4 research outputs found

    Agile Architecture Based on ISA-88 for the Design of Execution Control Chart in Distributed Applications using IEC-61499

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    Nowadays, industrial automation systems must optimize control techniques and communication integration of their processes, to introduce concepts given by Industry 4.0. To achieve this, it is necessary to introduce new automation standards to achieve agile and intelligent manufacturing systems, this is the reason why the IEC-61499 standard is considered as the main option. In an industrial level, the ISA-88 standard offers a coherent set of rules and terminology for batch digital control and it defines models for this kind of industries. This is why it is necessary to contribute with low cost alternatives to the industry with which it can implement the Industry 4.0 concepts in various control systems. The present working paper proposes the development of Function Blocks (FBs) networks under IEC-61499 standard to integrate distributed control systems with the help of embedded hardware using the ISA-88 standard as a basis for the development of control algorithms and FB’s Execution Control Chart (ECC)

    A modern teaching environment for process automation

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    Emergence of the new technological trends such as Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture (OPC UA), Industrial Ethernet, cloud computing and the 5th wireless network (5G) enabled the implementation of Cyber-physical System (CPS) with flexible, configurable, scalable and interoperable business models. This provides new opportunities for the process automation systems. On the other hand, the constant urge of industries for cost and material efficient processes demands a new automation paradigm with the latest tools and technologies which should be taken into account while teaching future automation engineers. In this thesis, the modern teaching environment for process automation is designed, implemented and described. This work explains the connections, configurations and the test of three mini plants including the Multiple Heat Exchanger, the Three-tank system and the Mixing Tank. In addition, OPC UA communication between the server and its clients has been tested. The plants are a part of the state of the art of the architecture that provides the access of ABB 800xA to the cloud services via OPC UA over the 5G test wireless network. This new paradigm changes the old automation hierarchy and enables the cross layered communication in the old architecture. This modern teaching environment prepares the students for the future automation challenges with the latest tools and merges data analytics, cloud computing and wireless network studies with process automation. It also provides the unique chance of testing the future trends together in this unique process automation setup

    Suurten datamäärien hallinta prosessiteollisuudessa

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    The idea of Internet of Things (IoT) is to connect all the devices into one network and to enable interoperability between them. Interoperability benefits also the process industry when the control devices and software can interoperate with management software. One part of the industrial IoT is being able to efficiently analyze the data from the field devices so that for example predictive maintenance can be achieved. Information modelling is needed to enable communication between the different software and to make analyzing data easier. This thesis examines the state of the IoT and the benefits of information modelling. The aim is to find the information modelling standard most suitable for the process industry and to figure out how standard conforming information models are created. The literature part of this thesis studies the current state and the future of IoT. The focus is especially on the possibilities it brings for the oil and gas industry. A broad collection of information modelling standards is introduced. According to the comparison made, OPC UA was selected in this work as the most suitable standard for the needs of process industry. In the experimental part the information modelling process is introduced and three OPC UA modelling tools are examined. Instructions for information modelling with OPC UA were created. An OPC UA standard conforming information model of a distillation column was created to be used to configure a soft sensor. The model was validated using expert knowledge. The model was also successfully connected to a data source that was in this case a DCS emulator.Esineiden internetin ajatuksena on kytkeä kaikki laitteet samaan verkkoon ja mahdollistaa niiden välinen yhteensopivuus. Myös prosessiteollisuudessa on hyötyä yhteensopivuudesta, kun säätölaitteet ja ohjausjärjestelmät voivat kommunikoida hallintojärjestelmien kanssa. Teollisessa esineiden internetissä kenttälaitteiden tuottamaa data pystytään analysoimaan tehokkaasti siten, että esimerkiksi ennakoiva huolto on mahdollista. Tietomalleja tarvitaan laitteiden välisen kommunikaation mahdollistamiseksi ja tiedon analysoinnin helpottamiseksi. Tämä diplomityö käsittelee esineiden internetin tilaa sekä tietomallinnuksella saavutettavia hyötyjä. Tavoitteena on löytää prosessiteollisuuteen sopivin tietomallinnusstandardi sekä selvittää, miten valitun standardin mukaisia tietomalleja laaditaan. Kirjallisuusosassa selvitellään esineiden internetin nykytila sekä tulevaisuudennäkymät. Erityisest keskitytään esineiden internetin öljy- ja kaasuteollisuudelle tuomiin mahdollisuuksiin. Työssä esitellään laaja kokoelma tietomallinnusstandardeja. Tehdyn vertailun jälkeen OPC UA valittiin tässä työssä prosessiteollisuuden käyttötarkoitukisiin sopivimmaksi standardiksi. Soveltavassa osassa esitellään tietomallinnusprosessi sekä tutustutaan kolmeen erilaiseen OPC UA tietomallinnustyökaluun. Tietomallintamisesta OPC UA -standardin avulla laadittiin ohjeet. Työssä laadittiin OPC UA:n mukainen tietomalli tislauskolonnista virtuaalisen säätimen konfigurointikäyttöön. Laaditun mallin toimivuutta arvioitiin asiantuntijoiden avulla. Malli kiinnitettiin onnistuneesti tietolähteeseen, joka tässä tapauksessa oli DCS emulaattori