3 research outputs found

    Digitalisaation haasteet johdon ohjausjärjestelmille : Case: Orion Oyj

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    Digitalisaation myötä monien toimialojen toimintaympäristö elää jatkuvassa murroksessa. Digitalisaatio mahdollistaa sekä uusia toimintamalleja että uusia tuote- ja palveluratkaisuja. Nämä luovat sekä uutta tuottopotentiaalia että uutta kilpailupainetta organisaatioille. Digitalisaatiota lähestyttäessä organisaatioilla on oltava valmiina johdonmukainen toimintasuunnitelma, josta on johdettu asianmukaisia tavoitteita organisaation toimijoille. Tämä tavoitteiden asettaminen luo uusia vaatimuksia organisaation johdon ohjausjärjestelmille, jotka ovat joukko käytänteitä, joiden avulla organisaatio ohjaa työntekijöitään suhteessa strategian toteutumiseen. Tämä tutkimus lähestyy digitalisaatiota laajana sosio-teknisenä muutosprosessina, joka vaikuttaa muun muassa organisaation liiketoimintamalleihin, rakenteisiin sekä IT-arkkitehtuuriin. Tällöin digitalisaatiossa korostuvat eri organisaatiofunktiot, ja niiden väliset kuilut. Toisin sanoen digitalisaation onnistunut toteutuminen vaatii organisaatiolta saumattomasti toimivia prosesseja sekä prosessimaista ajattelutapaa. Johdon ohjausjärjestelmät ovat vastaavasti kategorisoitu viiteen eri muotoon, jotka ovat kulttuurilliset, suunnitteluperusteiset, kyberneettiset, palkitsemisperusteiset sekä hallinnolliset ohjaustavat. Tutkimuksen kohdeorganisaatio Orion Oyj on luonteeltaan erittäin vahvasti säädelty organisaatio johtuen heidän toimialasta, joka on lääkkeiden valmistaminen. Kyseinen toimiala elää monien muiden toimialojen tapaan digitalisaation aiheuttamassa murroksessa. Orion Oyj ei ole tästä poikkeus, ja heillä onkin menossa suuri digitalisaatioon pohjautuva ”Future 2025”-hanke. Mielenkiinnonkohteena on nähdä, millaiset valmiudet kyseisellä organisaatiolla on kohdata digitalisaatio. Orionin valmiuksien arvioinnissa hyödynnetään prosessi ja yrityskypsyyden matriisia, joka on työkalu organisaation prosessien tasokkuuden arvioimisessa. Digitaalisia kyvykkyyksiä arvioidaan erillisen prosessi- ja yrityskypsyyden matriisin lisätyn digitaalisen lisäosan kautta. Näiden jälkeen heikoiksi havaittuja kohtia arvioidaan suhteessa johdon ohjausjärjestelmiin, eli miten ohjausjärjestelmien tulisi sopeutua heikoiksi havaittujen kohtien parantamiseksi. Tutkimus osoittaa digitalisaation ja sen taustatekijöiden luovan selkeästi haasteita lääketoimialan organisaatiolle sekä sen, miten johdon ohjausjärjestelmillä on tarvittava kyky vastata näihin haasteisiin. Digitalisaatiota ei voi lähestyä organisaation olemassa olevien toimintojen päälle liimattavana asiana. Sen sijaan organisaatiossa tulisi olla otolliset olosuhteet digitalisaation onnistuneelle implementoinnille, jolloin huomiota tulisi kiinnittää organisaation toimijoihin, toimintatapoihin sekä siihen, miten organisaatio on organisoitu.With digitalisation the operating environment of many industries is undergoing a constant transformation. Digitalisation enables both new operating models and new product and service solutions. These create both new revenue potential and new competitive pressure for organizations. When approaching digitalisation, organizations need to have a coherent action plan in place, from which appropriate goals have been derived for the organization’s actors. This goal-setting creates new demands on an organization’s management control systems, which are a set of practices by which an organization directs its employees toward the implementation of a strategy. This study approaches digitalization as an extensive socio-technical change process that affects, among other things, an organization’s business models, structures, and IT architecture. In this case, digitalisation emphasizes the different organizational functions and the gaps between them. In other words, the successful implementation of digitalization requires seamless processes and a process-like mindset from the organization. Management systems are respectively categorized into five different forms: cultural, planning, cybernetic, reward-based, and administrative controls. The target organization of the study, Orion Corporation, is a very strongly regulated organization due to their industry, which is the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. This industry, like many other industries, is undergoing a transformation due to digitalisation. Orion Corporation is no exception, and they have a major “Future 2025” project based on digitalisation underway. It is interesting to see what capabilities this organization has to face digitalization. Orion's capability assessment utilizes the process and the maturity matrix, which is a tool for assessing the quality of the organisation's processes. Digital capabilities are assessed through a separate digital add-on to the process and enterprise maturity matrix. These weaknesses are then assessed in relation to management's control systems, i.e. how the control systems should adapt to improve the identified weaknesses. The research shows that digitalisation and its background factors clearly create challenges for the organization of the pharmaceutical industry, and demonstrates as well as how management control systems have the necessary capacity to meet these challenges. Digitalisation cannot be approached as thing that can glued on top of an organization’s existing operations. Instead, the organization should have favorable conditions for the successful implementation of digitalization, in which case attention should be paid to the organization's actors, operating methods and how the organization is organized

    Developing business process analyst competencies through higher education institution interventions - a Kenyan study

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    Kenya is currently experiencing large-scale economic growth. With this economic growth has come the need for organizations to have well-defined business processes largely through the development of business process management (BPM) initiatives. There is also an increasing move towards the automation of these business processes mainly through the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. This has given rise to the need for business process analyst (BPA) role. BPAs are essential to driving both BPM initiatives and ERP systems implementations. Given this scenario, the first motivation for this study was to investigate the status of BPM in Kenya and the role of the BPA in organizations in Kenya. This study specifically investigated BPA competency-building interventions required to drive BPM maturity and ERP systems implementation projects. Given that no BPM curriculum existed in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in Kenya at the commencement of this study, the second motivation of the study was to investigate how these BPA competency-building interventions could be adapted into BPM curriculum. To answer the research questions for this study, the pragmatic research paradigm was used. A hybrid inductive-deductive research approach was deemed most appropriate. This study used a mixed methods approach. This meant that both quantitative and qualitative data was collected. Data for this study was collected iteratively between March 2016 and October 2018 using a crosssectional or multiple snapshots time horizon. Results from the data analysis explained 12 BPA competency-building interventions. Thereafter, a BPM curriculum was designed using the design science research method (DSRM). The study incorporated the concepts of the 4I framework of organizational learning and the concepts of the activity system. The scientific contributions of this study comprise three aspects. Firstly, this research identified that certain BPA competencies such as business requirements elicitation, business process improvement, business analysis and holistic overview of business thinking were perceived to have been undervalued in the Kenyan context. Business process orchestration competencies were perceived to be critical for driving BPM in organizations and for successfully managing ERP systems implementations. Secondly, the study established that BPA competency-building interventions such as inter-group collaboration, on-the-job/experiential learning and vendor certifications were among the highly impactful interventions. Thirdly, the study designed a novel BPM curriculum, a first for Kenya. The curriculum incorporated the 4I framework of organizational learning and activity systems in its design and implementation. The results of the evaluation of the BPM curriculum established that students found it useful for building critical BPA competencies such as business analysis, business requirements elicitation and business process improvement. Data collection for this study was limited to the BPA role within organizations and Business and Information Technology students undertaking a BPM course in HEI within the Kenyan context. Future research can extend data collection to other key staff members such as managers and human resource experts. Further, the BPM curriculum artefact was evaluated in the last 2 weeks of a 4-month semester within which the BPM curriculum was run. Therefore, a comprehensive evaluation could not be carried out due to time constraints. Future studies can extend findings from this study by using a design science approach of artefact evaluation to implement a comprehensive and detailed evaluation of the BPM curriculum. This can provide additional insights into the ways in which the BPM curriculum can be improved. There is also an opportunity to use action research as a methodology to validate the educational interventions established in this study. Action research would drive in-depth engagement with both BPAs in industry and students undertaking BPM curriculum in HEI with the aim of effecting contributions to both theory and practice

    Auditoría y Propuesta para la Mejora del proceso de Gestión de Cambios de una Organización Financiera Costarricense

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    Informe del Trabajo Final de Graduación (Licenciatura de Administración de Tecnología de Información) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Área Académica de Administración de Tecnologías de Información, 2019.Los procesos implicados en el presente proyecto son aquellos que son nombrados en el marco ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) como Gestión de Cambios de Tecnología de Información y Gestión de Liberación y Despliegue. El primero, se encarga de coordinar las agregaciones, modificaciones y eliminaciones en arquitecturas, procesos, herramientas, métricas, documentación, en servicios de tecnología de información y en elementos de configuración. Por otro lado, el proceso de Liberación y Despliegue se enfoca en ejecutar los cambios que fueron aprobados por las autoridades definidas dentro de la organización. El proyecto consistió en realizar una auditoría de los procesos de Gestión de Cambios y de Liberación y Despliegue en una organización financiera costarricense. Para la examinación de la gestión de estos, se utilizó como referencia el marco COBIT 4.0 y 5.0. Asimismo, se utilizaron los lineamientos formales tanto internos como externos. Los internos son definidos directamente por la organización. Por otro lado, se presentan los lineamientos externos, los cuales son establecidos por la Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras (SUGEF). Esta organización es la encargada de supervisar las entidades financieras en Costa Rica. Por lo tanto, para la auditoría de estos procesos, se utilizó el reglamento sobre la Gestión de la Tecnología de Información (SUGEF 14-09). Con base a las inconsistencias que se identificaron en la auditoría, se diseñó una mejora para el proceso de Gestión de Cambios de la organización. Para efectuar esta actividad, se diagramó un modelo ideal donde se utilizó notación BPMN 2.0. Con la conclusión del proyecto, se espera que se implementen las recomendaciones que fueron detectadas durante la auditoría de ambos procesos. Asimismo, que se efectúe la propuesta de mejora. Por último, esto ayudará a tener un proceso alineado con COBIT como es solicitado por SUGEF.The processes involved in this project are the ones named on the framework ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) such as Information Technology Change Management and Release and Deployment Management. The first one is responsible of coordinating the aggregations, modifications and eliminations on architectures, processes, tools, metrics, documentation, information technology services and configuration elements. However, the second one focuses on executing the changes that were approved by the authorities defined within the organization. The project consisted on an audit of the processes of Change Management and Release and Deployment Management in a Costa Rican financial organization. For the examination of this processes, COBIT 4.0 and 5.0 were used as reference. Internal and external formal guidelines were used as well. The internal ones are defined directly by the organization. On the other hand, the external guidelines are presented, which are stablished by the Superintendencia General de Entidades Financieras (SUGEF). This organization supervises the financial entities in Costa Rica. Therefore, for the audit of this processes, the regulation Information Technology Management (SUGEF 14-09) was used. Based on the inconsistencies that were identified on the audit, an improvement was designed for the organization’s Change Management. To perform this activity, an ideal model was diagrammed with the used of the annotation BPMN 2.0. This diagram shows the improvement of this process. With the conclusion of the project, it is expected that the recommendations that were detected during the audit of both processes will be implemented. Additionally, that the proposal for improvement will be performed. Finally, this will help to have a process aligned with COBIT as it is required by SUGEF