51 research outputs found

    Entangled cloud storage

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    Entangled cloud storage (Aspnes et al., ESORICS 2004) enables a set of clients to “entangle” their files into a single clew to be stored by a (potentially malicious) cloud provider. The entanglement makes it impossible to modify or delete significant part of the clew without affecting all files encoded in the clew. A clew keeps the files in it private but still lets each client recover his own data by interacting with the cloud provider; no cooperation from other clients is needed. At the same time, the cloud provider is discouraged from altering or overwriting any significant part of the clew as this will imply that none of the clients can recover their files. We put forward the first simulation-based security definition for entangled cloud storage, in the framework of universal composability (Canetti, 2001). We then construct a protocol satisfying our security definition, relying on an entangled encoding scheme based on privacy-preserving polynomial interpolation; entangled encodings were originally proposed by Aspnes et al. as useful tools for the purpose of data entanglement. As a contribution of independent interest we revisit the security notions for entangled encodings, putting forward stronger definitions than previous work (that for instance did not consider collusion between clients and the cloud provider). Protocols for entangled cloud storage find application in the cloud setting, where clients store their files on a remote server and need to be ensured that the cloud provider will not modify or delete their data illegitimately. Current solutions, e.g., based on Provable Data Possession and Proof of Retrievability, require the server to be challenged regularly to provide evidence that the clients’ files are stored at a given time. Entangled cloud storage provides an alternative approach where any single client operates implicitly on behalf of all others, i.e., as long as one client's files are intact, the entire remote database continues to be safe and unblemishe

    From Information Theory Puzzles in Deletion Channels to Deniability in Quantum Cryptography

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    Research questions, originally rooted in quantum key exchange (QKE), have branched off into independent lines of inquiry ranging from information theory to fundamental physics. In a similar vein, the first part of this thesis is dedicated to information theory problems in deletion channels that arose in the context of QKE. From the output produced by a memoryless deletion channel with a uniformly random input of known length n, one obtains a posterior distribution on the channel input. The difference between the Shannon entropy of this distribution and that of the uniform prior measures the amount of information about the channel input which is conveyed by the output of length m. We first conjecture on the basis of experimental data that the entropy of the posterior is minimized by the constant strings 000..., 111... and maximized by the alternating strings 0101..., 1010.... Among other things, we derive analytic expressions for minimal entropy and propose alternative approaches for tackling the entropy extremization problem. We address a series of closely related combinatorial problems involving binary (sub/super)-sequences and prove the original minimal entropy conjecture for the special cases of single and double deletions using clustering techniques and a run-length encoding of strings. The entropy analysis culminates in a fundamental characterization of the extremal entropic cases in terms of the distribution of embeddings. We confirm the minimization conjecture in the asymptotic limit using results from hidden word statistics by showing how the analytic-combinatorial methods of Flajolet, Szpankowski and Vallée, relying on generating functions, can be applied to resolve the case of fixed output length and n → ∞. In the second part, we revisit the notion of deniability in QKE, a topic that remains largely unexplored. In a work by Donald Beaver it is argued that QKE protocols are not necessarily deniable due to an eavesdropping attack that limits key equivocation. We provide more insight into the nature of this attack and discuss how it extends to other prepare-and-measure QKE schemes such as QKE obtained from uncloneable encryption. We adopt the framework for quantum authenticated key exchange developed by Mosca et al. and extend it to introduce the notion of coercer-deniable QKE, formalized in terms of the indistinguishability of real and fake coercer views. We also elaborate on the differences between our model and the standard simulation-based definition of deniable key exchange in the classical setting. We establish a connection between the concept of covert communication and deniability by applying results from a work by Arrazola and Scarani on obtaining covert quantum communication and covert QKE to propose a simple construction for coercer-deniable QKE. We prove the deniability of this scheme via a reduction to the security of covert QKE. We relate deniability to fundamental concepts in quantum information theory and suggest a generic approach based on entanglement distillation for achieving information-theoretic deniability, followed by an analysis of other closely related results such as the relation between the impossibility of unconditionally secure quantum bit commitment and deniability. Finally, we present an efficient coercion-resistant and quantum-secure voting scheme, based on fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) and recent advances in various FHE primitives such as hashing, zero-knowledge proofs of correct decryption, verifiable shuffles and threshold FHE

    Where Quantum Complexity Helps Classical Complexity

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    Scientists have demonstrated that quantum computing has presented novel approaches to address computational challenges, each varying in complexity. Adapting problem-solving strategies is crucial to harness the full potential of quantum computing. Nonetheless, there are defined boundaries to the capabilities of quantum computing. This paper concentrates on aggregating prior research efforts dedicated to solving intricate classical computational problems through quantum computing. The objective is to systematically compile an exhaustive inventory of these solutions and categorize a collection of demanding problems that await further exploration

    Quantum algorithms for quantum many-body systems and small quantum computers

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    The Quantum Monadology

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    The modern theory of functional programming languages uses monads for encoding computational side-effects and side-contexts, beyond bare-bone program logic. Even though quantum computing is intrinsically side-effectful (as in quantum measurement) and context-dependent (as on mixed ancillary states), little of this monadic paradigm has previously been brought to bear on quantum programming languages. Here we systematically analyze the (co)monads on categories of parameterized module spectra which are induced by Grothendieck's "motivic yoga of operations" -- for the present purpose specialized to HC-modules and further to set-indexed complex vector spaces. Interpreting an indexed vector space as a collection of alternative possible quantum state spaces parameterized by quantum measurement results, as familiar from Proto-Quipper-semantics, we find that these (co)monads provide a comprehensive natural language for functional quantum programming with classical control and with "dynamic lifting" of quantum measurement results back into classical contexts. We close by indicating a domain-specific quantum programming language (QS) expressing these monadic quantum effects in transparent do-notation, embeddable into the recently constructed Linear Homotopy Type Theory (LHoTT) which interprets into parameterized module spectra. Once embedded into LHoTT, this should make for formally verifiable universal quantum programming with linear quantum types, classical control, dynamic lifting, and notably also with topological effects.Comment: 120 pages, various figure

    Quantum key recycling and unclonable encryption

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    Quantum key recycling and unclonable encryption

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