12 research outputs found

    Hamster (Cricetinae) Motion Assisted by Video Tracker Application on Motion Materials in Junior High School

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    This study aims to explain the phenomenon of motion in hamsters moving in a rolling wheel. Motion is one of the materials taught at the 7th-grade junior high school. The study can be used in learning with the practicum method, namely animal motion. Hamster (Cricetinae) motion is analyzed using a video tracker analysis application with a javascript program. This study used a direct experiment using a hamster using four reference points, namely the forelegs, head, middle body, and hind legs. The results of data analysis from the tracker application were processed using the Microsoft Excel program to obtain a graph of changes in the position and velocity of the hamster. Hamster motion on the rolling wheel is a type of translational motion, namely uniform linear motion.  Changes in the hamster's position indicate motion on a horizontal line. The velocity obtained in the tracker application is more accurate than manual calculations

    Aggregated Multi-GANs for Controlled 3D Human Motion Prediction

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    Human motion prediction from historical pose sequence is at the core of many applications in machine intelligence. However, in current state-of-the-art methods, the predicted future motion is confined within the same activity. One can neither generate predictions that differ from the current activity, nor manipulate the body parts to explore various future possibilities. Undoubtedly, this greatly limits the usefulness and applicability of motion prediction. In this paper, we propose a generalization of the human motion prediction task in which control parameters can be readily incorporated to adjust the forecasted motion. Our method is compelling in that it enables manipulable motion prediction across activity types and allows customization of the human movement in a variety of fine-grained ways. To this aim, a simple yet effective composite GAN structure, consisting of local GANs for different body parts and aggregated via a global GAN is presented. The local GANs game in lower dimensions, while the global GAN adjusts in high dimensional space to avoid mode collapse. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art. The codes are available at https://github.com/herolvkd/AM-GAN

    Flow-based Autoregressive Structured Prediction of Human Motion

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    A new method is proposed for human motion predition by learning temporal and spatial dependencies in an end-to-end deep neural network. The joint connectivity is explicitly modeled using a novel autoregressive structured prediction representation based on flow-based generative models. We learn a latent space of complex body poses in consecutive frames which is conditioned on the high-dimensional structure input sequence. To construct each latent variable, the general and local smoothness of the joint positions are considered in a generative process using conditional normalizing flows. As a result, all frame-level and joint-level continuities in the sequence are preserved in the model. This enables us to parameterize the inter-frame and intra-frame relationships and joint connectivity for robust long-term predictions as well as short-term prediction. Our experiments on two challenging benchmark datasets of Human3.6M and AMASS demonstrate that our proposed method is able to effectively model the sequence information for motion prediction and outperform other techniques in 42 of the 48 total experiment scenarios to set a new state-of-the-art

    Action2Motion: Conditioned Generation of 3D Human Motions

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    Action recognition is a relatively established task, where givenan input sequence of human motion, the goal is to predict its ac-tion category. This paper, on the other hand, considers a relativelynew problem, which could be thought of as an inverse of actionrecognition: given a prescribed action type, we aim to generateplausible human motion sequences in 3D. Importantly, the set ofgenerated motions are expected to maintain itsdiversityto be ableto explore the entire action-conditioned motion space; meanwhile,each sampled sequence faithfully resembles anaturalhuman bodyarticulation dynamics. Motivated by these objectives, we followthe physics law of human kinematics by adopting the Lie Algebratheory to represent thenaturalhuman motions; we also propose atemporal Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) that encourages adiversesampling of the motion space. A new 3D human motion dataset, HumanAct12, is also constructed. Empirical experiments overthree distinct human motion datasets (including ours) demonstratethe effectiveness of our approach.Comment: 13 pages, ACM MultiMedia 202