834 research outputs found

    Inertial learning and haptics for legged robot state estimation in visually challenging environments

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    Legged robots have enormous potential to automate dangerous or dirty jobs because they are capable of traversing a wide range of difficult terrains such as up stairs or through mud. However, a significant challenge preventing widespread deployment of legged robots is a lack of robust state estimation, particularly in visually challenging conditions such as darkness or smoke. In this thesis, I address these challenges by exploiting proprioceptive sensing from inertial, kinematic and haptic sensors to provide more accurate state estimation when visual sensors fail. Four different methods are presented, including the use of haptic localisation, terrain semantic localisation, learned inertial odometry, and deep learning to infer the evolution of IMU biases. The first approach exploits haptics as a source of proprioceptive localisation by comparing geometric information to a prior map. The second method expands on this concept by fusing both semantic and geometric information, allowing for accurate localisation on diverse terrain. Next, I combine new techniques in inertial learning with classical IMU integration and legged robot kinematics to provide more robust state estimation. This is further developed to use only IMU data, for an application entirely different from robotics: 3D reconstruction of bone with a handheld ultrasound scanner. Finally, I present the novel idea of using deep learning to infer the evolution of IMU biases, improving state estimation in exteroceptive systems where vision fails. Legged robots have the potential to benefit society by automating dangerous, dull, or dirty jobs and by assisting first responders in emergency situations. However, there remain many unsolved challenges to the real-world deployment of legged robots, including accurate state estimation in vision-denied environments. The work presented in this thesis takes a step towards solving these challenges and enabling the deployment of legged robots in a variety of applications

    Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Hybrid Wheeled-Leg Exploration Rover in the Context of Multi-Robot Systems

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    With this dissertation, the electromechanic design, implementation, locomotion control, and experimental evaluation of a novel type of hybrid wheeled-leg exploration rover are presented. The actively articulated suspension system of the rover is the basis for advanced locomotive capabilities of a mobile exploration robot. The developed locomotion control system abstracts the complex kinematics of the suspension system and provides platform control inputs usable by autonomous behaviors or human remote control. Design and control of the suspension system as well as experimentation with the resulting rover are in the focus of this thesis. The rover is part of a heterogeneous modular multi-robot exploration system with an aspired sample return mission to the lunar south pole or currently hard-to-access regions on Mars. The multi-robot system pursues a modular and reconfigurable design methodology. It combines heterogeneous robots with different locomotion capabilities for enhanced overall performance. Consequently, the design of the multi-robot system is presented as the frame of the rover developments. The requirements for the rover design originating from the deployment in a modular multi-robot system are accentuated and summarized in this thesis

    Improving perception and locomotion capabilities of mobile robots in urban search and rescue missions

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    Nasazení mobilních robotů během zásahů záchranných složek je způsob, jak učinit práci záchranářů bezpečnější a efektivnější. Na roboty jsou ale při takovém použití kladeny vyšší nároky kvůli podmínkám, které při těchto událostech panují. Roboty se musejí pohybovat po nestabilních površích, ve stísněných prostorech nebo v kouři a prachu, což ztěžuje použití některých senzorů. Lokalizace, v robotice běžná úloha spočívající v určení polohy robotu vůči danému souřadnému systému, musí spolehlivě fungovat i za těchto ztížených podmínek. V této dizertační práci popisujeme vývoj lokalizačního systému pásového mobilního robotu, který je určen pro nasazení v případě zemětřesení nebo průmyslové havárie. Nejprve je předveden lokalizační systém, který vychází pouze z měření proprioceptivních senzorů a který vyvstal jako nejlepší varianta při porovnání několika možných uspořádání takového systému. Lokalizace je poté zpřesněna přidáním měření exteroceptivních senzorů, které zpomalují kumulaci nejistoty určení polohy robotu. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována možným výpadkům jednotlivých senzorických modalit, prokluzům pásů, které u tohoto typu robotů nevyhnutelně nastávají, výpočetním nárokům lokalizačního systému a rozdílným vzorkovacím frekvencím jednotlivých senzorů. Dále se věnujeme problému kinematických modelů pro přejíždění vertikálních překážek, což je další zdroj nepřesnosti při lokalizaci pásového robotu. Díky účasti na výzkumných projektech, jejichž členy byly hasičské sbory Itálie, Německa a Nizozemska, jsme měli přístup na cvičiště určená pro přípravu na zásahy během zemětřesení, průmyslových a dopravních nehod. Přesnost našeho lokalizačního systému jsme tedy testovali v podmínkách, které věrně napodobují ty skutečné. Soubory senzorických měření a referenčních poloh, které jsme vytvořili pro testování přesnosti lokalizace, jsou veřejně dostupné a považujeme je za jeden z přínosů naší práce. Tato dizertační práce má podobu souboru tří časopiseckých publikací a jednoho článku, který je v době jejího podání v recenzním řízení.eployment of mobile robots in search and rescue missions is a way to make job of human rescuers safer and more efficient. Such missions, however, require robots to be resilient to harsh conditions of natural disasters or human-inflicted accidents. They have to operate on unstable rough terrain, in confined spaces or in sensory-deprived environments filled with smoke or dust. Localization, a common task in mobile robotics which involves determining position and orientation with respect to a given coordinate frame, faces these conditions as well. In this thesis, we describe development of a localization system for tracked mobile robot intended for search and rescue missions. We present a proprioceptive 6-degrees-of-freedom localization system, which arose from the experimental comparison of several possible sensor fusion architectures. The system was modified to incorporate exteroceptive velocity measurements, which significantly improve accuracy by reducing a localization drift. A special attention was given to potential sensor outages and failures, to track slippage that inevitably occurs with this type of robots, to computational demands of the system and to different sampling rates sensory data arrive with. Additionally, we addressed the problem of kinematic models for tracked odometry on rough terrains containing vertical obstacles. Thanks to research projects the robot was designed for, we had access to training facilities used by fire brigades of Italy, Germany and Netherlands. Accuracy and robustness of proposed localization systems was tested in conditions closely resembling those seen in earthquake aftermath and industrial accidents. Datasets used to test our algorithms are publicly available and they are one of the contributions of this thesis. We form this thesis as a compilation of three published papers and one paper in review process

    Recent Advances in Indoor Localization Systems and Technologies

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    Despite the enormous technical progress seen in the past few years, the maturity of indoor localization technologies has not yet reached the level of GNSS solutions. The 23 selected papers in this book present the recent advances and new developments in indoor localization systems and technologies, propose novel or improved methods with increased performance, provide insight into various aspects of quality control, and also introduce some unorthodox positioning methods

    Cognitive Buildings

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    Cognitive building is a pioneering topic envisioning the future of our built environment. The concept of "cognitive" provides a paradigm shift that steps from the static concept of the building as a container of human activities towards the modernist vision of "machine à habiter" of Le Corbusier, where the technological content adds the capability of learning from users' behavior and environmental variables to adapt itself to achieve major goals such as user comfort, energy-saving, flexible functionality, high durability, and good maintainability. The concept is based on digital frameworks and IoT networks towards the concept of a smart city

    Proceedings of the 2021 DigitalFUTURES

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    This open access book is a compilation of selected papers from 2021 DigitalFUTURES—The 3rd International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2021). The work focuses on novel techniques for computational design and robotic fabrication. The contents make valuable contributions to academic researchers, designers, and engineers in the industry. As well, readers encounter new ideas about understanding material intelligence in architecture