4 research outputs found

    Modal Rules are Co-Implications

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    In [13], it was shown that modal logic for coalgebras dualises—concerning definability— equational logic for algebras. This paper establishes that, similarly, modal rules dualise implications:It is shown that a class of coalgebras is definable by modal rules iff it is closed under H (images) and Σ (disjoint unions). As a corollary the expressive power of rules of infinitary modal logic on Kripke frames is characterised

    Modal Rules are Co-Implications

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    In [13], it was shown that modal logic for coalgebras dualises—concerning definability— equational logic for algebras. This paper establishes that, similarly, modal rules dualise implications:It is shown that a class of coalgebras is definable by modal rules iff it is closed under H (images) and Σ (disjoint unions). As a corollary the expressive power of rules of infinitary modal logic on Kripke frames is characterised

    PSPACE Bounds for Rank-1 Modal Logics

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    For lack of general algorithmic methods that apply to wide classes of logics, establishing a complexity bound for a given modal logic is often a laborious task. The present work is a step towards a general theory of the complexity of modal logics. Our main result is that all rank-1 logics enjoy a shallow model property and thus are, under mild assumptions on the format of their axiomatisation, in PSPACE. This leads to a unified derivation of tight PSPACE-bounds for a number of logics including K, KD, coalition logic, graded modal logic, majority logic, and probabilistic modal logic. Our generic algorithm moreover finds tableau proofs that witness pleasant proof-theoretic properties including a weak subformula property. This generality is made possible by a coalgebraic semantics, which conveniently abstracts from the details of a given model class and thus allows covering a broad range of logics in a uniform way

    A modal proof theory for final polynomial coalgebras

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    AbstractAn infinitary proof theory is developed for modal logics whose models are coalgebras of polynomial functors on the category of sets. The canonical model method from modal logic is adapted to construct a final coalgebra for any polynomial functor. The states of this final coalgebra are certain “maximal” sets of formulas that have natural syntactic closure properties.The syntax of these logics extends that of previously developed modal languages for polynomial coalgebras by adding formulas that express the “termination” of certain functions induced by transition paths. A completeness theorem is proven for the logic of functors which have the Lindenbaum property that every consistent set of formulas has a maximal extension. This property is shown to hold if the deducibility relation is generated by countably many inference rules.A counter-example to completeness is also given. This is a polynomial functor that is not Lindenbaum: it has an uncountable set of formulas that is deductively consistent but has no maximal extension and is unsatisfiable, even though all of its countable subsets are satisfiable