3,838 research outputs found

    Towards a connector algebra

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    Abstract. Interoperability of heterogeneous networked systems has yet to reach the maturity required by ubiquitous computing due to the technology-dependent nature of solutions. The Connect Integrated Project attempts to develop a novel network infrastructure to allow heterogeneous networked systems to freely communicate with one another by synthesising the required connectors on-the-fly. A key objective of Connect is to build a comprehensive theory of composable connectors, by devising an algebra for rigorously characterising complex interaction protocols in order to support automated reasoning. With this aim in mind, we formalise a high-level algebra for reasoning about protocol mismatches. Basic mismatches can be solved by suitably defined primitives, while complex mismatches can be settled by composition operators that build connectors out of simpler ones. The semantics of the algebra is given in terms of Interface Automata, and an example in the domain of instant messaging is used to illustrate how the algebra can characterise the interaction behaviour of a connector for mediating protocols

    Domain and range for angelic and demonic compositions

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    We give finite axiomatizations for the varieties generated by representable domain--range algebras when the semigroup operation is interpreted as angelic or demonic composition, respectively

    Components Interoperability through Mediating Connector Patterns

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    A key objective for ubiquitous environments is to enable system interoperability between system's components that are highly heterogeneous. In particular, the challenge is to embed in the system architecture the necessary support to cope with behavioral diversity in order to allow components to coordinate and communicate. The continuously evolving environment further asks for an automated and on-the-fly approach. In this paper we present the design building blocks for the dynamic and on-the-fly interoperability between heterogeneous components. Specifically, we describe an Architectural Pattern called Mediating Connector, that is the key enabler for communication. In addition, we present a set of Basic Mediator Patterns, that describe the basic mismatches which can occur when components try to interact, and their corresponding solutions.Comment: In Proceedings WCSI 2010, arXiv:1010.233

    Extended Connectors: Structuring Glue Operators in BIP

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    Based on a variation of the BIP operational semantics using the offer predicate introduced in our previous work, we extend the algebras used to model glue operators in BIP to encompass priorities. This extension uses the Algebra of Causal Interaction Trees, T(P), as a pivot: existing transformations automatically provide the extensions for the Algebra of Connectors. We then extend the axiomatisation of T(P), since the equivalence induced by the new operational semantics is weaker than that induced by the interaction semantics. This extension leads to canonical normal forms for all structures and to a simplification of the algorithm for the synthesis of connectors from Boolean coordination constraints.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2013, arXiv:1310.401

    Tangle and Brauer Diagram Algebras of Type Dn

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    A generalization of the Kauffman tangle algebra is given for Coxeter type Dn. The tangles involve a pole or order 2. The algebra is shown to be isomorphic to the Birman-Murakami-Wenzl algebra of the same type. This result extends the isomorphism between the two algebras in the classical case, which in our set-up, occurs when the Coxeter type is of type A with index n-1. The proof involves a diagrammatic version of the Brauer algebra of type Dn in which the Temperley-Lieb algebra of type Dn is a subalgebra.Comment: 33 page

    Contractors for flows

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    We answer a question raised by Lov\'asz and B. Szegedy [Contractors and connectors in graph algebras, J. Graph Theory 60:1 (2009)] asking for a contractor for the graph parameter counting the number of B-flows of a graph, where B is a subset of a finite Abelian group closed under inverses. We prove our main result using the duality between flows and tensions and finite Fourier analysis. We exhibit several examples of contractors for B-flows, which are of interest in relation to the family of B-flow conjectures formulated by Tutte, Fulkerson, Jaeger, and others.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    Connectors meet Choreographies

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    We present Cho-Reo-graphies (CR), a new language model that unites two powerful programming paradigms for concurrent software based on communicating processes: Choreographic Programming and Exogenous Coordination. In CR, programmers specify the desired communications among processes using a choreography, and define how communications should be concretely animated by connectors given as constraint automata (e.g., synchronous barriers and asynchronous multi-casts). CR is the first choreography calculus where different communication semantics (determined by connectors) can be freely mixed; since connectors are user-defined, CR also supports many communication semantics that were previously unavailable for choreographies. We develop a static analysis that guarantees that a choreography in CR and its user-defined connectors are compatible, define a compiler from choreographies to a process calculus based on connectors, and prove that compatibility guarantees deadlock-freedom of the compiled process implementations