315 research outputs found

    How the agent’s gender influence users’ evaluation of a QA system

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    In this paper we present the results of a pilot study investigating the effects of agents’ gender-ambiguous vs. gender-marked look on the perceived interaction quality of a multimodal question answering system. Eight test subjects interacted with three system agents, each having a feminine, masculine or gender-ambiguous look. The subjects were told each agent was representing a differently configured system. In fact, they were interacting with the same system. In the end, the subjects filled in an evaluation questionnaire and participated in an in-depth qualitative interview. The results showed that the user evaluation seemed to be influenced by the agent’s gender look: the system represented by the feminine agent achieved on average the highest evaluation scores. On the other hand, the system represented by the gender-ambiguous agent was systematically lower rated. This outcome might be relevant for an appropriate agent look, especially since many designers tend to develop gender-ambiguous characters for interactive interfaces to match various users’ preferences. However, additional empirical evidence is needed in the future to confirm our findings

    The Partner Modelling Questionnaire: A validated self-report measure of perceptions toward machines as dialogue partners

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    Recent work has looked to understand user perceptions of speech agent capabilities as dialogue partners (termed partner models), and how this affects user interaction. Yet, currently partner model effects are inferred from language production as no metrics are available to quantify these subjective perceptions more directly. Through three studies, we develop and validate the Partner Modelling Questionnaire (PMQ): an 18-item self-report semantic differential scale designed to reliably measure people's partner models of non-embodied speech interfaces. Through principal component analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, we show that the PMQ scale consists of three factors: communicative competence and dependability, human-likeness in communication, and communicative flexibility. Our studies show that the measure consistently demonstrates good internal reliability, strong test-retest reliability over 12 and 4-week intervals, and predictable convergent/divergent validity. Based on our findings we discuss the multidimensional nature of partner models, whilst identifying key future research avenues that the development of the PMQ facilitates. Notably, this includes the need to identify the activation, sensitivity, and dynamism of partner models in speech interface interaction.Comment: Submitted (TOCHI

    Comparing User Responses to Limited and Flexible Interaction in a Conversational Interface

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    The principles governing written communication have been well studied, and well incorporated in interactive computer systems. However, the role of spoken language and in human-computer interaction, while an increasingly popular modality, still needs to be explored further [3]. Evidence suggests that this technology must further evolve in order to support more "natural" conversations [2], and that the use of speech interfaces is correlated with a high cognitive demand and attention [4]. In the context of spoken dialogue systems, a continuum has long been identified between "systeminitiative" interactions, where the system is in complete control of the overall interaction and the user answers a series of prescribed questions, and "user-initiative" interactions, where the user is free to say anything and the system must respond [5]. However, much of the work in this area predates the recent explosive growth of conversational interfaces

    On the Usability of Spoken Dialogue Systems

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    The State of Speech in HCI: Trends, Themes and Challenges

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    Voice Operated Information System in Slovak

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    Speech communication interfaces (SCI) are nowadays widely used in several domains. Automated spoken language human-computer interaction can replace human-human interaction if needed. Automatic speech recognition (ASR), a key technology of SCI, has been extensively studied during the past few decades. Most of present systems are based on statistical modeling, both at the acoustic and linguistic levels. Increased attention has been paid to speech recognition in adverse conditions recently, since noise-resistance has become one of the major bottlenecks for practical use of speech recognizers. Although many techniques have been developed, many challenges still have to be overcome before the ultimate goal -- creating machines capable of communicating with humans naturally -- can be achieved. In this paper we describe the research and development of the first Slovak spoken language dialogue system. The dialogue system is based on the DARPA Communicator architecture. The proposed system consists of the Galaxy hub and telephony, automatic speech recognition, text-to-speech, backend, transport and VoiceXML dialogue management modules. The SCI enables multi-user interaction in the Slovak language. Functionality of the SLDS is demonstrated and tested via two pilot applications, ``Weather forecast for Slovakia'' and ``Timetable of Slovak Railways''. The required information is retrieved from Internet resources in multi-user mode through PSTN, ISDN, GSM and/or VoIP network

    Human-Machine Interfaces for Service Robotics

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