4 research outputs found

    Fractal Model of Competence for Project Management. An adjustment for National Competence Baseline (BCN) of IPMA

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    La dirección y gestión se han convertido en una de las actividades prioritarias para el éxito en la realización de proyectos. Uno de las dificultades a las que se enfrentan los directores de proyectos es el carácter multidisciplinar de su actividad, que requiere de un conjunto de competencias técnicas, contextuales y de comportamiento y la gestión del elevado volumen de información en un entorno complejo, que en la última década se ha visto duplicada por las nuevas exigencias en materia de sostenibilidad. En este trabajo se propone una metodología de inspiración fractal sostenible para la estructuración de la NBC desde el ámbito de la ingeniería de competencias, con el objetivo de mejorar la interconexión entre las mismas, agilizar interacciones, maximizar la flexibilidad de la red de trabajo compartida y aumentar el desempeño ambiental y social de los proyectos. El modelo plantea una estructura integral de la NBC a través de grupos autónomos orientados a nivel macroescalar en los tres tipos de competencia, que se irán descomponiendo de forma autosemejante según el nivel de detalle necesitado por el director de proyectos siempre bajo criterios de mínima complejidad.Project management is one of the main activities to achieve the successful implementation of projects and it is applied globally by organizations of different sectors. In 1965, the first conception of the European Model of National Competence Baseline was developed by Caupin, Knoepfel and Morris; since this time, advances in design and development of the knowledge structure have been relevant, until the current situation where IPMA is one of the main association in project management. But managers and project teams must handle a high volume of information in complex environments that affects to all stakeholders. It will the basis for project success if the manage process is carried out efficiently and through the correct combination of technical, contextual and behavioural competences. In this paper a methodology of fractal approach to structuring the NBC is proposed, with the aim of improving interconnections between the three groups of competences, speed up their interactions, improve the work network flexibility and reduce complexity. The model proposes a comprehensive orientation for NBC through autonomous groups that work on the macro-level in the three types of competence; these groups will be opened in a similar way in the level of detail needed by the project manager

    Towards Fractal Approach in Healthcare Information Systems: A Review

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    Recently, traditional information systems need adaption capabilities in order to overcome modifications and maintains of external environment. For that, researchers proposed many solutions from the Fractal method to improve the flexibility and quick adaptive of the system. Computer Information System, as widely used systems, needs modifications and adaptations to real changes. The most important action is to circulate and updating new data and information among the hosts in agent-based information systems. This paper presents the review of using features of fractal method to solve many problems in different fields. The  paper is also suggesting employing fractal features for improving the flexibility and adaption of Healthcare Information System (HIS)

    Towards Fractal Approach in Healthcare Information Systems: A Review

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    Towards Multifractal Approach in IS Development

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    Since today's enterprises must constantly adapt to rapidly changing external environment, it is necessary to be able to deal with variation and changing conditions in information systems (IS) development. This may be achieved by the use of multifractal IS development methodologies. Fractal approaches to some extent have already been tested in adaptive enterprise development, adaptive manufacturing systems development, and software development. This suggests that multifractal IS development, on the one hand, is appropriate, because the information system should properly reflect the business enterprise (in this case a fractal one) and, on the other hand, it is possible, because some elements of it have already been implemented. Development of multifractal IS aims at managing relative completeness by relative simplicity that has to be discovered in different subsystems that influence the development of the information system. This, in essence, implies the need of thorough analysis an understanding of business structures and processes to discover patterns useful for the identification of fractal features. Currently, only some guidelines for development of multifractal IS are derived from reported experiences of fractal systems development and the use of fractal approaches in other domains