13 research outputs found

    Probabilistic facial feature extraction using joint distribution of location and texture information

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    In this work, we propose a method which can extract critical points on a face using both location and texture information. This new approach can automatically learn feature information from training data. It finds the best facial feature locations by maximizing the joint distribution of location and texture parameters. We first introduce an independence assumption. Then, we improve upon this model by assuming dependence of location parameters but independence of texture parameters.We model combined location parameters with a multivariate Gaussian for computational reasons. The texture parameters are modeled with a Gaussian mixture model. It is shown that the new method outperforms active appearance models for the same experimental setup

    Konum ve doku bilgisinin ortak dağılımını kullanarak yüz özniteliklerinin istatistiksel çıkarımı (Statistical facial feature extraction using joint distribution of location and texture information)

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    A facial feature extraction method is proposed in this work, which uses location and texture information given a face image. Location and texture information can automatically be learnt by the system, from a training data. Best facial feature locations are found by maximizing the joint distribution of location and texture information of facial features. Performance of the method was found promising after it is tested using 100 test images. Also it is observed that this new method performs better than active appearance models for the same test data

    A system for learning statistical motion patterns

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    Analysis of motion patterns is an effective approach for anomaly detection and behavior prediction. Current approaches for the analysis of motion patterns depend on known scenes, where objects move in predefined ways. It is highly desirable to automatically construct object motion patterns which reflect the knowledge of the scene. In this paper, we present a system for automatically learning motion patterns for anomaly detection and behavior prediction based on a proposed algorithm for robustly tracking multiple objects. In the tracking algorithm, foreground pixels are clustered using a fast accurate fuzzy k-means algorithm. Growing and prediction of the cluster centroids of foreground pixels ensure that each cluster centroid is associated with a moving object in the scene. In the algorithm for learning motion patterns, trajectories are clustered hierarchically using spatial and temporal information and then each motion pattern is represented with a chain of Gaussian distributions. Based on the learned statistical motion patterns, statistical methods are used to detect anomalies and predict behaviors. Our system is tested using image sequences acquired, respectively, from a crowded real traffic scene and a model traffic scene. Experimental results show the robustness of the tracking algorithm, the efficiency of the algorithm for learning motion patterns, and the encouraging performance of algorithms for anomaly detection and behavior prediction

    A system for learning statistical motion patterns

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    Analysis of motion patterns is an effective approach for anomaly detection and behavior prediction. Current approaches for the analysis of motion patterns depend on known scenes, where objects move in predefined ways. It is highly desirable to automatically construct object motion patterns which reflect the knowledge of the scene. In this paper, we present a system for automatically learning motion patterns for anomaly detection and behavior prediction based on a proposed algorithm for robustly tracking multiple objects. In the tracking algorithm, foreground pixels are clustered using a fast accurate fuzzy k-means algorithm. Growing and prediction of the cluster centroids of foreground pixels ensure that each cluster centroid is associated with a moving object in the scene. In the algorithm for learning motion patterns, trajectories are clustered hierarchically using spatial and temporal information and then each motion pattern is represented with a chain of Gaussian distributions. Based on the learned statistical motion patterns, statistical methods are used to detect anomalies and predict behaviors. Our system is tested using image sequences acquired, respectively, from a crowded real traffic scene and a model traffic scene. Experimental results show the robustness of the tracking algorithm, the efficiency of the algorithm for learning motion patterns, and the encouraging performance of algorithms for anomaly detection and behavior prediction

    Statistical Lip-Appearance Models Trained Automatically Using Audio Information

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    We aim at modeling the appearance of the lower face region to assist visual feature extraction for audio-visual speech processing applications. In this paper, we present a neural network based statistical appearance model of the lips which classifies pixels as belonging to the lips, skin, or inner mouth classes. This model requires labeled examples to be trained, and we propose to label images automatically by employing a lip-shape model and a red-hue energy function. To improve the performance of lip-tracking, we propose to use blue marked-up image sequences of the same subject uttering the identical sentences as natural nonmarked-up ones. The easily extracted lip shapes from blue images are then mapped to the natural ones using acoustic information. The lip-shape estimates obtained simplify lip-tracking on the natural images, as they reduce the parameter space dimensionality in the red-hue energy minimization, thus yielding better contour shape and location estimates. We applied the proposed method to a small audio-visual database of three subjects, achieving errors in pixel classification around 6%, compared to 3% for hand-placed contours and 20% for filtered red-hue

    Audio-Visual Speech Recognition using Red Exclusion an Neural Networks

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    Visualizing the Motion Flow of Crowds

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    In modern cities, massive population causes problems, like congestion, accident, violence and crime everywhere. Video surveillance system such as closed-circuit television cameras is widely used by security guards to monitor human behaviors and activities to manage, direct, or protect people. With the quantity and prolonged duration of the recorded videos, it requires a huge amount of human resources to examine these video recordings and keep track of activities and events. In recent years, new techniques in computer vision field reduce the barrier of entry, allowing developers to experiment more with intelligent surveillance video system. Different from previous research, this dissertation does not address any algorithm design concerns related to object detection or object tracking. This study will put efforts on the technological side and executing methodologies in data visualization to find the model of detecting anomalies. It would like to provide an understanding of how to detect the behavior of the pedestrians in the video and find out anomalies or abnormal cases by using techniques of data visualization

    Investigating spoken emotion : the interplay of language and facial expression

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    This thesis aims to investigate how spoken expressions of emotions are influenced by the characteristics of spoken language and the facial emotion expression. The first three chapters examined how production and perception of emotions differed between Cantonese (tone language) and English (non-tone language). The rationale for this contrast was that the acoustic property of Fundamental Frequency (F0) may be used differently in the production and perception of spoken expressions in tone languages as F0 may be preserved as a linguistic resource for the production of lexical tones. To test this idea, I first developed the Cantonese Audio-visual Emotional Speech (CAVES) database, which was then used as stimuli in all the studies presented in this thesis (Chapter 1). An emotion perception study was then conducted to examine how three groups of participants (Australian English, Malaysian Malay and Hong Kong Cantonese speakers) identified spoken expression of emotions that were produced in either English or Cantonese (Chapter 2). As one of the aims of this study was to disambiguate the effects of language from culture, these participants were selected on the basis that they either shared similarities in language type (non-tone language, Malay and English) or culture (collectivist culture, Cantonese and Malay). The results showed that a greater similarity in emotion perception was observed between those who spoke a similar type of language, as opposed to those who shared a similar culture. This suggests some intergroup differences in emotion perception may be attributable to cross-language differences. Following up on these findings, an acoustic analysis study (Chapter 3) showed that compared to English spoken expression of emotions, Cantonese expressions had less F0 related cues (median and flatter F0 contour) and also the use of F0 cues was different. Taken together, these results show that language characteristics (n F0 usage) interact with the production and perception of spoken expression of emotions. The expression of disgust was used to investigate how facial expressions of emotions affect speech articulation. The rationale for selecting disgust was that the facial expression of disgust involves changes to the mouth region such as closure and retraction of the lips, and these changes are likely to have an impact on speech articulation. To test this idea, an automatic lip segmentation and measurement algorithm was developed to quantify the configuration of the lips from images (Chapter 5). By comparing neutral to disgust expressive speech, the results showed that disgust expressive speech is produced with significantly smaller vertical mouth opening, greater horizontal mouth opening and lower first and second formant frequencies (F1 and F2). Overall, this thesis provides an insight into how aspects of expressive speech may be shaped by specific (language type) and universal (face emotion expression) factors

    Statistical facial feature extraction and lip segmentation

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    Facial features such as lip corners, eye corners and nose tip are critical points in a human face. Robust extraction of such facial feature locations is an important problem which is used in a wide range of applications including audio-visual speech recognition, human-computer interaction, emotion recognition, fatigue detection and gesture recognition. In this thesis, we develop a probabilistic method for facial feature extraction. This technique is able to automatically learn location and texture information of facial features from a training set. Facial feature locations are extracted from face regions using joint distributions of locations and textures represented with mixtures of Gaussians. This formulation results in a maximum likelihood (ML) optimization problem which can be solved using either a gradient ascent or Newton type algorithm. Extracted lip corner locations are then used to initialize a lip segmentation algorithm to extract the lip contours. We develop a level-set based method that utilizes adaptive color distributions and shape priors for lip segmentation. More precisely, an implicit curve representation which learns the color information of lip and non-lip points from a training set is employed. The model can adapt itself to the image of interest using a coarse elliptical region. Extracted lip contour provides detailed information about the lip shape. Both methods are tested using different databases for facial feature extraction and lip segmentation. It is shown that the proposed methods achieve better results compared to conventional methods. Our facial feature extraction method outperforms the active appearance models in terms of pixel errors, while our lip segmentation method outperforms region based level-set curve evolutions in terms of precision and recall results