5 research outputs found

    A Framework for Profiling based on Music and Physiological State

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    The IoT (Internet of Things) is an emergent technological area with distinct chal-lenges, which has been addressed by the world research community. This disser-tation proposes the use of a knowledge-based framework capable of supporting the representation and handling of devices along with some autonomous inter-action with the human being, for creating added value and opportunities in IoT. With usability in mind, the objective lays in an attempt to characterize users’ physiological status mainly through music in a profiling approach. The idea is to produce a solution able to customize the environment by musical suggestions to the actual scenarios or mood that the users lie in. Such system can be trained to understand different physiological data to then infer musical suggestions to the users. One of the adopted methods in this work explores that thought, on whether the usage of a person’s physiological state can wield adequate sensorial stimulation to be usefully used thereafter. Another question considered in this work is whether it is possible to use such collected data to build user’s musical playlists and profile that tries to use the user’s physiological state to predict his or her emotional state with the objective to reach a well-being situation

    FHIR para troca de dados de bem-estar, colecionados por sensores usados em atividades quotidianas

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    A interoperabilidade é um conceito que descreve a capacidade de um sistema se comu-nicar de forma transparente com outros sistemas. Para que um sistema seja considerado inte-roperável, é necessário que este trabalhe com normas e uma delas é o Fast Healthcare Intero-perability Resources (FHIR). Esta é uma norma que define como as informações de saúde podem ser trocadas entre os diferentes sistemas computacionais e como é armazenada nesses mesmos sistemas. O de-senvolvimento desta norma surgiu como resposta às necessidades do mercado para métodos mais rápidos e fáceis para trocar uma grande quantidade de dados em saúde. Assim sendo, e uma vez que também surgiram aplicações e wearables para melhoria da qualidade de vida e bem-estar dos cidadãos, consumidores passaram a ter acesso a grandes quantidades de informações em tempo real potencialmente relevante do ponto de vista mé-dico. A questão centra-se em quais dos dados destes dispositivos podem ser efetivamente uti-lizados e como poderiam eles ser interoperáveis. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na criação de perfis que permitam transformar o con-junto de dados obtidos a partir dos mais variáveis dispositivos e enviá-los para plataformas de saúde e bem-estar. Além da definição dos perfis, foi criado um conector capaz de assegurar a transferência de dados para uma qualquer plataforma de saúde que siga a norma FHIR.Interoperability is a concept that describes the ability of a system to communicate with transparency to other systems. For a system to be considered interoperable, it’s necessary that it works with standards, and one of them is Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR). This is a standard that defines how health information can be exchanged between diffe-rent computer systems and how it is stored in these systems. The development of this standard has emerged as a response to market needs for faster, easier methods for exchanging large amounts of health data. Therefore, and since applications and wearables have also emerged to improve the qua-lity of life and well-being of citizens, consumers now have acess to large amounts of potentially revelant medical information which can be shared in real-time. The question focuses on which of the data from these devices can be effectively used and how they could be interoperable. The purpose of this work is to create profiles that allows to transform the set of data obtained from the most variable devices and send them to health and wellness plataforms. Besides the definition of profiles, there has been created a conector that is capable of ensuring the transfer of data for any health platform that follows the FHIR standard

    An access control model for a South African National Electronic Health Record System

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    Countries such as South Africa have attempted to leverage eHealth by digitising patients’ medical records with the ultimate goal of improving the delivery of healthcare. This involves the use of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) which is a longitudinal electronic record of a patient’s information. The EHR is comprised of all of the encounters that have been made at different health facilities. In the national context, the EHR is also known as a national EHR which enables the sharing of patient information between points of care. Despite this, the realisation of a national EHR system puts patients' EHRs at risk. This is because patients’ information, which was once only available at local health facilities in the form of paper-based records, can be accessed anywhere within the country as a national EHR. This results in security and privacy issues since patients’ EHRs are shared with an increasing number of parties who are geographically distributed. This study proposes an access control model that will address the security and privacy issues by providing the right level of secure access to authorised clinicians. The proposed model is based on a combination of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC). The study found that RBAC is the most common access control model that is used within the healthcare domain where users’ job functions are based on roles. While RBAC is not able to handle dynamic events such as emergencies, the proposed model’s use of ABAC addresses this limitation. The development of the proposed model followed the design science research paradigm and was informed by the results of the content analysis plus an expert review. The content analysis sample was retrieved by conducting a systematic literature review and the analysis of this sample resulted in 6743 tags. The proposed model was evaluated using an evaluation framework via an expert review