't comply with the data themselves, it isn't close to the reality. Therefore we propose to modify the required input, in order to offer a simpler and more faithful partition. We have added an extension to the package jFuzzyLogic and to the corresponding script language FCL. This extension supports both 2-tuple models: Herrera and Martínez' and ours. In addition to the partition algorithm, we present two aggregation algorithms: the arithmetic means and the addition. We also discuss these kinds of 2-tuple models