2 research outputs found

    A Tutorial on Auditory Attention Identification Methods

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    Auditory attention identification methods attempt to identify the sound source of a listener's interest by analyzing measurements of electrophysiological data. We present a tutorial on the numerous techniques that have been developed in recent decades, and we present an overview of current trends in multivariate correlation-based and model-based learning frameworks. The focus is on the use of linear relations between electrophysiological and audio data. The way in which these relations are computed differs. For example, canonical correlation analysis (CCA) finds a linear subset of electrophysiological data that best correlates to audio data and a similar subset of audio data that best correlates to electrophysiological data. Model-based (encoding and decoding) approaches focus on either of these two sets. We investigate the similarities and differences between these linear model philosophies. We focus on (1) correlation-based approaches (CCA), (2) encoding/decoding models based on dense estimation, and (3) (adaptive) encoding/decoding models based on sparse estimation. The specific focus is on sparsity-driven adaptive encoding models and comparing the methodology in state-of-the-art models found in the auditory literature. Furthermore, we outline the main signal processing pipeline for how to identify the attended sound source in a cocktail party environment from the raw electrophysiological data with all the necessary steps, complemented with the necessary MATLAB code and the relevant references for each step. Our main aim is to compare the methodology of the available methods, and provide numerical illustrations to some of them to get a feeling for their potential. A thorough performance comparison is outside the scope of this tutorial

    Computational Models of Perceptual Organization and Bottom-up Attention in Visual and Audio-Visual Environments

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    Figure Ground Organization (FGO) - inferring spatial depth ordering of objects in a visual scene - involves determining which side of an occlusion boundary (OB) is figure (closer to the observer) and which is ground (further away from the observer). Attention, the process that governs how only some part of sensory information is selected for further analysis based on behavioral relevance, can be exogenous, driven by stimulus properties such as an abrupt sound or a bright flash, the processing of which is purely bottom-up; or endogenous (goal-driven or voluntary), where top-down factors such as familiarity, aesthetic quality, etc., determine attentional selection. The two main objectives of this thesis are developing computational models of: (i) FGO in visual environments; (ii) bottom-up attention in audio-visual environments. In the visual domain, we first identify Spectral Anisotropy (SA), characterized by anisotropic distribution of oriented high frequency spectral power on the figure side and lack of it on the ground side, as a novel FGO cue, that can determine Figure/Ground (FG) relations at an OB with an accuracy exceeding 60%. Next, we show a non-linear Support Vector Machine based classifier trained on the SA features achieves an accuracy close to 70% in determining FG relations, the highest for a stand-alone local cue. We then show SA can be computed in a biologically plausible manner by pooling the Complex cell responses of different scales in a specific orientation, which also achieves an accuracy greater than or equal to 60% in determining FG relations. Next, we present a biologically motivated, feed forward model of FGO incorporating convexity, surroundedness, parallelism as global cues and SA, T-junctions as local cues, where SA is computed in a biologically plausible manner. Each local cue, when added alone, gives statistically significant improvement in the model's performance. The model with both local cues achieves higher accuracy than those of models with individual cues in determining FG relations, indicating SA and T-Junctions are not mutually contradictory. Compared to the model with no local cues, the model with both local cues achieves greater than or equal to 8.78% improvement in determining FG relations at every border location of images in the BSDS dataset. In the audio-visual domain, first we build a simple computational model to explain how visual search can be aided by providing concurrent, co-spatial auditory cues. Our model shows that adding a co-spatial, concurrent auditory cue can enhance the saliency of a weakly visible target among prominent visual distractors, the behavioral effect of which could be faster reaction time and/or better search accuracy. Lastly, a bottom-up, feed-forward, proto-object based audiovisual saliency map (AVSM) for the analysis of dynamic natural scenes is presented. We demonstrate that the performance of proto-object based AVSM in detecting and localizing salient objects/events is in agreement with human judgment. In addition, we show the AVSM computed as a linear combination of visual and auditory feature conspicuity maps captures a higher number of valid salient events compared to unisensory saliency maps