144,472 research outputs found

    Networked knowledge: challenges for teacher education [Editorial]

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    Since 1990, the World Wide Web has caused an inversion in the information economy of education. Where a traditional view of education characterized teachers as dispensers of knowledge, the second half of the twentieth century witnessed a shift towards an alternative paradigm in which knowledge is viewed as constructed by the learner from personal and shared experience. In an information-rich environment, education is likely to be less about accumulating information and more about transforming it in ways that make it more useful. Although the evolution of a networked knowledge economy may eventually require responses in many aspects of education, at least three areas are already evident. These are questions of knowledge as property attaching to concepts such as copyright and plagiarism, development of processes and skills for effective collaboration, and the problem of assessment of student learning if it is accepted that knowledge may exist in the network rather than the individual

    Notes on the Margins of Metadata; Concerning the Undecidability of the Digital Image

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    This paper considers the significance of metadata in relation to the image economy of the web. Social practices such as keywording, tagging, rating and viewing increasingly influence the modes of navigation and hence the utility of images in online environments. To a user faced with an avalanche of images, metadata promises to make photographs machine-readable in order to mobilize new knowledge, in a continuation of the archival paradigm. At the same time, metadata enables new topologies of the image, new temporalities and multiplicities which present a challenge to historical models of representation. As photography becomes an encoded discourse, we suggest that the turning away from the visual towards the mathematical and the algorithmic establishes undecidability as a key property of the networked image

    Towards a meaningful manufacturing enterprise metamodel: a semantic driven framework

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    This paper presents a deep investigation and an interdisciplinary analysis of the collaborative networked enterprise engineering issues and modelling approaches related to the relevant aspects of the semantic web technology and knowledge strategies. The paper also suggests a novel framework based on ontology metamodelling, knowledge model discovery, and semantic web infrastructures, architectures, languages, and systems. The main aim of the research enclosed in this paper is to bridge the gaps between enterprise engineering, modelling, and especially networking by intensively applying semantic web technology based on ontology conceptual representations and knowledge discovery. The ontological modelling approaches together with knowledge strategies such as discovery (data mining) have become promising for future enterprise computing systems. The related reported research deals with the conceptual definition of a semantic-driven framework and a manufacturing enterprise metamodel (ME_M) using ontology, knowledge-driven object models, standards, and architectural approaches applied to collaborative networked enterprises. The conceptual semantic framework and related issues discussed in this paper may contribute towards new approaches of enterprise systems engineering and networking as well as applied standard and referenced ontological models

    A Study on the Impact of ICT on Collaborative Learning Processes in Libyan Higher Education

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    This paper presents the conclusions of a study on the impact of ICT on collaborative learning processes in Libyan Higher Education (LHE). The quantitative analysis of the answers to a questionnaire (completed by Libyan full-time lecturers at the universities of Tripoli, Garyounis, Gharian and Ezawia) shows the necessity to design and develop more classroom activities and interactive online applications, enabling the development of team-building skills required by employers. The influence of limited Internet bandwidths in Libya on collaborative learning processes in HE is then presented. It is obvious that HE institutions need to develop proactive strategies that envisage and anticipate learners‟ future learning needs and requirements in this transition period of moving towards an increasingly digitalized, networked and knowledge-based society. The paper also contains the analysis of a SWOT model considering the factors that must be considered in relation to collaborative learning within the university teaching process, such as intelligent multimedia, Internet technologies, and knowledge management. The employment of modern technology will enable the development of innovative and inspiring collaborative learning environments where lecturers are expert designers of intellectual experiences for students, who become active participants to the learning processes

    Using pattern languages to mediate theory–praxis conversations in design for networked learning

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    Educational design for networked learning is becoming more complex but also more inclusive, with teachers and learners playing more active roles in the design of tasks and of the learning environment. This paper connects emerging research on the use of design patterns and pattern languages with a conception of educational design as a conversation between theory and praxis. We illustrate the argument by drawing on recent empirical research and literature reviews from the field of networked learning

    Connected innovation: an international comparative study that identifies mixed modes of innovation

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    This paper offers a new angle on innovation modalities by adopting a recently emerging approach towards identifying innovation typologies via exploratory data analysis techniques with the aim to tease out some underlying latent variables that represent coherent innovation strategies for groups of firms. Mixed modes of innovation include aspects of both user and open innovation, and are employed to inform on such concepts. The modes of innovation are developed by exploring micro-level innovation survey data across 18 countries. The contributions of the paper lie in (a) the identification of five core innovation modes that are found in almost all countries; and (b) examining – via regression analysis – the role of different modes in firm performance

    Why tracing a locality's networked governance is worthwhile

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    The transition from government to governance brings about a shift in performance evaluation. The focus can no longer be on an individual entity, but must extend into considering how a collective of government and non-government institutions achieves the outcomes sought. How can this evaluation task proceed? While applying the formal methods of social network analysis (SNA) to measuring, analysing and managing networked governance may seem obvious to some, such a solution seems to have been avoided over many decades. SNA tools that non-experts can use have been released in recent past, providing opportunities in learning-by-doing among practitioners and scholars with responsibilities or interests in public sector management. The overarching aim in this paper is to promote adoption of an open-source software tool - NodeXL - as one pathway toward understanding and improving networked governance situations, and toward communicating results to others. It begins by establishing three areas of information needs held by Australia's local governments, where undertaking a pilot study could be useful. They are, local government's real positioning with other decision-makers in the networked governance that is Australian federalism; world better practice in risk governance, given the significant exposure of Australian councils to natural disaster events; and measuring change over time in governance capital, as a component in the capitals approach to measuring sustainable development. Establishing functional and spatial boundaries was a key step in design, with the choice being environment protection and natural resources management in the 350km2 catchment area of the Wonboyn Lake estuary on the far south coast of New South Wales. A Web search of documents containing the terms 'Wonboyn Lake' or 'Wonboyn River' then followed. One hundred and twenty nine documents were retrieved. Analysing their contents led to identifying over two hundred institutional actors either transmitting or receiving knowledge relevant to the locality. Some 420 communications taking place between 1967 and 2011 were identified, and tagged according to year of transmission. The decision-making level within which each institutional actor operated; and whether industry, regulator, external researcher or stakeholder were other characteristics recorded. A 421 x 2 matrix of Wonboyn data was then pasted into the NodeXL template operating on MS Excel 2007/2010. Resource materials downloaded from the Web supported the learning-by-doing element of the pilot study. Four visualisations on networked environmental governance are provided. The first shows unmodified data as a graph in random layout. Its purpose is to provide a benchmark against which some of the SNA procedures available for analysing data can be compared. Then follow three graph layouts, each designed to meet the areas of information need established at the study's beginning. Results suggest, in the author's opinion, any time invested in learning-by-doing with NodeXL will reward those wishing to understand, manage and communicate the complexity that is networked governance. Suggestions on how the Australian Centre for Excellence in Local Government, and practitioners in local councils, could be early adopters of this innovation by using data already available to them are offered, so that they may undertake similar pilot studies