793 research outputs found

    Towards a Novel Cooperative Logistics Information System Framework

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    Supply Chains and Logistics have a growing importance in global economy. Supply Chain Information Systems over the world are heterogeneous and each one can both produce and receive massive amounts of structured and unstructured data in real-time, which are usually generated by information systems, connected objects or manually by humans. This heterogeneity is due to Logistics Information Systems components and processes that are developed by different modelling methods and running on many platforms; hence, decision making process is difficult in such multi-actor environment. In this paper we identify some current challenges and integration issues between separately designed Logistics Information Systems (LIS), and we propose a Distributed Cooperative Logistics Platform (DCLP) framework based on NoSQL, which facilitates real-time cooperation between stakeholders and improves decision making process in a multi-actor environment. We included also a case study of Hospital Supply Chain (HSC), and a brief discussion on perspectives and future scope of work

    Technology Selection for Big Data and Analytical Applications

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    The term Big Data has become pervasive in recent years, as smart phones, televisions, washing machines, refrigerators, smart meters, diverse sensors, eyeglasses, and even clothes connect to the Internet. However, their generated data is essentially worthless without appropriate data analytics that utilizes information retrieval, statistics, as well as various other techniques. As Big Data is commonly too big for a single person or institution to investigate, appropriate tools are being used that go way beyond a traditional data warehouse and that have been developed in recent years. Unfortunately, there is no single solution but a large variety of different tools, each of which with distinct functionalities, properties and characteristics. Especially small and medium-sized companies have a hard time to keep track, as this requires time, skills, money, and specific knowledge that, in combination, result in high entrance barriers for Big Data utilization. This paper aims to reduce these barriers by explaining and structuring different classes of technologies and the basic criteria for proper technology selection. It proposes a framework that guides especially small and mid-sized companies through a suitable selection process that can serve as a basis for further advances

    Optimization of Columnar NoSQL Data Warehouse Model with Clarans Clustering Algorithm

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    In order to perfectly meet the needs of business leaders, decision-makers have resorted to the integration of external sources (such as Linked Open Data) in the decision-making system in order to enrich their existing data warehouses with new concepts contributing to bring added value to their organizations, enhance its productivity and retain its customers. However, the traditional data warehouse environment is not suitable to support external Big Data. To deal with this new challenge, several researches are oriented towards the direct conversion of classical relational data warehouse to a columnar NoSQL data warehouse, whereas the existing advanced works based on clustering algorithms are very limited and have several shortcomings. In this context, our paper proposes a new solution that conceives an optimized columnar data warehouse based on CLARANS clustering algorithm that has proven its effectiveness in generating optimal column families. Experimental results improve the validity of our system by performing a detailed comparative study between the existing advanced approaches and our proposed optimized method

    Towards a big data reference architecture

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